16 of 1933 - A resolution expressing the immediate and pressing need for raising funds to the amount of One Milli,.
{+; , i1^_.'I _, 1933. .'1r,Y ', 12.13. .,-1 4.
f '* ` I t
1 4',' \
)i, of o is,_" h.:F. C' Salt Lake City net in regular session. 135 Mr. Morcu roy,: trot. the olloe.r; pond bo antet or.1, i.e.:, a,ine been at;roved by the
tri.,. -..I.t..r..: mas calls rde r by aver Marcus. Law Department as t. .rrn a d by hi, as to su"Cdiency of t sureties: ! III
° '4p, Cr, roll _1 t, _lc .._-t ere .resent: Harry L. Finch, Commissioner of Parke &Public L. L. Larsen cover=c- cots-„_._cab dlklll
,,tt 1 1.r Fr •ty; 3eo,D which motion carried, all m tuber rresent Cotinp aye. l�Ij�1
gt lr
4 r ,. ys .i �_: c� 'Cater } Waterworks; Harold B. Lee, Commissioner _ ,
it of ctroots 1u.,l is Im, zves..r _ so, Lc is 'Marcus, Commissioner of Frilic Affairs :Finance, 97 Mr. Lee move that P. D. Dolton, r t the Fore De artc.e•a i ,ire n $ !,I 1�11
1,q -i a ., ;.: ,r sessio c .e'. Jul, 5th, 1931, at 1C A. 11. oar, 10:30 A. M., were read and confined to the Veterans, It I t oc a_. one 1 1. his 5.,1. t,r t.0 .,.t cf ,, ,
" os ,.
d`! which motion carried, .ott •aemo t. ryttent ,.,t. )
i It
95 Mr. Finch msvcd that the lea- between Salt L.ae Cityand the ,esters Air 7 -r ess Inc I 1�`
-, PE:IT IC'S A':J ^LV.IICAT IO'S {I. I ��
u$ ( n^ for hangar site at the llunici.al Aiere t or r, i rl from Coby 1..t, 15al5, to Pot 31, 1p 5, be
320 'Unrtcd le it l,t .saga t m.;a Asking for release of pond :°59114-1?-llF-l;, approved and the Mayor and City Records o,u l.orized to execute sloe in behalf' of the i tt, w, tcb I'(I
5 r, rs lane ke r,m an for o ,en_ over s±decal'.+. on Auerbach Store 31ds. I 1 )t{.
'-:-} 5$ at .e t r 3 pad n and tat is as work is completed, motion carried, all ,numbers present Mehl., _
ye.it Lee moved that the petition be granted and file' and bond ordered released from
rurere liosility :..te , 1073, as work -.as been completed, whtcn motion
.,, ..a al s present roci1 :ye. L,PC?TO T' ....T; , 1
.'22 The Industrial Commis.-.c. of Utah. Asking that John Bernts on, contractor who is con- _
71 Bills from the various departments moots amp un t;n,� to $13.00, were presented by the Committee 1
>v �t tc In a es r It Le.-^ City, be instructed to c mt.l_with C ,:our law r❑
Sia emrl el of the Whole, allo':'ed and ordered paid, on roll call Cute, all members present voting aye. dl
•r us m d that }e petition be granted and filed and the City Attorney instruct- 1 `II
st __ c , oar ern :m, contractor, to cease employing men longer hours than is
1a vid 1 1 Mate Statutes n to further notify contractor trot the City will ORDIA'A`:CES APD RESOLUTIONS
� I
11 cr see r _sr rst. _en i aye. c to co•r.ly ui`,h toss Statute, which uocionca r :, �1_ m.r:.;.rs - �_en'. v .rn; aye. �
R,.anlutinn v lf. hu irtnv^r
yi''gjRETCHT3 CP CIT'• OFFICERS WHEREAS, on January 20th, 1_'r.3, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, passed the
Mil iallowiu, resolution.
ntle' n: iIBIIiEAS, there is immediate and pressing need for raiuinx funds to the amount of One 11 I
Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,200,000.00) for tie rurr on f meet n.. the current
Re: Ret'errrrl_ to tae remaining $200,000.00 Tax expenses of the Sit, for the year1'3., until the r .,nt of the taxes .orrt. ,etl.r 1I"3, and
-.nt, a oo t c to 1 2C0,000 00 authorized
Issue1^u 1 1.03, payable to January 1 1934, AIiEREAS, the tax revenues of Salt LakeSit Ptah, for the a• 19 111 aggregate
i °� - ul;, '.3 and 7`nu le 16, 1.1 4 •' �•fa✓10 revenue from all assessed sources will r.mate Two Million eSe yen Hundred Seventeen�_h.,usand yl',•II.
