159 of 1911 - A resolution that the franchise granted to Utah Independent Telephone Company be hereby, declared fo i ; x r ; rrf3 -- - - - - I{ ►�� l^•L 3T 1 1:11. nC:Ii3T 17, 1911. 5ii9 ! c id u, :..i...:i' '-' 'i it, .r -.in, it m... ' fit, purchase said ,ru,^rty II,:rrot r,h .Hlir .r.h.Cr,. J :A '.I 0 Co. G. to 2990 - - - c :ad fr✓chrs^ ^1. ,.:qnr^nt therofor of . fair ..nd r^uson..hl- ovm to -091 Con. fion 3.011. Co. d0.15 %01l _ :ire 3n >>• .;o. C.'f r - , , - ^-c'. ., car.., of anm t,nt ,._io.actian a coninrrm:.tion 2992 iarker r rt^r Co. 1"7.10 3C1 :.,il:^r -r Co. 1 1. 2993 :eCor.a 1 .oe e 1,ru'L^ .0 :U16 ,mbeai It.-• Jo, "31:.;, _: ._ov i.. J•cti:,: 1. . .: _0...chisn: "This Pr:_:".ctise ..r.d ..11 tiro ..,1 ic, ::oc' ca. ,1.JG .2r.-'�_..,;1.,r _r.tee y.^r^i:'., it-o,.t t:,.o eo::a^nt of 2994 St. arl - :36.o.i' 5.10 __17 .iy. .,1 r, 2995 Jensen hu7rn 2.47 .;Ol. .;oa . 1. .t,', ^ 1n .�r set-e, it:: s,ccnssors or _-asiCno, shall 2995 .^mbro,.. Ito. Co. 2.25 3019 nd.11 D01^- r 3).63. c. :ire •so ^rt, rr- ri�.i_ 'A ..rd city ..t _ reasom..blo valnction, ::997 Or:_nitc I.auobnr Co. 13.,;6 JJ ' .,-x=,lto i^:^ Cement ;o. �'II - - 2950 Kelly w =.55 ..0 1 tt.d U :ro,. :o. _. eter:i. by�.rc. ,..ti... if r�.nded 'oy theCity Council, not said City Covrcil shall have 2999 Salt}. ^ Co.Coracn .5C 3021 Scott I r c.• or P 1 o cd o n lr ^d o act LL cr suid an offer of s 1n or the ` 3000 ran^ c^ _t, ,..r ..1 0 nni.r never an' ota^riormto the consent • 3002 Parker n emberimo ^CC-went Co. 10.75 ,J3 302a r n 'ar � r or . C mi, has never yot consent S^ .. 1L ubl by- c..,1 0 ..1.1 -11 ho. mt o.. III 1 3003 pl. Fordr_vain Co. 91 6 027 ILL 1..]:- O rliu.^ ",I r i Co,:: >_ c Milt rt✓, to or for the transfer of said�Yr acniae - V ,l , .f - ' to :ell i ^rtir roierty and ,rive✓ res to 3COh Scott Idr. Co. 37 c aJ2F1 1'. iLn n is It C , 1 r nt .ny time con nted to .nol ,rensfor or.-ttn:o t d 3005 D. . 11 r. 13 :129 1: lira^ 3006 Dolly - Co. 3.75 3330 .11 .k Tribal-co CJ _1 it L [2.C11......111 h3r:by 1 r^C t1 hither acid. Rock/ hoot in Soil 3008 P. J. Oran ➢ 1 soh Darrell 1 1 2,10 r .. .hard c r 1^ a.. �ni 1 -r&nh Came ny, has -crulrod. any 1,c5 ^ c i o m r or oat. _tor the o oration or t nlo•.hc^^ :tom in 11.i3 3009 Robert Covcrdalo 50.00 S - Bdr:J• 60. 21 ,- r ✓ir -..i 11 _. t r,r,s r to it or either of them by a:,id 5010 '. L. Lovo 10.00 0031 l,C rr .1 U.it :r. . .. :^ :1 n C,-., o b ..n fr.,,,_: .rr e es or rt.d s..i1 lest 3012 c C,..mm 75 .,).(• .1 at,- ...,� 3011 Dnio^rles A. Burt 5,50 JO'b a'r „ro3 1> 1- 3._1 t ci ty7 rr- i1 coo.: ail 1y farther declares th s;id ttempted .. 