16 of 1933 - A resolution expressing the immediate and pressing need for raising funds to the amount of One Milli (2) •
t`..•J , 1933. ,mot;.:^ .1
l `ICI* 4
II� 1
k r {'
( 7�A -- .'9 c o ices c' Salt Lake :,5, met in regular session. 135 Mr. Marcus r r,c, t bz -b11r r Dona rancor =a. ❑ ice.^ bee, ao�rcved by the t(FS
As" a called c"der by Mayor Marcus, Law Denartnent so toform i i h ha-as to ^u`rdi a of t sureties: (lull
i, F'1, Co roil l t- 'silo were ..resent: far L. Finch, Commissioner of Parks &Public L. L. Larsen covert,- note taxicab
'� P.
y_ d 11l
,,,, Pr ;erty; 'ea D 1-ys Commie,loner ct Pater u.;. } ? Waterworks; Harold B. Lee, Commissione- which motion carried, all a-mbers present vot:n- aye. yl;j I�'
d f +us or Streets Iusl lc Im.__TC.ent„ and Lc;.., „arcus, Commissioner of Fool Se Affairs ?,Finance,
teaa,, 97 Mr. Lee moved that P. D. Dolt ,.oer f the Fire De'.art.e t i re nt 11
a �{
confined to the Veterans' lips t , be a s1e h.1 _ra salary i_r tlfe ,:.t:'_ cif :al:,, 1`:'.F, r
_ _ 1931, at 1C A. end 10:30 A. IS„ were read and },'
a ) which motion carried, all ;ne o.1- - ^,� +_ §�
117 [ 1
95 Mr. Finch moved that h lease bet.reen Salt La:: City an tl- es`. n Sir y .r_ss Ins. VI �,l,,1 64,
J J F I I _o A:'D .C.WLIP.fICAT IO'.5 _ _.._, V w for hangar site at the ;runic al Airport -o i. i from July tut, to . e S1, 19.J, be
i': r'x ! 32^ United a`..eFidel.t} uarant mn..r Asking for release of pond :159114 1 116 approved and the Mayor and Cit,; Recorder authorized to execute same n behalf of the City, :`r':.tc'r, i ,II
:i isme area ft Cnm an for or p en ever sidewalk on Auerbach Store ldg, I i
al st a,t e it m t r -Dad,u and State te. as work is completed. me tisn carried, all :embv ra present got e frl
=r Lee moved thatthe petition e granted and filed and bond ordered released from
`'! _o r _te „ 1173, a, work i.as been coosleted, wheel', motion ''
V liV 55.5 ,c , ',Lir....o_., present vc ir, .ye. ..,FC1T3 DEPA:T:Ts:T. ' ry,• '
122 The Industrial mosnission o^ Utah. Askinr, that John Bernts on contractor who is con- 71 Bills from the various departments amountin,; to $13.00, were presented by the Committee
1 ..true r reservoir =or Salt La" City, be, instructed to c rt.;l,;,with hour law is {
emu] ..en of the Thole, alto-:red and ordered paid, on roll call vote, all members present votin;c aye.
, 1
.r u d thatthe petition be granted and filed and the City Attorney instruct- 1
W c:. Fehr: ernt din, contractor, to cease eerleying men longer hours than is
! provided oy ti,o 3tate Statutes n ,.c f'rtner notify contractor tat the City will ORDIPA'tCES ARID RESOLUTIONS
rpcoemf to garcel con tract er e, hie fail'arc to corn'-ly with „his Statute, which motion d
11 cal:._ , all mr..,srs _.._son. voting aye. �1yy
,. 1
P.a.',„*.inn �*^ lfi l,�I ARe•I^+•'..
'! HEFCh T3 C, CITYOFFICERS PlHE:,EAS, on January 20th, 1 , the Board of Commissioners 0f Salt Lake City, passed the
fall owing resalu ti on. r
i ill
er. le r: iII'EREAS, there is immediate and pressing need for raising funds to the amount of One
Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,200,000.00) for t-.e rurtos- of mee.'r.,' the current
Re: Referrir.v. to toe remaining $200,000,00 Tax expenses of the City :or the year 1'.'.x3, until the nayrnent of the taxes for tue year ll,33, and
If.,1 =ritigigatioo t he 31,200,000.00 authorized
Issue c1 January1 ,3 payable t c January 16, 1934, NItEREAS, the tax revenues of Salt Lake Cit', Utah, "or the -r 19 :fill angre gate
' I 1.4 f.;'a11e revenue,from^all assessed sources will ere sate Two Million Seven Hundred Seventeen_h;usand I
7�pf • u1, and jams r 1G
,.a Li o r t re.- n.n;; scads c` the aloes issue, un lr , Seventy-seven✓ent - er 0 r',71't,F77.,0) D d
✓ 1m1.t_ c. ^ ., _ %10 (� Dollars, am i�::, !