- revenue
`:shires Sevent„-c ev^-, 100 (q'<,,1 ,a??.v.
n a -t I t^ re•n2 r^ n the t " Dollars, and
ac:r _ cod. a eve l.,suc. ,n; v n 1) .� .
Ul eve z - from local ban< The one from fa ter Bank I Trust Company
a t.ter they hove ploaed in etc in ant; 'Pilch ace cmr_--_s this letter, heirs- n me nninion, th= t II I
WHEREAS, the our, of One Million Two liondrr.d Thousand '�',200,000.00) Dolars _e ulred ��
,,;gyp L r fire rero-men.1 toss aid of gal 7.er Bank & Trust Co. for bonds bearing now to be raised is not in excess of said revenue as estimated fur the year 19'S, .�ad
i:.t at /10'� on a interest bass„ be ace ei, price 499?.fi0 `tar, per 1,000 with till
4S, th et tee :Iatrcnal Crt; Ba o' He 'or is hereby de 1trod b th 3.c•d rt
Re:,r'oL'uil; submitted, COmmisa toners as being the high t, best and most a •ants o s `_d receives cr the cu ha e of1 II
::ILTO1; P.. LIP';A^itart of s id onds and to the bet interest of said city, hicl. 'Ld has beer. ._'cc'ted ay t!e Boa:•d City Treasurer of Canmissicncrs. 1
0�. NOW, ^1I:'.,1 ,S, !ir; If SOL VI•'ll by the -.ourct of Commissioners c1' Salt Lnc Cit.‘,., Lt.rl.
I},'41 —r. -•-u. .:.,t _:.c rc-o_t Scoc concurred in and °tied, the bid accepted and the 1.
1114 l ;t ...err.- orechc, t ',czars ce<n,.r o,er , sit al e i,c, ^n .LL 1(
rri edi, all _p�rO pros ent 19,:5 !mill thew,rrent of taxes for the v.lr LS shall orro.v Lne ❑urr, of C e !Zillion 1 -dn�red {{p
�,:u;� -. Thousand Dolll-re ($1,200,000.00) ant rotit at r_u o c ✓td ,_ ich .n of„n^r. , ..._ . �,�'II�IIIII��
� e: tnlrty-three 5.51 bonds tnereot e°WB um:ereu 0 t L ., , r-..,/ J ; •a.,., 11li1
Il �� numbered one (1) to fifteen (15S moth rn lusty o or the denomination ,r lift Ti'' ol unt Dollars {�tJ�Ip�1 1
CC i{
. 'n1 . o�1 ¢) r Mill t Dolls r e ( 1 000 100 00) r , , ) rift,. l ) t i i,1f denomination f ,L"L I tu•e, 1 ) 1 . r 440,000 001 each a bends n t f. e n rl wv Ill
'r. - r, the transfer of the fol1owing; each of said Issues C said Tax Anticipation o do att n Ban!:�",' .,0 C r p aceordm oc rrtn their old duly accosted b the hoar.' of 'onmr t- m nl L ��
.�i�' - - ? 0— ,ly u� wa Lsr talon at lease t„ La oold ur. .:,.J. 1r .-. -: a ,� n h
t determine to oe Po, Lye boas reu1, I.' .IL I•t 'l;r
' shall bear interest at t r rate of thr nd 20/100 (3 20 ) F ar rr onnrm F y bl semi- 1I �It
I 0 I. arm Hea nnterll_ Ly•f.^.l. _. ,^., 'Sc'' ',eel'�rty7-dx ir_1, )lI�
r D�.,o. , L, T as 6711, to an 1; : t. r ,' 1k : y on the 15th do of July, P col h da L 1, LI 1 I
cull ull r, Sold bonds shall be des tuna ted dull L r. 1
{ '� 5 P. :311R 7011 Said bonds ehnll he due and oils n r. L6 Ln r.0 d�. u.,r•, A.L l Stu 1-ul ul tr,c l l
r • L r L i s 1 d r �V
Stu t, o1 oraterworke boo sea states �rO s cot t I. be signed by the 1.fry or and nttes•ed b' he City R order r s- of :.I r ty 1 s 1 It 1 uhd t1 �� 11
rt _ • • "' ,t - curt e" rule., trrr n.r a t,.or ed host the amounts ❑hall bear the gee rs smile alto r r r,. -- {� •'II '
Iu, ed to a peek kept by L Cob l L I 1 l L l _ I
1' of said bonds, t-re c rt i;icat rel i^el r la,, it LI h, d er o,h 1.
urr rri t, r „ Cap T. at.. , w: _ it, it c,rr ied, all p1_b ur {�1i.�..��
�.a rn , rmbrs and nmoun t. Ir or.c r.i,lt C. or.
