16 of 1917 - A resolution fixing the regular meeting on Monday evening, April 16, 1917 for Tuesday evening, April • Resolution No. 16 li 1. By Commissioner....._.. 1.ei.C1......._._..__.___........--.- _ '-� Mixing the regular meeting of Monday evening, April 16, 19 7 tor`'1'ueeday evening, April 17. I. r 1117. READ AND ADOPTED APR 121947 • III ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, April 12, ,1917 VOTING AYE NAY Green I move that the following resolution be adopte4 Newman Scheid 1,}1 �CX � Wells Mr.Chairman i ✓ RESOLUTION Result WHEREAS, Monday, Apri 16, 1917, is a legal holiday; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the regular meeting of Monday evening be postponed until Tuesday evening, April 17th, 1917, at 8 o'clock. P4 1^ 1917 Passed by the Board of Commisisonera of Salt Lake City,Utah, ,191 L tY Recorder Mayor ,T