16 of 1931 - A resolution approving Polling Places and Judges of Election for Water Bond Election to be held July .3MARKS: Resolution No.. is By Commissioner Bowman _ — Approving Polling Places and Judges of Election for Water Bond Election to be held July 1st, 1931. PlaintSti te the elakilaritWiitliteat AND PA/0WD JUN 4- 1931 CITY RECORDS* 4 , ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, June 4 ,193...1 VOTING AYE NAY t • resolution be adopted. I move that the Burton - - - - - . - Fehr - - - - �' 6; Lake - - - - - Mr. a," - - � � 'c,:rt,� .i .l ye• -An v. see rirL,.•eii���c Remit • A RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, by Ordinance duly passed the 21st day of May A.D. 1931, a Special Election was called within Salt Lake City to vote upon the question of incurring a bonded indebtedness of said Salt Lake City, and WHEREAS, the City Recorder was by ordinance direct- ed to select and make arrangements for not more than five suitable voting places in each Municipal Ward of said City with the exception of the First Municipal Ward, in vhich Ward ten suitable polling places were to be selectedt wad to select and submitto the Board of Commissioners a list of names of at least three suitable persons of proper politi_ cal belief for each voting place to act as judges of election and to prepare official ballots in the designated form, to secure copies of registration books, sample ballots, notices of election, stationery, tables, chairs and other things necessary for such election in each voting place and to do all things necessary and required by law to be done by her, as City Recorder of Salt Lake City in the callipg and holding of said election, and WHEREAS, it appears to the Board of Cssioners" _ of Salt Lake City that pursuant to said ordinance, Ethel -2_ Macdonald as City Reeozcie.z of Salt Lake City has procured and prepared the proper and necessary ballots for use in such elec- tion and has issued proper instructions to Registration Agents and to judges of election and has prepared and delivered the proper and necessary stationery, notices of said election and other things necessary for said election, and WHEREAS, the said Ethel Macdonald, City Recorder of Salt Lake City, has selected and made arrangements for the hereinafter specifically described and designated polling places within Salt Lake City as official polling places of said elec- tion and has submitted a list of names of persons to act as judges of said election who are duly qualified as provided by law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commis- sioners of Salt Lake City in regular session convened that the acts and doings of said Ethel. Macdonald, City Recorder as aforesaid, in preparing the said election ballots, election notices and stationery and in supplying and furnishing the same for use in the said election and for all of her acts as said City Recorder in preparation for the holding of saidelection, be and they are hereby approved, ratified and confirmed, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following specifically designated and described polling places be and they are hereby designated as the official polling places for the said respective election districts, stated, for the Special,City Election t®' be held July 1st, 1931, to-wits Residence of Mrs. limier Johnson, 349 Eapt h. Sou,t h t., Alt L ke.