16 of 1964 - A resolution providing for the issuance and of $5,000,000 Tax Anticipation Bonds of Salt Lake City, I! III Resolution No. 16 , iI I By Mayor J. Bracken Lee 1 COMMISSIONRR Il Providing for the issuance and sale of $5,000,000.00 Tax Anticipation I! Bonds of Salt Lake City, Utah. 'II Parented to thr 9oerd of Commissionrn ANO PASS JUN2 3 19&4 • ()� CITY RECORDER II • • i i • I I -- — _ ----- _= L II - I — The Board of Coodssiaaers of Salt bake City net in regular session AA , Tuesday , the 23rd dir f June ,, A. A., 19611, at the Amy of 10:00 o'elock, A. M., at the mauler seetiag plat.. The sooting vas called to order by Mayor'J. Bracken Lee , end fa roll call the sUvia'webers etre protest: J. Bracken Lee tk:uaiesione r of public Affairs sedition** Joe L. Christensen Oaoeiaaiaser of pis end Pahtic Property George B. Catmull cammtaaiew of Streets and labli. Invrsseaort. (ABSENT) Conrad B. Harrison ___hoses of 1Aiter Supply and Waterworks Herbert F. Smart Commissioner of Public Safety Comissianer Joe L. Christensen introbtoulthe f llooieg resolution and aged its adoption: A M*SOtiMR+CM* VIDMM9 POR T R IMAM A9 Sill CI IZVB,K1TIZ /DOWNS ($ ,,000,096.00) TAX AMCIPAT=O/BCMCSS Cef SALT LAKE Off, CID, MISS CI NSIOSAS, there in as innediate end premiss seed fortis raising at rands in the aasutt of Pity Millen Dollars ($5,000,000•00) for the purpose of meeting the current expanses .f Solt Labe City for the fiscal year oodles June 30, 1965, until the payment of tastes end melt* of ether revenges for said fiscal year, end SIMMS, the sun Olive Mdlllaa Dollars (h,O00,000.00) nowt. be raised, togrkburldtlitbe other indebtedness Mewed for the pwerpose of .noting the Sorest expenses of Salt Lake City for the fiscal year ending Anne 93, 1965, is not in moose of the rereaaes to be seised for the fiscal year Snly 1, 196►throe .rise 30, 1965. my, temerosk BD IT MOM St WI DddUUD Qt COMUSSTOMMO of CAW LAU C3T'l, mitt !**ties 1. That said Balt Lake City, Utah, for the purpose of asetiag all expense of sold City tar the usual year JWy 1, 1964 tbaou* dose 3D, 1.969, Inti1 the l omat of tones cued at rs+waaees for the finest rear dal Ana 30, 1965, shall borrow the eta of lire 1p hies antlers ($5,edo,aoo.00) and for that purpose as widows at seek indebtedness shall issue treaty bands therefor, of the diesais atia of Tao Ilaedred'Thy T1 Dallas (10100,000.00) each, ana bared one (1) to trwaty (tdi), both iaalmaiwe, said beaie *hall bear date of Jaly 1, MO, sad shall be due sad payable Mane j), 1965, beating interest at the rate of trio eat fittMe hoNrrdths per oat (a.150) per amnia, payable i1 Utvrity, redeeneble in rhola or la past ea or after Amery 15, 1965, both principal and interest being payable at First Bsowrltjr an* at Utah, N. A., Salt Asks City, Utah. Said beads shall he stgael by the Meaor end attested by the City aoeorder alder the sea/ of its City, sod shall be registered is a book kept by the City Anditer far that purpose end the City Auditor shall *alone as said bead* the *satitiaate rewired by law. Bald Moods shall be is a batentiatly the following fora, ta-oit 0 MINI drdATO Of Mee Wet OF MAN WI LAXA CITY TAX ANTICIPATION BOND Series of Jely I, 196h Jo. $ o,oSo.00 M eV ALL NON SF INN= INNS a That Salt Saks City, is the Coerty of Salt Lab, State area, bushy achaaseletaei itself to be indebted sad for value received hem s�y proedsee to pny to the bearer hereof