1r. L: :1II
at. 1 11I {7
j .ez .
fi ,•. 301.Y 6, 1933.
- :l'i I , ).
Iit All the co r - t .a _ t s •I era 'ont � s: , N 11
STATE OF UTA,, are erebv adopted a, a- t. ^r tit. 1s, a lee t 'i.:O, von-lees Salt�s
µ!4,0 Lake City, Utah. J e.�: s r I
t.0 CCI: ✓ C s9L" LAY' i yy
i fj v it The Mayor c Salt L Cit.: r oy t _ze z directed n sr e ) II
1 d tk SALT LA£1 CITY TAX ANTIC IFA.IC:: pCNDS ponds and the City Recorder is P red: t r ze1 a Ire 3 o attest o all x tone seal m ��t
fhb Salt Lace City to each of s bonds, a 1 t .it Auditor ist_ori e nr, dr cte. place on
'` * SERIES CF' JANUARY 16, 1933. said bonds the certr i cats in t one u-1 Cormset I rtet alive11 said coupons :01 11 bear the I II'.'
1$k":,. fac-simile signatureni the City Treaa and. is c a l4 or City fe o der rea-.v r . 1I�. ,
r _1o. 1 850,000.00 and Auditor in so do n.. are n shall b t a net .d Salt L City.
Q '� - is e q,' ¢ot or t bonds -., the -,t a., r till
f L C E F3E SSi]TS: that Salt Lake City, in the County of Salt Lake, in the That t.,e City 1Y _ I1�
} StateOf „tat, hereby ackno vl 'es itself to be indebted and for value received hereby promises thereof a� n- hen ee rar r.rr o= z,:, ie a 1, su delivered ,r rs cant :> .0 t,o-i zat inn ,l� l
a 4 to payto the bearer h e the 0p i Fifty Thousand (j50,000.'00) Dollars in lawful money of the o' the doarr. of Co:vni::.�ione-':. IL a rs u.-.r MO ti ell ,"..nnar;; l3 "3• lit
4, at
tfF Unitedli St eau„. the .63.r 1a, of ra ua`.,S AA.Dwith Jinterest et.eere thereon National
the Este of Threank of New erk,
20/to That tee 3card of Coin-.r-s :,e,t 1"'', a �rfoe lent too to , j � I,
vD',.., (3.20 ) ,._r t -r anon .^o late until paid >.n like money payable semi-annually on the 15th pay nr incinnl and interest of J:is hsnd., a.. e same all L-adue add far the ly':e.it f said
y;, 0 day ul, In nisi t•u 15t. it of January, 1d:4, said interest to maturity being represented bonds the . 'I faith, a.'.h e Salt Lake City are irrevocably pl d„ei nd
19J ,._r.st coupons hereto attached. the Board a. City Co rsion"rs hereby ...,,t ¢ .ee it' t. hollers c sa-c n s to
"� J� levy in the year 1:3c, sufficient I eel t., 1: evi.e for�tn __e-rt o: �n :rrt _ _r. =n 1 ,.J. l�
'�"�' p.A This bond is one nr a series of Thirty-three (33) bonds of like tenor and effect, of dsid condo. �,
;, )`+ numbered one (1) to thirty-three (33) both inclusive; bends numbered one (1) to fifteen (15)
i % Jab ,lye, lain" the d=ni.minaton of
:4aJ - .fifty Thousand Dollars ( �50,000.00) each; bands numb=.ei The' nr u .ne- ^h" d r ire 1 he• ,pinio❑ r the Ron e' Condissi n_rs
,� W, S extee, (16) to thirty-three (33) both inclusive, 'being in the denomination of Twenty-five because of tr.e needunt 'o• ird. ,:itl .h tc m et the rrr-nt .ns_s e s r.. ity i rs � ` ,SIP
:hot s. 'd Dot ars ($2.5,000 cc) ea.c and .moron as "Salt Lake City Tax Ant;.^inati ^. Fonda, Series n c ?nr 'ne ^ hoc t^. n-•I safet_ ,r C..e •.,i tab*-. p Snit Lake Ct_,i t .t t.n i., res slut i,n y
:l J, 1d <n for nT ,'Inn m. - - Iry a One t 'o Hundred T::o ash:.d Dollars ;w1,200,000.6f hAll take t Lech-,
= a d : r to Set on 70Y.6Co,, red Lads of Utah, 1317, and all acts amendatory thereof and
ltt. thereto. _. ��a Llri,e. pqp¢
..OL IS 'iA 2�CS �L1l.