-City, for Districts Hoe. 1,. 2, 10,'� 11, 12Y13 and 14, within the First Ward of said City. Residence of Mrs. Leone Godley, l ll �gir�St., Sa).t Lake City, for Districts Nos. 3/4 , 6, 7, 8 and 9, within the First Ward of said City. Arthur Freely, 1409 3. 9t�h East,}�alt La1�e City, for Districts Nos. 15, 16,17, 18, 19;20; 21; 26 and 2Z within the Firat Ward of said City. -3- Residence of T.C. Heir vf728,,8�10th East, Sat Lake �- City, for Districts Nos. 22, 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31 within. the $first Ward of said City. Residence of Mrs.E.A. Jensen, 1327 Rcesevelt Axe., Salt Lake City, for Districts Nee. 28,"29 and 35, within • the First Ward of,said City. Residence of Hrs. C. H.Carlsen, 1588 'rinceton Ave., ,„..-- Salt Lake City, for Districts Nee. 32; 3a, 34'-and 36 K within the i4.rst Ward of said City. Residence of Mrs. T.W. Lawson, 11122 8.%3d Bast, Salt ,,, Lake City, for Districts Hoe 51;52, 53 54 55'-and 56; within the First Ward of said City. Residence of Fred A./gills, 340 S. 7th Zest, Salt Lake 0. City, for Districts Nos. 5 7,v58,, 59"and 60'-within the First Ward of said City. Residence of Thomas La a, 934,S 10th Nast, salt.Lake • City, for Districts Nos. 61, 62,t63, 64; 69 and 7e within • the First Ward of said City. Residence of Mrs.C.C. Smith, 1260 Stratford A.m., fr.-- Salt Lake City, for Districts Nos. 65;86,67441d 68, within tC the First of said.City. fiery, Hatgl,, llp Seat 3d,Zont�h,Salt Lske City, for Districts Nee XOIr;,(1,0E;.103, 113 and 114, within the 11 scfow{"y .ef,se.1 1,, tty• Residence of K. K. Nebeker, 134 Wet 7th Soyth, Salt /I_ Lake City,. for Districts- Nes. 104, 105, 106;111 and 112, within the Second Ward of said City. Residence of Mrs. Lacy R. earth.140 8. W.Temple, Salt 13 Lake City for piste. Nos. 107,1�'108, 109 and 110, within the Second Ward of.said City. Residence of Sirs. 3as.Clegg, 936 Wit 2d ,Sou> St., Salt Lake City, for Dists. Nos. 115, 116, 119;120 and 121, ty. within the Second.Ward of said City. 26th Ward imns*ent Hall, Corner of 7th,South and V 9th Iest, Salt Lake City for Diets. Wes. 117', 118,and., 1.5 122 within-the Second Ward of said City. Residence of B.h.Ridd, 684yeat5th Nerth 3t,, Salt y/ Lake City for Districts Nos. 141, 143 and 144,✓wit Zin the, Third Ward of said City. Residence of Nora 7t., Je en4.1d,�321 Reed✓Ave., Salt since City t or Districts NOS': 142;149.and 150, within the 1 Third Ward of said City. 13) gve S w , 16th Ward Meeting House, 5th Weet between North Temp-.e a�� letNerth,Salt Lake City for Districts Nos. 1/ -'f 145, 146, 147°and 148 within the Third Nerd Of said City: -4- 17th Ward, Meeting,Howe, 139 West 1st✓N0., Sal) Lake 1/City for'Diets. Noa. 151, 152, 153;154, and 155 within the Third Wardof said City. - • Capitol Hill Ward Meeting House, 3d N rth and Columbus St: Salt Lake City for Dists.""Nbs. 156 and 157�within ✓ the Third Ward of-said City. Residence of J.R. Hoffman, 3 S.N Temple St., Salt 2-1 Lake City for Dista. Nos. 171; 172w nd 173 within the Fourth Ward of said City. ffiaball House-(Nre.Woad); 129i1'rst'Ave,"'Stet Lake - 2� City for fists. Nos. 174)''175, 