the am of TO)**he f1ZTi?TIMANON►IMAANe ($l%,000.0o) La lredat mammy or the Jolted States of/swift ea the 9Dtk dryt et J1ae, A. It., 1965, et first Beoarity Bra et Utah, I A. Salt Saks City, Utah., with interest themes sethe agate of too sad fifties Swards per east (11.15%) per enema, from Gate until pelt, interest pq bla at maturity, reieereble in dale or in pert om or after January l5, 1965. Ibis beat is sae of a series of Meaty (10) hoods et like tuner send Site nesbered beams (1) to timely (a)), inclusive, and Mom es "Bolt lake pity fax Aatiaipation Mats, Aeries of July 1, ice►", loathe spa to swot five Million Sellers (a5,O0O,000.0o), isaist pdreoent to Saute 10.8.6, Utah Cods ,Aametatsd, 1953 The governing bay of Belt lake Our shall levy is the fiscal per sating Jame 3e, $$6S0 a sefficiart tax set shell preside for the eelleetlss of sufficient revenges ether that tames to por the priaalpnl sad interest ea this Mori as the aces shall fall dam, eat this bootie ire st la sntieipatisa of the pa pee et of sack taxes sago the cellettioa of sere MOM, hoar the fieael year audios has 30, 1965. It is hereby mortified, recited end declared that the satire laiebtedr.es of said City hereby immrred is net tameless eoess et the tames end other roman** of said City to be levied sad eollseted, tor the finee'l year mesa Jaas 30, 1961, ad that said Maus Mae mils footnoted far the purposes for which said tames sad revenger are levied mad to be consoled. It is farther certified, recited sat declared that all sometime, sets nal thine' essential to the mlidity of this bead exist, have happened eat have been dare, widths* every mat of lam affecting the issue hereof has been de y complied with, eat that this boat is elate every debt sad ether linit prescribed by the C*stitatisa rat Ism of said.Stets, sad that the fall railhead audit of Salt Sake (Ware bad irrevocably pledged to the punctual pmye pen of the principal sided interest of this beat raoerwing to its terms. of Mi7W= imm r, Salt Lake City hes covered this inmate be sisad by its Wager, its oeperate seal to be haresote affixed, eateOustersigastb its City See rdsr, as of the 1st day of Jamly, 1964. (No sot elm) Mayor Co anteprsiseeda (No not slot.) City h s rder (SUL) There shall be godsons&m sad bonds the relieving City Miner's Curtificstet "City Auditor's Certificate I hereby mortify then this bawl is aaithia the Lmfini debt Unit of Salt Lake City, Utah, sad is issued oessrdiag to law. Section 2. Al he oovea a, statements, Mumma agreements sustained is said bends are hereby adopted as casemate, stain. tests, repress*tstim, agreesents and pray.ses of Salt Lake City, Utah. Softies 3. The Myer of belt lake City is hereby satherissd cad directed to Omani exooste said Mods end the City humour is hereby authorised.and directed to attest sad affix the seal of Salt take City to said heads end the City Auditor is amthrsisud and directed to plasm seem said bonds the ve tifiente in themeless end fern set forth above maths ants of Said Meyer, City Recorder mad City Auditor is so tieg are and shell be the met and Aced ad Salt Lake.City. Seatias 4. That the Boarder Comissiaers shall levy is the fiscal year ending Jae V), 1965, a asfftaieet tax m provide for the oollsatim of ssffieisat revenue to pip the prineipsl awl interest as salt beads as the sus shall tall alma and for the psyrwt et said bonds mitt, interest thereon the