ENin7 `.i t e„„,rr v severalverbal i f ,rn local bane The one from Walker Sank k Trust Company
n +is f an ;i ' acc0mru .s ,h_a letter, being In my nninine, th= J NFIEREAS, the sfm, of One Million Two 1:undred Thousand ((I1,200,000.00) Debars required I)
yp:11 A-t t' - 1I, re recommend th:, ;ia f `al:er Bank & Trust Co, for bonds bearing now to be raised is not in excess of sale; revenue as estimated la. he year 195,1, and p�
IBA}1 /10'. on a interest basis, be acre -'l Price . ,50 flat Tit:- 1,000 with j
T! theu.r, of tar 'at icnal Cot. Bart' of New York. i hereby de'.l. e 1 b t .n•d r t i
y� floe of'sO 1, submitted, Commiss Toners as^being the high st, best and rlost advantafco s aid receiver. or the c, ha e ofII
11"��1 'iILCG1I E. LIF't,A7 cart of said woods and is the best interest o1 said cit,', Isicl. o:d has been acce.,t_I o, the BoardI p] City Treasurer of Conunissioners. [ II
,+n IC! Ltah lR)I'
31 rero_: so concurred in and filed, the bfd accepted and the ,Ii`i..i ;D, .iu II .L,�tLVN'll by the So:ud. Commissioners tuns c.1 Salt La" t,,,_ - ..
If"' � -0' .lt` rr.. f fists.. tc ',re-a_: Cu,,,,,. game re, which nor. on ^n^riad, n11 _.^^b-ro p-esc^t 191.3
the .,(rent ofO tune,, for
or,l the a.lr 11_ o shall oirr+ thesum of( e tillfoh lu,dred )�b)I3111�1
tlli • thirty-three `55f oonus trereoi,t 0,35 nu e,'ed o - 1 t - 1'�/ 11
�( numbered one (1) to fifteen (15) eth r lusiv eels::of to Iono !nati n Xif1- Th n, 101 'r u II1,J�I
' '..31
,INwu —1 I One den-lmu aL ill inn D-P1 1"L( ,DSO 000 r0) o °..0.000 001):t,
^It ran operas n 1 1 b e. �t t ran oralVI�li
�(��I = r1 'a e.amnia..l Ch` transfer of the fo1.L :tnN: aeeordaiec Ith their 'id dub lece .ea b tL h ar Y o m .1 t' ,nil .,I11 �{ iI
seen of said1esu f said Tax Ant1 aC to ]o l., fut:oia ht ]an: f tr i
lug ..10 n ,,. r m ^ a 0 _ .,, ,
�1,1'Gf ;tot, .iy uu wa Lea rates at letsr 10 L sold w mil. i1 . as :1 II
t r]
determine .o be ro: the best. tore,l l ]IL' cent r"r son m a I1
�rt 0 1 r+x shall bear interest at t.e rate t thr hid 20/100 (3 0 )V. / bl• semi-
o_„ s_rn .-r D;n -rt, P as p471 to ar 1, ft=r s.L s :,t annually on the lhth da of Su 1 tnl h.'. da r i r 1 1 11 1 I 6
Reeser Cullr 1°1S id bonds shall be des 1p'na ted u1G L t atv ax Ado rue c • Cl'
h d T^f1 Said bonds shall be due and n,l r' otu t. u_ , A.L l i r t,,iul w,e �lt '
II eu,.t. of daterworka bpi sea �cates w!a s-a,.l woof _.c r v
'I _ be signed by the iiroror and attes edbb the City R.. 1er tc sa or'tl fry ,n1 e rl C f u ��� 11"
'.a,.. ... A' _L.0 o,l r„� _ 14•^lull
f; -..r ;r.,,, L." rr•ro r!. so I or';, nrn^oroes au er,or!zed an': the a mounts shall bear the toe-s smile nr,n¢!. , , t LV >. c 1 1 . 1 r 11ll
, ed In u uook ae rat by t City 1 L„r ! : -
a .r.. m40.' _m''1r.r: carried, all of enid hand:, t`te c rto,'l out r l-eI ,.lpollc i.n.l ho d r;i.:h ���{�!.
