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' ••,,, ,,, ; ' -k..--'IA' .,' -•-•--1 ,_„,."4 -,i•,' . -- "/‘ '',,,„-,-,,--1,1y,f,--- s' -,• ,,,,4"1. -,," -,-,4„,".•-•.„-,- 4frik •. 44. •, ,,,,---..," . , ; , -,' ,• '.?,•,' -- '"- • W.'Cae-tir ,t,+,,,' , 0, ' . -* * 't..11M.),..4'.:'•4t....:.' .,.4'''',A4'S' ,..... ' ' , ',.. 7, ; .. ,.$ Witsre$44, lift-v,"*.444*-04.41,y0K-TiTAWWWF ',4,4,,,,., -, --, ,* „,.-•;,„. ,-..,;-, -*'"c -,-,,,, ,4- `.i v ,. . .-..,000e,,, ,04,40 ,,,,-,‘,-,t, ,, , • , ,,„ ,. . , . - - •.• • -• -- . , ,, . , 0 i -,, „., ,..• . .4 ,.. ORM 1 UTAH ;Y4IGHT AND RAILWAY COMPANY *le . s , k EXECUTIVE OFFICE " !^ SALT LAKE CITY, LIT H, June 24, 1911. Mr. B. S. Rives, City Recorder, '' Salt •Lake City Dear Sir:- I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 20th, informing us of resolution adopted by the City Council at its meeting held Juno 19th, as follows:— "RESOLVED, that the Utah Lig' . and Railway and the Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Companies be instructed to remove their poles from Fifth South Street between West Temple and First West Streets, at once." Also resolution adopted at the same meeting as follows:— "WHEREAS, the poles of the Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Co. -and the Utah Light and Railway Co. still disfigure the center of 2nd West Street, Now Therefore, "BE 'IT RESOLVED, as has been resolved heretofore, that said companies be, and each of them is hereby directed to remove said poles from said street immediately." This is to inform you that so far as the company is concerned, action f was taken some time. ago and we have ro soles in the cuter of either of the y, streets mentioned in these resolutions. rz Yours respectfully, t x ns I ' � f eneral Manager. } RESOLUTION . WHEREAS, the Salt Lake & Ogden Rai lway Co. and the Utah Light &. Railway Co. have removed their poles from the center of the street on Third lest north of North Temple Street ; and WHEREAS, there is no further need of poles in the center of said s tre et; the r.efor e, _. oi RE IT RE SO L VE D, that the Stze et: ar he , and he is he reby di rected to have all of the poles now in the cen ter of Third West Street between North Temple Street and 5th North Stteet, removed as so on as possible.