full, faith, credit ad tesiag power of Salt lake City is hereby irrevocably pledged ad the Nerd et Gaedssioere hereby summate with the bolder at said bests that it rill leery in the !heal year mass dam y), 065, a safficiout taxer preside for the oollaoties et satfietust revosmes ter the payment of the pariasipal end interest of said bonds. .4. Nestles 5. net the Root sssarity a ukk of ash, D. A.. salt balk* City, eta, Iwo uttered to parkas* Slosh bona at a wise satiofactary to the Used of Corsiasioarrs, thick offer is the tliksst, hest sad sent adventaaosais rsotsod for the parNsse of sett boats. Slott otter is sit the some is barebp oesepted, ant the City Tresseer to hereby eatlnrissd aid lastractst to daiiwr said Piro ti M s Dollars ($5,000,a00.00) bolls to the Peretoa r thereof, spas rssrtpt of the prtirstose pries therefor. Neetias i. That as aaecpsay is hearty iselarsi ant is the acialos of the heart of oasdtriassars mousse et the aesassity for needs to Boat the sanest Dowses at said pity, it is seeeessay for the pease, baslih sat safety of the ',habitants of salt lake City tbst this rsselatiss shall take affect at case. SOMAS T. Shia awntarllsa shell take snot iseadiately. WNW by the heart of Castissiesers of Salt talks City, Utah, all approtat tido 23rd diw of June ,'/ ar ATM,: ArktitiiiN t4,4 yasetr ORAL) f, _o_ The adeptioe at the rosy ptiaA reeolutiea vie two oadM by C11Riestemer George B. Catmull oaths twee es Ming past to *vote ws soostastaely earns* by the•ttialsative vote steal RlaodMiwor:s Pis the vote Wages tatleost Meyer J. Bracken Lee •fin comulatemer Joe L. Christensen •ye coustisifter George B. Catmull nkr . commi/l;Osi• Conrad B. Harrison ( $kNT) 08.04asieaar Herbert F. Smart p ( NW Ian Or OM 2, Herman J. Hogensen ► to. day awes, wautiai aox eaten Cttt isss40r et Mtt takes city, h A, do tomb,saettty tip, tie itereeeing art edlot nt parr at*a ten, taw emit sresaat ow of tie oblates at o ragas"mottos d Ito am&of eiradarlosiro et Mit lake City, Utai, day sal ammo"coati*NA islt NA Tuesday , the 23rd 4.0,Or June A. D. 10:00 i K , �► at the 1M111 Of #.R1arA, A. K., teaatax se Os sumo rotor to or asasrs sir isamee ad$,009,900.00 Mat Bohol city, OW Tao Aattdyrtiee ipM, Berta* or Mt 1, 196 , so UM arris aspuar es reeled is q*Mee; tilt I paeweaiy sttwoM1 at watt aeettsp sad writ the fir000la p roesedtaes von is slot Ladd sr to sate adartor ripasitIMM. 2M moss 0OM1011, =hire ioroopo sot ow baud art Wised the ~pest* reel et odd MIt IAA, Call, Mai, SW 2... a dry of Ju"...._e.�. A. D., $6 . kAttalltpWeirgair • Mil Of idY►X a /s COMM OF aim XAU ) Herman J. Hogensen ar 0 the dais shares, daslitied ma .miss City Mesorarr at /Ott hake City, Dtak, day Waft mortify as fallow 1. That Salt like City, tl ak, is a City et the tint dam, sae leabrporsted la the leer 1860 A ma ammeniteg is the uattd Steam Omen ter the year 1964, hod at that tins a pspaaatisa sot 189,454 . D. That the mess at the embers et the Soma et Canisriaasrs sad aarsisipaal*Meer. at said Suit Liam City are se fellow * or J. Bracken Lee Te>a enamel 1-1-68 Coisad,asisasar Herbert F. Smart Tema expire : 1-1-68 teem George B. Catmull ?ors e.aalresz 1-1-68 Comieelamer Joe L. Christensen Telaategatrept 1-3-66 galisaioaoor Conrad B. Harrison Isms moires z 1-3-66 our""Alter Louis E. Holley !tiara morsel 1-1-68 City pasouror Jennings Phillips, Jr,. !real emplysez Appointed City Rsoorder Herman J. Hogensen ?era expirop, Appointed 3. Ilits bi urea Itiftseeed by the Dean+of Ommetssissers et said City sea seemed to the Dewier Coasisslsaer's mamas seers: the rssalow mattes et the Dosed et Ommotoalamrs sae Moat,be held a Mime: Each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10:00 o'clock a.m. 4. ghat there is me Utimatisa peoaimi or it aateasa atteatias!a ass ell'the ty et the $,000,00O.0O ioaas at Galt tube Gay, thank, Sorter et Jaay 1, 196b, or easy stoner time st beads leased by Mid Suit Lhe City, mirth's baadrriss et esii City or the title to*Mae at any od Us artisan thereof. iM NiIMMD!Mdi/M01, I haw hasaaate eat my Irma sea angst the Osryamte eoalof mid City this 23rd lay of June ( ) Afttifillt4441r4er s • e8 MIS et MAI Oft MD rasa } Herman J. Hogensen the 414 aheaaR, lealtied Ord eattay eity aeoa,der of Salt ite City, Utah, de homely aertiiy that sae, ]epl and ttaaly ribs at the maim aaattas et the >rraant . of 8aut Ia. City, Utah, boatel Tuesday , the 23rd *ref June , 196k, at the hoar at 10:00 A. K., ale item to all aw6e#ra as ,paired by aid 3a fell aesirdaasa with the axe at the State et Utah oat the salsa sad o diraaaw et Salt rake City, lam. a MOSS tom, I bare haraauto Set ap►limed at affixed the eorporain seal it Obit Salt Lake City, Oak thin 23rd 410. py June , A. D., 104. kV44144jelftArt•oratir (am) MYR cr ) acooncr MW LASS ) I, Taps i 1n*T xt. , the duly 414104111, 1sslified sad elected city Auditor of silt lake City, Utah, do horribly certify to the following factor 1. That the value of the terrible property vithin said City, aeiedisg to the assessment for the year 1963, vas !Z 1,321,673,770.00 end for the year 1964 will not be less thin . . • f 1,369,396,450.00 g. That the tax levy for the said City for the year 1963 was $ 24 Mills 3fiscal year aiding the 31,i 96 expetill be for t. . $ 14,266,763.00 *Leh its it till be necessary to raise by two end other revenues dnriag the fiscal year ending Mere 30, 1965. 4. That the tax levy for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965 is mills and that the estimated revenues, irrplmdlmg terms, for the !tarsal year eai8ng Jime 30, 1965, are • • $ 14,572,974.00 of'bleb there has been reesived to date thesea of . None 5. That sal..4 City his imam revenue boads outstanding is the seas of pone and ester reverses balls outstanding in the serve of pone of which • . None is required for principal sad interest pearneat daring the fiscal year ending Jose 30, 1963. 6. That the taxes hereto re levied tar the pee`1963 and previous years not yet aallleeted or paid to said City are . . $ 35,000.00 said MOMS being ou tateading and uaseilscted en the 1st oarof Ir'y 1964. T. That the total authorised Issas of $5,000,000.00 Silt labs City Tax dr►tieipetioa loads, Series of July 1, 1964, ocesisting of twwuty bonds, in the terrtmlaae�tea of $150,000.00 seek, an be --- 1es0uy iesaed and delivered within the debt limit of said City end is not in expose of the estiedod ream f r the fiscal year ending Jaw 30, 1965. 