it�_i r i; n .... i, _ ,,� •� r.;, it Cr _ , o I
n ,m, !r e nrl „mo r t en
,I rt.i, PHI
:: ,,,lei
M ,:'
JULY 6, 1933.
w I,
( x ,fl A11 tta 00 i t -:�� t I ens oust, ^a N III� I
STATE OF UTA: are hereby adopted a '�.a-. t, �r .tati a„ a ree rt o::C. -o..... Salt
1F wrkx Lake City, Utah.
tl y n,CI.. Y Cr SALT LAZE
P hK SALT LA. CITY TAX ANTIC IFA ICII LC?iDS The Mayor ofSalt L its rehy authorized an directed si cn: _: .ca - 11 �.I
I"fd6" ndo and the City Recorder is I b' rt i zeal •an directed o attest u t fix t':- seal o-' ill it
� la Salt Lake City to each of saidSends, a 9 tl. City Auditor is a t_ori e and directed Lo place m.on
SERIES CF JANUARY 16, 1933. said bonds the cert i-icate in t1 pen of for set tart move al slit :a nos s0r,11 bear the
I i.
1 1}`�;. _fo 1 fad-static signature of the it re acu an'', -e is o said Calor City Recorder, Tres,:a:-r I';,
4 $5C,000.00 and Auditor in so do-Inc are an shill bet.e of .ci o_ Salt La Cit . (ti41 l•
r 0, L o:: FRESr`]TS: that Salt Lake City, in the County of Salt Lake, in the That ti,e ty Trea .r.r is hereby cut or- to l:v.r 3 bonds o thepurchasert i',�i��'
y ii d
r. 4; State of Ut2 hereby a knr.,l o7 hue se ^i fo Thousand r,. for value received hereby promises thereof as n. rben said condo be t s legally issue ar... delivered •,ur.;:ant t -.ut,.._r::a : h I(II�"
x 1 es itself to be indebted and >
to pa to toe bearer hereof the Thousa.._ ( 50,00J.J0) Dollars in lawful money of the of tae Board of Coamis:,tone-. at i re u_ai :r tin. old „ nuar 1? ' I '
�: II"iiit II': Uni ei States o. the16 .i flay of Ja uo .., A, D. 1�934, at the `rational City Bank of New York, IIt{
ky. u5 . , 1 x r: City :Tow J. S.A. with interest thereon at the rate of Three end 20/1 CC _rat tee +lard of .:em^.i si - r.e ,:e 1" s fin tent ts:c to ijJ
fey cent e_ annum "-om rate until card in like money payable semi-annually on the 15th pay principal ate interest co, . is '.bond., -or ',Ile s a a_1 isl': due and I .' zf said
,r 13.20_r r
day o my 1'1 a.h,; t.i. lat<. -r. o, January, 1:a„ said interest to maturity being represented - _ , .,y t a. lt 7 ,1 ,1,
bi' -r:st coupons hereto attached. bonds the 1 faith, Sit d t2:.in n at Lake 1 are I. r b� tyre ocabll pled I -Luc f
9� the board o' City Co io.nCO by� av n.e,t yes t t oL:ers o t h_s crest 1 b �
levy ..a the year 113., sufficient taxes t, icc code .o the "cent o. .l_ i i ..,. B 1
ra' ;'fti'; This nand is ❑e of a series of Thirty-three (33) bonds of like tenor and effect, of ds id acnds. II
i.' kly numbered one (1) to thirty-three (33) both inclusive; bonds numbered one (1))to fifteen (15) i
Ai both .,iv , heirs,, h- den iminaton of Fifty Thousand Dollars ( $50,000.00 each; bonds numberei h..z an ,n^_r tt 1.ereby dec.',Ire t nil i" '.'^.e opinion nu the ,icaml of O"L11 e'1 a::1'3
Sixteen 3.6) to
y�y(,' T:nousan' Del ars thirty-three
known ive� being in the denomination of Twenty-five because of the necessit 'or ,r :'i tl h to meet the current on-easea e -'tit, it i_utio❑ I�y
P,f , ) om so Salt Lake City Tax Anticipation Bonds, Series n° n.c ry a health n._d caret ' t'fe -Yii tact, o" Salt Lake Ci-, that li �.,
w, a 1 -'or ,,.= n rm ne C •+t„^^ T-he ;>.a_r_d T:osa-.d Dollars ($1,200,000.ub; shall take _Ce:•t _
1 h .:h to Sect on 57056 c, .led Lams of Utah, 117, and all acts amendatory thereof ant
cu: hta 1 thereto. ____MAX; I`!
i of Salt o. all levy lithe yeir 1''33, a sufficient tax to pa the o.