2 race I!. irejc 5. •d'-.r 1 , c n om,noy to 3,,iCi Rocky_,o r thin Boll r melone l' t . relech,i, m 1 -.h Comprry, 31 "- n ^ i;] l,i,e r- hm, Coo ny U r ite v the conecnt or On motion of Counc,inu, dr-au, .3 Cos to ,� -.. _ -d .... . r, d -in it c i ..rt -v rt on o h. franchises pr :t.d to a_. 1 o,,, :n^10'ctiv^ nd nu{v.tory, _nd :'ill not be 'Ii ,1 ,rt r . -r R City ^corler of oats city is her^by directed to _a .e 1 o r Ion Coro..op thc 5ochy loohltnin 3-11 Belo:.,her, Company. _ r r1. 33I-pr3oh Con J rtifi d co-; of is renclu- y III �, Q����� 1; t 3ef erred to Bet Committee o: toe Whole to meet first fhureday in September. art„ awe Lme^r. "6LoJ,- '1 V�l,.�i.La , 1W' mr a _ 1: -h od. r ,rt T ]. rare Corr--n;; s .r r-c',ic. that 41 i� idk . : c� ,.1 „ ope ,v,13 ce 1,Perivir -r -te,l ch,.1 h, a-or-tranefnrabl^ by th orantee. . e t roi ,,-- City uristill alt buir, Ciby, t after LI, ,r t,., its r .1 o -o r '_1 it,F2 ,ntirr, r nrty rind -"r vil s to said .:1- c.lontion, to L 1 1'r,rn• by rti`r Lion, ad said City Council shall 1 - r r_o of16 ✓ .1s r v,od to ct r or. said offer of ac:.le, I ji, I, r . ..id b. .rI rl.itr,tior, ; .roil rotior, b d :a:hided and I `'. I'. 0 n a , d 1:0t a t t nail's, o n acid r rt and said no. i lily 11 li _1d r ,o rd it; i car r. ors romot.ra sho remain t all t1m.s an it to I .. - ..I . r.. ;,f nd cn.'.'::ny it 'h^ earns of actual :s,., ,.. 11. r, fidornet'iv;ts I' it ,! 3 ._._. ✓.. 6 r floc :obi,: the3trte of Utah, e.nd RR n.. :- h Co„n n ;a c t.end to b^ . oo^� titive coal„ny, i I ' d z a a s local cora.:ry ri -.as soli ut to non-radiclelots or a_ :1- n rt .lt .n1. City first- hd nd .,bt:.in- j• i r o -1. .0 1- r 1 -.it a r,l,in9 .1d {]J11 ! r - r ., s l.nt o pre rt :n,- I i r 'In 1-3 n r 1 ly 1 1 t oW the .tsorption of 1 ,t - 60 C t 1e 1 oa 1n Beil U 1. cr.o Corn any or the I , 1 t€l ^ , -,r . ii I:2„. li .:- I H. ft:a c..Isn rnr,Lolor I ,:run.nd by tin: City ■ � .. .. .... .. .. ...., L ;:n1 i.� Eby r_aired to ,nC,n rith- I I�f� 6L4 i^ r 'I .Ir of t 1Rn 1.1ty, 4r1 1 s '. a 1raG, ■I • ',her .. ., .. ] 6.,31 i 'I.. ta' „ 1' it yetom , 1 iI I1= 1." t. li 1 :x c1 ., ...cc c" I.e IYhole to moot first r'!:ur d y in deptsn:oer. �,' l 1 ;� ..: t ,�! :,,� -.�:� .^n '.� up :md '�ss^_d on rot ., 11. voto, r. cr^n r uu. �,� .. 01. i 1 rAi 4 .nrt 190.35 :I901 " Fluslang 914.61 1 i .....,..71 • • • 1' �„ „t ,,la..,, ..,,.. 3prt.,,_, ..nnl.ln Jtreet 1 nn6.74 ..- 1Bn . - -9(4 1n L.^nri n(' ➢^�t. 4566.10 ' -_ . "7 ., 011: onl^'n Ford. Co. .15.";5 :n;C ..r., 1. lrr, d 45.00 r307 Ctub Ind Te1. Co. 1.:;6 u 7 C ',n(0 "i0on,_u F:hy-Leane Luunber Co. 4)..60 999 „rl.,0 ,Lune r Co. 41.35 .._ _._ _ __ _- .