8. filet the total beaded gambrel obiigitioa iadebtedaese re said City, eualwaiss of this issue is $ 21,896,000.00 9. That the said lasts of $�5,00`00,00000 beads is made de edtalpnebor of the oeilaetica of trews aid ithar releases teethe fitod year sliding Jbar 30, 1965, and that iaalu ding tM said Tan Antieipeeion Dab, the hooded iadebtedesss.ads la rwtieifatisa of the eallaetiou opt two and ether - revenue* for the fireai year ending JUne 33, 1965, is $ 5,000,000.00 .10- 1 10. ant tile sairmoto maia of tlssU* lotebtadasss at salt City of seem ssto re Motmaenee Odor ties that aaatiesst in marearaph 9 Msme, is 11. ea! tbe Bait tilt tales Noy Tao ttisipatioa leads, Series of:el;1, 1St, arse a aeassol oblimitiot of lad are peaablo sot of the tarns lotted or to be lariat ea all towable prsesdq'Mtlala sprit City; that tbe #o s are issued is a tieipsttaa at tip eallsetisa et tams for the o�3atnr risis a t that the of a taat oe tar as yeas , lae15W«t is Leon, a at$ br is seeress et tangs sad other remises tar%b rev 1961a. 12. 4lst the total aaeoaat of each is the slang.food is . . . . . . . . . 450,000.00 13. That the sad Solt Was City ae surer s<tida tie tea mars last post, tdMwltst far fifteen loss or awe is tho pgaiet of prtaaiwil or WWMaaas% at say besMt iebt astbrtst to be eaatraetet by it. 11E. flat lobe aetiawtet mew for lobe n't pear psi has 30, 1965, of Sett !aka City Ober tam roes 40a0e411 taeee, igrt $9,617,211.00 !ti112211201 1101111or t hale amanita set ay bead and afliset the eeepaate seal at salt Salt take City, CMtr, this 1st obey of July A. v., 1966,. `1 • � . G; -y, i:n (MO �1L srmOfWM ss aeuerz Or SAW Tao ) /, Herman J. Hogensen , the dimly lea, qsalified ast *atlas City Aseorter of Sat blame Oita, Stab, d•hereby soo!tiir that so retsresh o petition bed boos Mod afrietias is soy vqr the reseistise rested try the Nerd of Ousisriatoro or Salt Nebo Cite, Ina, ea the 23rd 4sy Of June , think mo1*tiea astbariaed the 1111114111111100 of 55,000,000.AO Silt Labe City!au Astisirmtiso hods, Series of igly 1, 196h, sad that the tide vitbia vMioh ray vsfferssina petition sordid be filed bee expired. 111111115 —'—U—, I bore hereunto set opt brad sad the meal of maid Cltr ibis 23rd dley K June , A. D., 190. r ,, Lk hV�MNI, g (SSAO • MS GS UM 8165 OMIT Of aiur was ) tons s. 1101,1» , the duly obese*, emslitioisel *,sties City Auditor of Belt Lake City, Btateof Utah, ds hereby certify that prior to the isoreroe art delivery of *5,000,000.00 Solt rake City .Aatioitatios Deeds, Series of July 1, 1964, Fins interest st the rate of too and tutees hsedewdth s per coat (8.15M) per ,ureae, MIDI* at aeaturit, aahebered eat (1) to txexty 00), both isalusile, tx the deseat ttaaa ea 2250,000.00 each, due and payable Jose '!0, 1965; 2, as City AsAte ed Salt Labe City, did daly eisa os the reverse side of said hoods a..rtifieote resdias as follows, "City Auditor's Certificate i VIM CaRflif drat this bead is *Mix the lawful debt Unit of Salt inks City, Erich, sat is issued ae.sr*ins to ter. 11 VIDUCSB Ems, witness wy hexet sad seal of eat Labe City, mah, this 1st day of July , A. D., 1964. ;` e e r,lellwii Erich O a3. a WAIN tar VAX ) MKT et ewes wasj 8$ UUUU3iFx it!.! L3l4s& Vs, the anirrsiget officers of dolt Late Cityi State et Malt, iadtested by the official title ooposlte oar tests, Be hereby ~WY that ve did Be the day of , 1964, officially Sias $$,000,000 Tex Aatieipatiea Dads, Vie* at ZAT le Wks Of duet LO*s City, 'bah, dieted.tray 1, 196b, bocri'*i interest at the rate at t o eat Mimes hadamdthe per trial (1.1$) per ameat, parehle at aatoarity, redeemable in shale or is part ea or atter sisssa'y 15 said heeds Wag starter&!ohs (1) to twenty (20), both iaalusirs, in the laasadasties►et*0,00040 seep, pyable ,rises 3o, 1965, being at the *its of lash sipae'res