:HI _ y principal This resolution ut ins s^311 take effect anon its adoption. p3I
.ter) .1s ba t else eta__ fa_l cue and toss bond is issued in anticipation LOL=S -.A:2CU3 111X'
:. xe:, foroe lo:z.
. I- b; certified, -recited P.ri declared that .e entire indebtedness of said City ill
here i urr i no are-.'in excess of the taxes r said City, levied Cr to be levied for the current Attest: i(
'j 1 to sa: ,.lebte-ieos, was, ant -s contracted for the purpose for which said
Ethel Lacdc,all —
,. c' _ 1 that alldi Acne, act, and things - ✓ neon,--ere
� id Deli r h v hi aped nt have ben '.en a �' the' ev'ry ( S e a 1 .a"' f = a e_. dui .naked with an that this "pond is
,Yg :.,- ]. a, is eb'✓ ire _cabs pledged to the punctual�y •"° `.".,.•"" � �_._ _..- - cell_.._ ___ _ - �I
�a^ ., -co ar . '..t. ,, c '.i o terns. on being put to a el ,ray an a. -,•mu.;l+ carried by the �`fir:�it ✓�. '✓otz o` all .__.'as ieae.s
yI e Sa a. t is c. hs.-d is bond t oe signed by its Mayor, its present, the vote be g as fellows:
h o ._h t a 'e reto a.fox-1 and attested b .it Recorder as of this lbt'n da: of Louis 1,tarc us }Savor "Aye"
gp,' pry La I- AP.CC3 John.,.. hn:.;Yt c:°m:-,__on^ "fly. -i,':"
A. I I
-. s.. :ear ..-h _ .. G
=rr. L F±neri omr_hissi o ne, "A:ye" (II
>.o nq„ I III
1_,_, D. Keyser .o uhia _a.a r_ nA,, 1 I,.
° ' ' of ' it ends 'a '- i a coupon Jr each its alLrent of interest l.tver
i19 I sul , Vioh ,a d nu- n s silo e cc-a.,.., _ .,i be-,.
f t u. . - d n1 snail bear to fa simile Attest:
ter ,it i cis �in. vac,, of be fay o.e a CS cecher. ^rhel SaC1 old llf�'I
.. c;.n p,ro-vie: I .Ate oecorner .,�,�p�i mi1e1,,pi l In 'bed '�'Pd1800,00 A D /'I r;.. U .... `�ter^._ h..1 00 10i, :.�0�0.00, Dnli , spin nn;+Sn. Dollar �, ,�, .. -_ - __ I. ., i s ( $1 0 O,PmnDO1 °n �� gil
I ,, ..- n , " ,alas. ,,, e, l.l.i Jca:d .o.:mi i � �1
I nenean br nixmonths'^fnt-Seat r i pith o T h on m u
l,i .{ ❑ e. „r..� 1 , _ .,,. s t're loa_� of Ou u.hs.i.,I� _ .i :J. 1- rnc^l:'.1 a 1 .•11 e,, I' li.�bssL ,.e r,.e. .,h s':i1 h
♦ r n r� cIt,, ned r ,l t„ nil�1 �D1ar 4 ..fie al �� h h , T: ,�1 :I
� ' C1 ty—l-easu.•,,r 7fli`i'IEAS tn.r� L❑ tame ii " .. in n oho. �• a F
Fund yea Thousand Dollars ( '� 00,000.00) the n e of , Iin h-- „nt r th^ City
•� --- l 1
.,-Lo,.. A�_i Lea .i ,, ' t
IIlf 4 .. - .,-, _ o hn , City ,'�;L:AS fat•�r 3 r f i t-La. nit✓, h other L pur }
1 b in Dods pump 'r r, t �i i' ,N
�.! " I i tihI II..i, o on_ in .01thin the lawful ae authorized n sal occ1,Ii 1 pi:'�r l th t., .i h:: CI i' ': h .a, u IAil � dl1 .nn titsI.