178'197•, 178 and_179,'' within the Fourth Ward of said City. Residence of S.B.Campbell, 340 �D' SJt. Salt Lake City, G-- 21 for Dists. Nos. 180r181;187 and 188 within the Fourth Ward of said City. 20th Ward Amusement Hall, 2d Ave and 'G' St. Salt ✓ w '( Lake City for Diets. Nos. 182;183K184;� 185 and 188( within the Fourth Ward of said City. Residence of Thos. H,AO , 8 i`irst Ave.Slt Lake City, Lc—for Diets. Nos. 189,190, 191, 192 vend 193-wi thin the Fourth Ward of said City. Public Safety Bldg., Smote dry 1st SouthSt.„Salt Lake City�for Dish. Nos. 221, 222, 223, 227, 228; 229Y234, ✓✓ 235 and 236, within the Fifth Ward of said City. City & tro.D1dg,, Room 101, Salt,;take City: for Di ate. '7 Nos. 224;225,y 226;230,w231;232 and 233,✓within the Fifth Ward of said City. Residence of Amos)pperson, 763 Ef 2d So.Salt Lake City, Y y. for fists. Nos. 237, 238,"239, 244 and 245;within the Fifth Ward of said City. Residence of Mrs. Maud S. Anders qp, 75,2 N. 4th Sva 1.1 Salt Lake City for Diets. Nos. 240, 241, 242,243 and 247wiithin the Fifth Ward of said City. - Sigma Pi Fraternity House, 1206 E. lat,South, "Salt Lake 4 10 City Soar Di rte. Noe. 246;248,V 249,250 and 251 within the Fifth Ward of said City. B$ Z7 FURTHER RISOLVFD, that the following named persons shall conetitut 'and they are hereby appointed the official judges of said election to serve in the respective election districts named, the said persona ao herein designated being duly qualified electors within their respective election districts and otherwise qualified as provided, by law, to-wits -5- • For Dists. Nos. 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, Ire. Mary B. Biller, 125.-1. 7th So.; Ire: Xis* L.Carlston, 736 15. 3d Bast; Ira. !ohn Robinson,. 811-Park St. Iror Meta. los. 5, 4, 5, 6, 7,, 8, -aud, 9, Ws. H. C.Taylor 177 William:Astra.; Norma Riches, 418 Bensingten Ave.; Winnifred R. Smith, 1057 Denver St. For Diets. Nos. 15, 16, 17, /8,, 19, 20, 21, 26 and 27, Ira Stanley Tingey-, 651 Bryan Ave:; Itra.B120Witath Beer, 1172 61. 9th. Bast; lirs.11cee Perlin, 1221 llmare Wve# For Diets. he 22, 2B, 24-, 25, SO and,WI, Mrs; Ribble C - Rich, 765 S. 8th Bast; Ira. A. I. Wakey,- 761 S. 9th Nast; Mrs. L.R.Watte, 1151 B. 13th South, For Diets. Nos. 28, 29 and 35. Irs.Florence 6olightly, 1156 Zensington Ave.; Ire. 1.2. Jensen, 1214 Sherman Ave.; Ira. Lucy B.Seeley, 1438 Roosevelt Ave. For Diets. Its. 52 3 , SA and 36, Ire. /felon Cowan, • 1359 Gilmer DrAVe;Ike* 4/arenas D. large, 1532,Princeton Ave.; Bre. Iary L.grask,;W28 3410terY Drive- Tor biota. Nos. 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 and 56, Mrs. Myrtle D. Law, 1906 8.State; Mrs. Ralph Ball, 224 B. 17th So.; Ire. I.Roy Wilson, 6.39 Ramona Ave. Per Diets. Nod. 57, 58, 59 and 60, Ire. Pearl Green, 2546 S. 7th Bast; Bra.Grant Wright, 2453 S. 7th Baat; amd 1s. Nellie Christopherson, 774 B. 2lat South. r Mats. We. 6/, alt v21 64 ,i19- 4a4-70 Sugden, 1984 Lake St.; Itra.Ruby Strong, SS, Blaine Ave., Ira. R. C.Taggart, 1385 B. 21st South. For Diets. Jos. 66, 66, 6/ and-68,-Mrs. LG. Hoagland, 1219 Warnock Aye.; Brae I. Z.,, euy,.2771 OttIolwi,olc Ave. Nrs.311a Mounteer, 2623 S.--13th bat): For Dints. Bes.,-101., 102, 103., 113 4404a4, lEight, 144 W. let 'South; Ira:;R. aiIplael1,,--,7-141ra. 3c1 Senth; • • %re. Leda Chadwick,-37-Whitmore Apte'.. 