16 of 1912 - A resolution that superintendents of the various departments be hereafter known as “Commissioners” o . _ REMARKS: Resolution No.. 16 Cowell ssioner By SEESZEL Paris. hat SlAperintendentz of the.... viAriolas_Departments. e...hereafter known 80 UCQ70173106.1.onereeef_flue I D iBpartme rite ... READ AND ADOPTED, JAN 16 19 12 CITY R S U U 2 1 U .. . WH7RSAS, Confusion 'h- n erisen out of the similarity of ;hu title of the superintendents of the five departments of tho city administration and the title of the superintendents of the diffnrent branches of service within the several departments: 1107; THISEFORE, In order to avoid that confusion, Be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Leke City, Utah: r1 .3T: .nat the Superintendent of the Departent of Public Affairs and "inence be known and designated en the Commissioner of Public A"'`iws ar,:? ';incneo, 4.. +pet the title :.;C .i ::'i0r. - or Publi • A 'airs and :Finance" be, and is hereby adopted s the o".ici: l title or the Suporint:":lent of the Depart . t of P:1;1ic. Af im.i s and 1r6r-ce. SSdUiiD: That the Superintendent of the Depert•._e^t of 'Water •Supply and :Waterworks be known and de.,._ . r t ed as the Corrrcim,;_c..er of Water Supply and Waterworks, and that the title "Commissioner of Water Supply and Waterworks" be, and is hereby adopted as the o:'. icial title of the ;,upeerinterient of the Department of `Peter Supply end Waterworks. THIRD: That the Superintendent of the Depart-rent of Public Safety be .,nown and deal€ete3 as the Commissioner of Public Safety, and that the title "Commissioner of Public Safety" be, ar.d is here- by adopted as the official title of the Superintendent o:' the Department„ of Public. Safety. :FOURTH: That the Superintendent of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements be known and designated as the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements, and that the title "Commissioner of Streets ani Publicimprovements" be, and is hereby adopt, ' vs the official title of the Superintendent of the Department of Streets and Public Laprovements. -2- 2f:it the Superintendent of the Department of Parks and Public Pruporty be known and designated as the Commissioner of Parks and Public Property, and that the title "Cori:>eioner of Parks and Public Property" be, and is hereby adopted as the official title of the Superintendent of the Departnent of Perks and Public Property. -�i