7 „ ,aa.,. I_h.I. h ��lu 71Ct t. i., iai.l ntl h , I, 'n ,_ ,li -- n 'I IN Mql"
tI I
K -a
S12Y 11:�:. ,.f.� C 1- . i �'14 i-
a, 3 LA'c , Utah, June 23, 11i3. I'._ ..0 .. La,' i -a. a -i L i r n:: o a. ..afar :Le \ ,I.',
roorate seal tr b .-r.-.�.
yk co 'ix, _ __ter tl. itr .tec o_:e. as > .h� 16t. dam:
W�S(+ r.l -•eruti,n, ,"ieu¢ry. A.D. _a3J, i- , _ _
It _Salt3, . 1...
k i�
. ler: rt *ll{I1 �.
4 ., Attest; 999 I
'! i .0 0,000.0C' o In Salt Lake it Utah., 's Anticipation Bonds, date-, 1I
�tF 'h 1:., 1 a': .a:•. 1' 1 '4 scot' ik interestthe rate of 3.20% en a basis of
'7 it _ i ,.r:i` a.nu _.;ri y ..i,.,, .ere or lcr Ulf;
tI 1. foe a - 1.0 Oil:Olt 11, t IC ,lsnds ir, oonveni tot d enorr. n n and also furnish us with .2e ( S era 1 )
lti� i.__'t. ._an T ., an' --off::au nop 0-in; t slits a` the bonds. I 41.
i _ Very truly yours, - C �. L;.c , v�_._.,;0 tef a i o ods 1 L coupon " r each In a'.1m o. -at rest on- p'�
}tl A ?R 9A11. t TRUST COMPANY tempi teI ofsaid o n i a said coupons 1. 1 b c _o±ec.. enumbered o an❑ ,-. 0 1 14IlillI
:lumber of JoniSera sarall near -v lac i.:__ olknatare o:
,' I gr 3y agar A Herne said City Treasurer and said uo,�pons and each o them be (e-,c..,- s_ to numb_* read amount) s:o- 1.11
y 4 E- i a, Vice-President" stantially in the folio ran:- form to-uit: I('I
;,, 'C .n1H: I: ;D a t - 3oard of C ens oio.ers of Salt Lake City, Utah, ',FO'.' C"C1.3201) €
W v k" tl-:t .t La .0 cos roe t currentexpense of said city for the year f;400.00
d 1'„ un 11 the, en a t the 1? � ha, nrr the sum of Two Hundred Th^us^-; N . 1
X so1L 0 000.00) ai a .hro ,id r .. rndcbt :r,oss shall sell and Ir
1,_ olds :n the o dr_, hctsadd Dollars (r$200,000.00) nuaoered twenty-six (26) • on the 1.5th day o July, __ , and the _6,th day of J nua - 1')3-, Salt Lake City, Utah, ',,,1 �I{,', I
�' .-t 1 (55) both .,
_ r^, is 1 ❑-a_..n,. ,,.. ,` Twenty-flits. Thousand Dollars ill pa; to L;:, be r _cot at e�l-a National .ity San;, e York it;, d� !a 1 3 New 'fork
at .. nn 0).anu._..f _ 1,200'000.00 Pax Anticipation bonds o f Salt no City, City, Hew York, tits sum o' E ce- inl CO'100 ($300.00) Dol .: in ,701i coin o 3�the United ! 11,'n''
1 e da Trust o.^.any ., salt Lake City, Utah, i accordance States of America of the ire Linda d -, i. t and fineness, be Lee, 6�months inheres: then
.'r of u1. :cc tee by ti :cd o Commissioners. said bonds bear date of Ianuar 15, due on its Tax Anticipation 3onds,a_ries o, January 16, 133 . l
1' u 1 0 eat at 1 t Three a 0/100 3 v0 a pc cent( /) peralnun payable eemi-
IS'i'F,1 '' d1 o Jul:, 1 add t'. 16th day of Tamar.;, ,1 both-^ric^-ip1 fend (Fac-S imile Si rnatns_�
-t' r t. t era a ofNew York 05'Pall St., New York City, New York. City Treasurer
s cools a debs t "Salt
CityTaxAnt i a i n io ds Series of January 16, 1933", iE�41
sAu So -t h a-y of -nu ry A D, 13.54, in lawful money of the done: No. _ Itl�
.:r., i s'i:, l bearlens e: from the 15th day of January, A.D. 1933. said sends shallIll �il�� 11411
ei i" s' attested by to City Recorder an der •e seal of the City an said Thera snail a -o ac c'n`crsed on each o: s:i' `u'i3c, the :o'lo'ir._ Oat; Auditor's Ceai-
coat-D.:, a ac-s imi iooatu . of the City Treasurer. Said bonds and courons shall !'irate: 1II
:1 :n foss =rt oy t lot, Auditor for that ne lose and the City And itnr aha't !lit
w condo, t= Cate required by 1 aw. Said bonds and each 0f them are il
" I her or rti r' 1 ._thin tie L.rr fu1 l
a any a.:,owe'.s1 uc0 to ti:.]1: the foss n form to-wit:
debt limit Salt Late City, ltho' .and is issued
0 4_.. 0'. LTA.' accor-Sin, to Law.