Z i4^y��P
K.,I she City of Salt n3:e all levy_iI he year 1533, a sufficient tax to pay the princina: This reoelut;rh s,,ell take e.'ect uo on its ado-cticn.
0o c:a _ fall nu and t�is bond is issued in anticipation the ye r 13'.3 LOtilO I„e1:ZCU3 Il'lII
I`. :r_b7 t; iei edited -nd declared that the entire indebtedness of said City tl'I ICI
h_r inourrel, is not
in excess of the taxes c' sale City, levied or to be levied for the current Attest:
. 1..33, i t.:.. said.:3eot-_chess, was, and:s contracted for the purpose for which said I
'N Ethel_aodcsaid -
'ili Id t `. _ c , _ 1 1at all .ii ions, act, and things - ne.. _er
to ld !:is co 1 =x .v hi n ned n1 haw, been '.one and that every ( S e a 1 1 t
r f ;,ti .e cal ..n,1 e1 ri to and that this bond is 1,1
'al _:. < ,„ -a La it: s b rrr __abl pledgedto the punctual n_' _r le t n r - c A- _o t„, torme. on being put to s ✓or, , r.0 un,Ai na"al,: c�err_hal b,l :he , ti r:.ii._,�e ✓ot, o` s _ _-.'ss ro-e's p j1 JI C- a a-- e t ia- c is >,s 'nand tc be sinned by its Mayor, Sts present, the vote being as follows: ' i r o t oe lo r_.o n fix i and or
by „i. Si'"Recorder or of this 16th day of "Ave"
Louis Marcus, ;labor ��
'A,' I _AILS hS John Knir,l.t m_'.. _. A,.-
114 a^h T ionen o rssr 7c Ave° �� "
i LI,� -.it_ -owe .,. 1
C_c- D. Ile,-,,_ burl��. �� nA.an
1e P. 1.
fen r of c 1 Is Lo IT3 [A3CJ_
, r a '3-0 a coupon each ins'a1L.,., b of interest Vavor—
I^ f L n ,and r snail beer the fee-simile Atteo t:
f9'� r t a;. _ . ors . , seen or t n .,_, 1 ha (P<p .,t a mh a L:nc niald y�'I
iry ';thy .tee ozaer I!I.�:iqq�
I;'°hit I"'�GEI1
9 m§I,4, Y;BOOo00 A,'D 1 Ate ,t. nlu ti:.r r `hu rendinu cclbed �lNn�+�i
4, ;al! LakeCity, L a; Dall ars 1 050,e CO1 tna I)ii
pp ^. ,, It 1
i,l� - .!_her. ..1 :100 i 00.30) Dal n c10 pip u I,,Cad ( ees ,' e, laL1 Ica- nr. L- I.�,1�
�,I , . �A � �1, .:._�r 1 w .•�t ni nix eueths Itt..cast nd _� ,h ..o u.,..;r:.,_,_ .1 to lr'd Then on 1 uei (mc,u.u�b.l D,' th uoh .e. h a id_._ l �I li
Sneneon be n t r .. ndcr o e id i I. T
Y L'' �10a ,-
{1 y (P ..11 nh., 5ev a , r. III
ia� r„1_ I1
0 ly, City T•ensurer 7f1fERGA9 there La ivnedi nt tr :1:11''ti
rr'landrah ThousandDo111rs ( $ 00 000.Op) t'i u o ,: of t:n Yr- our_<.it :E: r., Jr t4= Crty 1,nrthev_t IJ'4 unl itLlp_ , ..tt . ..^ f7altLa" ti h bff''nl t Phi„ ,,�
,lu�..,, Cicy .\,,.il t„a J rl�:t:As
�4 _ , . , ., �,. _ f ,, hr" Sur„ n 1 �'4 b in' vuLa�marnL ... r u
'r ti t� ct
" I r,i y 5 ea thin iron., is ':rithin the lawful as iutiorized _n sal roual hI f I 1 th t fir: o s 1!.,r u h '' ',^:d
4 )
t tit til 1 �t
t a.v rt ;bus roc! I lwrl 1.. P `.,
, Ct Lv.. ,t1 nthi , I 1.