232 'Vf• 1E4-40 For Aists. Nos. 104, 105, 106, 111 and 112, Ire. Zellitiar',"61 W, Ith So.; Mrs, 'Pearl Baldwin, ?SO S. Ir.Tessile, Xrs.lik014P0-0 821 S. 24-Seelt. Sior *04e. Ni 107, 108,, 109 and 110.,11,re.; Mary B. S. , ; Cottrell,415 Sef.t,00on--StA0 Ire. Bertha F, l'ingey, 2008 a. "Aix) stisaivere Tweeds,'410 Sal* at, • Tor Diets. Nos. 115,116,119,, 120 and 121, Irs. Leone Behling, „2. let Wenkh;110. ne Peterson, 574 Post at.; Ire 14ialablit1v atj. 944,1100t4 , . For Diets. lee. 111,118 and 122, lira. Albert Zenten,- 1025 W. 7th Sc.; Firs.Aidell Davey', 1190 S. all Vest;- Ire: Irene Blundell, 1320 Indiana Ave. For Dints. Nos. '141, 143 and 144, $re. Matilda Davis, 573 N. 16th West; B,A.Ridd, 664 W. 4th No.; gre. 34tte r Shaw, 97114 X4..I . _ For Diets. Nee 142 .149 and 150, Mrs. Nellie garter,: 814 W. 14th 2o.; lirs..,$Oraan H. McDonald, 321 Reed St.; • Mrs. Ida Holmes, 459 Fugaley Ct. For Dints. Nos• 145, 446,147 and 14$y; a..8l:iza C. Harrison 905 W.B.Temple} Ira tttr$0a Rmerr;', M Weat, Heber H. a Davis, 6i4 W. 3s t aft 1t. For Diets. Nos. 151,152,153,154 and 155, Mrs. N.A. Martinson, 2,51 W. 2.d No.; Mrs. Blease me; 146 N. let West; Mrs. H. M.Archer, 170 "N.W.Temple. For'Diets. Nos. 156 and 157, lMrs. V.:',B,' Co pbell,. 115 Girard Ave.; Mrs.Rose Bollwinkle, 575 W. Capitol; Sam Howard, 648 N. let West. For Diets. Noe. 171,172 and 173, Mrs. Annie Lott, 62 B. • N.Teffiple;.Ira. Hey Bremerton, :12$ N. Main, Apt.#O; Bra. Setdeli, 28 2. 2d North. For Diets. Nos. 174,.175,176, 177, 178 and'179, Mrs. Della Beattie, 136-4th Ave; Mrs. Ran Richardson, #5 Louise Apts. 101-1st Ave.; Mrs.Cerdelia Spenser, 279 'F' St. For Diets. Nog. 180,161, 187 and 188, Mrs R.$. Neelen, . 367-IOth"'Ave.; Raymond Cole, 317 'N' St.; Mrs.Gertrude Sperry, Aye.„, For Diets. Nos. 182, 133,184,> 185 and 186, Mrs Inga H.Wella 1176 'G' St.; Mrs. Sena Beer, 557-IetAve.; Mrs. Chas. Kent, 204 'I' St. For Diets. Nos. 189, 190, 191, 192 -and 193, Mrs. Atlisea Scott, 857 -1st Ave.; Mre.Agnes Mounteer,: 1026-24 Ave.; William Hilton, 1485-3dAve. For Dints. Nos. 221, 222, 223, 227,, 2244 119, 234, 235, and`236, A.C.Self, Heron Hotel; Mrs. Louise Wilcox, 146 8. 34 last; Claudia Morris, 449 Mast 2d South. For 8tat . S . 22,4,..124,..226, 230, 231, .232 and 233, Mies lye 1. ey,"'115 *, 4th '-Ire. Mary G.Wincent, 364 .I. S-th e.;"lire. Louise Young, 518 *ray Place. , For Diets No 237,,:238 235, 244 and 245, Austin 1. .:tames, 154""s.S.Teapls; Ca► t3;6. llen, 264 S.'7th Bast; Hrs. Millie Lowe, $74 X. 24 die. per Diets. Nos 840,24i.842,261 and 247, Mrs.Charrette A. 31021$4 S23`8. '''1 IF atst fts." alto 16aley, 311 3. 9th east; Mrs:. Ciarenee "Gillette"• ,' Sb6 11:8 both St. For Diets. Soo. 246, 248, 249, 230.end 251, "Torn H.Felt, 230 S. 12th last; Hrs. d.W.Taylor, 1/67 $neno Ave.;- We. Hazel Reiser, 54 8. 13th East. BB IT iuETHER RESOLVED that in the opinion of the Board. of Commissioners it is 'neceesary to the health, peace and safety of the inhabitants of said City that this resolution take effect immediately and said resolution shall take effect apen the paaaage thereof. a _ Adopted by the Boar. of C ,..issioners of.$atlt Lake City, ?Ut. 1931. ity ace Or. kte