]C"..77 SAL7 LAiu Cit u3 itort� �I
n.� I A. I II'A"r id 90:115 Al) the covenants s at.,ent , re oreseotatione and agreemente contained '.n ea'.',1 bend
are hereby adapted as oovenante seat rants, repreeentatiot e, agree. its and nrcmicro ,;f Salt Lace ,
Of ,00 '.r„ .33. Ci,.y, Utah.
�' salt La :t„ an t' County or .a tease,Cin.:. Lerod and e itY of1:::r.112-
.0y a th rioedaan) r let and of'le th.c se 1 of Salti[
t c r. u r''re t d to t
1 1'
gr b _- a.. ,o t ,feel ..Led, fart :cr value received, aereby ponds the ce rti°its ^. :t nr r a c o I ao ve ui sni ..wo a : it. le t : rat- Iir
q f.. lit 1.., Li ., e
II'dd :++IIMM `-'n ❑. Fifty _ho:H and ($50,000,00) Dolars in lawful smile si mature of 61n . Yr:.a..u^c. ,� t:n: mt., aP said i.ay or, .it Fetch--, mils ,_or and ji,,,
1 i n.: A ll, 1 , at tale NationalCity Bank 01 Auditor in no suing, die e1:a11 be t'.0 t deed LL C'
�`1 e b ,5 .all e ford II New o A i th interest thereon at he rate o` J ry�l i
1yf,. .•.., c: .0 t until paid in like -tone; arable semi- That the Cit.,- 'e her by auto -i.zeI toSill Wends tot:e 1u - a ers d...('.
1,1 "''� ', d r ul '' Lt. o." r ,u-r;•, till, said interest to thereof as ar,d vher ea idnd iay be is _ 1 1a 1 issi an� de ivered pur�ua:a to a,insr:zaticr. IIWrnSn.t, u.. rsson 1 0; in _r_s.�coi her to 3tt,cled. oftheDerrdofConmi�sidt ,i rr�l_ti rcceta.r ?cIJul Sth, B_",. (r,) r Zi l Guuo' ,no ,:feet not the u . sl,.rt:; 1 1. ( , iy o passe ed on e (1) Go fifteen nay prin 'pal area nC..re paid uand s the 'r aT:^11 1.L1 d nl .Y^.o he es_.',.. tll,di'
C+ --ste,r 1 ) to race (33) b,tr. incl:,sive, 'eel.. it t;e denom,nation of th 9 ne:] 0-t coy ,t and reef . .:iC' Life !:oli i .,f sc i .,cat �II� :
ml I31'Y
11 MI.
{�)!•I1 - - .. 1 irp ,r00.00) each 'end :no.rn as "Salt Lake City Tax Antibipati ire to 1 1 i�- LI_a ye La.,' .;uf i01 a 'a _ ._ -..n _ _
),, ( 33 -- et..n 170 6d vnn mi it law iw, Utah,nanar u 1''7 and a of said : s
.,f1 pure uant to 'Section 570R6 Oomr'led Laws ^r Utah, 1-tln and all - - - - ,
c 1 1a
Iti m.^ ',I'll! 1n11 I_ an tF. s our,''. ,. iL3.1 i In ���c ,.a.., :ff.et 1',I.,�„ _i ri1�iW
- 1i -. : C. J — M1 a I'
r d I . t t ,t:re tole'otelneus a' said Jit ^ I� �I �I
This red„1..Lis, -_ ...- _ _ 1} �
lI rrjl, foie y es , vied. _1,01 i A:';:CMS
rave teen clone and that every t'cI �,:ace ,..i. I , -I
iii��1 �,t o peer, luLv mplid moth sni t^at this bond �t nI
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