!!2!t,, 4�i1vr
mil, -L.__ ' „,
�Orj ;•1 "."1"-,"le,, i
" ZL2Y 5, 1933. -'1LY 6, L_. ..
I i
' 3117 LA:� -;';, Utah, Joe- 27, 1133• I
I C La, Cr-- '.a :us i i d-nd o :i. is \\
corporate seal t_ lc _rr•r. ixa-: e: „tte: ,_tl:. City leco_ e a.. d .he 15t d.: o-
) Cult _ orrti.a, ,January, A D, _h6 - +
! sala , to
I ,I
� d i ;r. h 000 0.' -.,c.p Salt Lab C
_ .rt :Ital., Tax AntlfS3.20% n a basis
is c Attest; i I
"* 1: L 1., 1 1, .,e:"in- Interestthe rate of 3.20,E on a basis of {
PI � s. r
S Ai
Lircent annum rr s .,i,,;, _.:corder 11111{i {
k4`r : =o - to r t czd rconvenient denominations ^.t'1 also furnish us with t ( S e a 1 N
I t' _ 1,'a i•ion T a.;. .:rr -a;f...an nor o-ii_- to 1 ;-alit.' od the bonds. J
FF 1) 'le ry truly yours,
To zn'n of said eo Ss .3...11 tic ut-on r each instz 1 i o t rest ron- f�+Ii
( pp A.-"9 .3A1i1 1 TRUST CCt ANY tem 1 ted id c n' to said coupons sP.:.11 b noec numbered o+ rnn-i r _:o. 1 y 4e
` •
ki*n , a t..c .v -. _ t a lws ,r a n arm snail oe.zr ne lac rile of nature o. I I'I���0�"'I"
t 3y cant A. 9 ring said City Tr_a•rurer nc said aou-,cns nd each oftae, be (_,coot so to numb or ;and amount) sob t 1.1
a'' A B.it Vice-President" ctantially in the folio din- fore to-.tit: II{.i .
t01i u,
a Pk Bu. C s.02 I ,;D this lc of Cotimiss loom rs of Bait Lake City, Utah, (L0: Cr COUPON)
c� t
� '. xt" : t'.:t t La i u rob e to r current e en of said city for the year
1 until the a,...en a f the r'1.33 }a,. . .r. the gum Ty
ro yro Fur -r,Bred Thousi No. 1 f;S00.30
fit Sollars. '. )0 000 00) 2n th
at h u ro �_1,r - ,-:: vo debt n'-' si-11 Sell and do
"' del.,: 3DIldS in the o r Bret Thousabd Dollars ( $200,000.00) numbered twenty-six (26) On the 15t!n daye= Jul,;, r. and to ':6tn day of Jnua 1935, City, !
to -r- elite. (331 both -co,. eve, in - denomination nbentr-five Thousand Dollars till pay to ti.o b rsr h eoi it the 6e.tional amity asnC ., .+evr York Jnty. oo�dell L"o Sevriorlch� li
- -- :nz- ,.3 t .1 er Seel @OC�000.00 Tar Antic irati or. Bonds of Salt Late City, City, 1e^l York, the sun of E ccre- .a- '100 (,$500,30) Dnl r in -a11 coin of the United ° III!h'
by rust Com^:+ny cf Salt Lake City, Utah, i. accordance States of America of t.,c ties at tar.l '' - -ei- and fineness, o.+er 6 meths interest then
it of ul. -.cc ato: by to -.:•d r.' Co-oni ssron•rs. -aia bonds bear date of Ianuary le, due on its Tax Anticipation.: 3ond,,,aeries o; Janus,,, 1,3, 1933.
r _n - at 1 .t Three 20/100 (3 20%) per cent perannum payable semi- ��
1 "ir 1 15 dayo' July, 1 and t 16tn day of January, 9Td both princ1p.l end __(Fac-Simil i.:h_tuol_
r' r - t t era ;r a New rare b5'Jaa 5t., w Ymrk City', New York. LTr-a..Treasurer
it II a is a 1es :Hat salt CityTaxAnti ion non 3onds,Series of January 16, 1933". 1)I'
°M - b a able. n t e : it's of :January A D. .A.D. 1 in lawful bonds of l7ne Bond No. _
o shall be. --t e fromthe 15th day of January, , 1933. said bonds shall !�
1� �_ i- + a ,. ond attested by the City Recorder hnde r the seal of the City and.t.}.e., ar siofle i ,oat ocAuditor heeCityaTreasurer. Saidnla dsys andd courons lihall fleeter There shall ''so c ..n coned s each a: said `,,nd:;, the :olioa ire;,City Au.itar's Cacti- i{�
1yy��� _
: cote reau ed byl Said '1,ordsr and each of them are ++ I her a rti h.. _ .s L+in tr ].:.-rf:r1
debt limit o' 6oLt La.e City, Utah, and is issued
accor0i:: t. ,.
'O-T7- 07 SALT LAITS wit, ud itor"� .FI �I
.-. I A'! I IPA".T :I 30i1D5 All the covenants, statements, ten reseotati ens and agreements contained :- said pond
are hereby adopted as covenants, statements, representatie s, agree rents and ,,,remises ,f Salt Lake i
iF„ .> - *�,.. ,r, r� _'33. City, Utah.
sends and the its ecor.e7 i reby authorized n erected tc art :t and iT ix,!-.e seal of salt I�
L a salt n ..i` r t. County of Sa'_t 'lake, in r sal r, .::I
t t ;' ono de red ni for value received, hereby sends the certi`ic .. tin nn=r an- r. o C i a ve a.ii sa -cu-:r a .,+ill hen. tic 'rl,
ac- IIII
- n - _ . 3,1 or Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dolars in lawful simile ai^nature of tire- Cit TreHoare_ ,i- t'.oc ,c to nP said 'lay or, .it• se en,l,r, '"re a-ar-r and iiil1, I'
10 o ,..g ' nu= A 1Ll 1-.r,, at toe 'elationas City Bent of Auditor in so doing, are and shall be . ...- de:d n halt ..a • -iLa. IVY
r ,all c :oi r it :lbwYork, U.S. A i th interest thereon at the rate of
yl a c: r u lint I' paid ire like none; payable hem'_ That ti.c City -eia in her-0g barb i_f'1 fo r so,I it ands to the lure rasers ili
:•d 16t T of J. B r;y, 193,, said interest to thereof as and when ea it k nd, ai bc. an. r.re 1 pa.1 isnrc anti Pe ivere3 pun:cart to a;tier•-,.a.Lr.: 1
nit ..t, u r m n 1 Win rest c n n :ereto attached.' oftheBonrd ofComm.seioneatarc.r a m tit told Jul Sth, 933. IpI
r + like Lena• evil e:.eet rnnt tin .arc :; �i Ly to r r� ✓ . - . 4ti
l� k it. it bonds nu oered on e (I.) to fifteen ay principal me ntereat or. ❑ai bond .3 to sill f_ du sad hI�)i 1
Cry .te r l ) I. -throe (33) o tr Joelusive, be i.e in the denim net nn of t the :Snood Cr t, n _ cave its :ind : :r t 11e :toll i ;,' oa 1 o„ca:. (
1,Q(q,It ; .. .. 1 s ,•y` r 0.00) e.ch n.nd ec-.n.n ns "Salt Lake City Ta,. A.ticipatl m. _ ties pet 1... cC zc: r. - - •ham: m. ... i�,l't'� .
1 o(ul� sc• n 5 0 6 one .till law i .r Utah,
rneusdno cr aaia uo ao s. .� �' I
I� Iv
r�� I J-= .0 ( w- 200,000.03) is sued Surs n:urt to Suction 590Re Comrlled Laws or L'ta!•., 1"�nlv and all
y�,. a I.. , I9,1th ..l .,alet, ,. ....� _ it_ - >a
tll,• f,11 .ie an thia none inn iel in ta,. off,ct at. ,r,• . i11,, •
�� _ 0' U'_ I MI II I, I
y ,Le , f _ it.. T1 r 1 r • '
W t ,tire nie bte the us o` said v. ., I u a -C u �
1 rip "`_ c.. io vial. _ _ _
�I •... .ta, i to t ..a - ..., t,,
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