the deli aeon, qualified act satiny artisan iciestod therein cod outhaerised to execute the sane. lie further certity that l lattleate et cry mature is»Mein or+ es the imam* eel delivery at said beads ea the Levy eat sallactisa of twos to pry the psiaeipot oat interest, nor to shy assets dnastiasiae the pevbve tinge cad astli city Andear add ah the seas is note or effecting the venality et the beads theawaMri that neither the Cd8$ORAd11 Jetatelill or 1110 ear the SZSis et the peeseat officers to their respective attics* is being costeoteds sad that as authority cry proceedings for the imam* of said bonds bans bees repealed, reacted ar reseialed. The corporate seal.et Salt Lek* City, Utah, is impressed as said heals. epee said beads is endorsed the tailoring osrtifiaae: "City/Auditor's Certificate I hereby oestity test this baud is rattan the lawful debt limit of Balt Late City, Mat, sad is issued a cordiar to Zr. evy,� t Alicecertificate signed,bysaid City AnpAir Dane end delivered at Salt Late City, Uah, this der et , A. D., 1964. Vr;114711/(4', Igor, Belt Igoe City, Utah '''/\ (ftel‘P,"‘, City**corder, Balt Lease City, Utah i9'4/. r--7�/6 City Auditor, Batt Lake City, Utah I hereby *art that the aipapre+es of the officers shove sub. aaadbM are taw sad aessine. . : , i . 1 ,tAyilp. 4.14. SW Lift all, VW: Seetin 1. ilea Mat Celt Lake City, Mash, tar Os purpose of *sours Ail eahpeaerr of wii City for the final year My 1, 196h throe* Sail 30, i96s, estal the p of tows out ether rohwwhs for the Halal year Hai tahN 90, 11101, elan borrow the seed Pin Mites DnnLre (411,000,000.00) net far tad purpoee s est:haas of rash ia/AMisnee sued issue twenty bade t arofbr, of the aseatioetaea d toe D abM I ft7 lh seMI sellers (010,000.00) nob, eomberad sae (1) to teesty (110), both lasleeias, sdt bonds dall%beer dote at Sexy l► 104, est nhrll be Amy aid pgg11. +NM 94, 1961, beartsi lua ran at the rots of tan ad mums hastrrttri per ant (l.l$) per as a e, payable at ertartty, retegulk1e la awls ow is pert es or otter Jassy 11, 1969, be*priselail gat&stersat Wag posSolo at Pint Sss*lti Done of OM, I. A., Colt Lie City, Ueah. Sail bowie d uo,be gloat by the av r a e attested by tar City Disarmer mow the seal of tar MY: aAt deli be noit tared is a boot brspt by the City lid tter for tart amen sod the City LiCitar eball isioaus ea snit bouts toe antifieate reittrat by tar. hit belle shell be is sobsteehtiolly the fotiohriai fors, temwit: .1- • r • tRU!Of WO t fdC COMITY atWEMU ) 1, =IS E. BOLLEY , the snty donee, atanlitial Mt 'lasted City Auditor of Salt )lane City, lia , M hereby Meshy to the tealoaiag tastes 1. That the valve of the tamale ysoserim within bait City, ssasedeag to the assessment ter 11%4y+ar 1963, oar • za 1,321,673,770.00 rat teethe year 196►,111 not be loss the . i 1,369,396,450.00 I. That the tan Lary for the said City fertile year 10310 $ 24 mills 3 That filed Tier�ertiag i:aae 30 1965 l be for estimated • . • 9 14,266,763.00 Ieb sr it frill be tuesseary to raise t'fates at other muses Curing the fiesta year ratios hen 30, 1965. h►. That the tag levy for the fiscal year stung Jan 30, 1965 is '_-1?`_- _ talk Mt tint tan M reverses, bitated revs, +�i tires, air the tiaMi rosy snots Jmw 30, 1965, s._ • • • • $ 14,572,974.00 of*doh there has been resolved to tote the sun of . None 3. They sold City hos valor rowan* bests atleetag la the sqe!of • 9 None at sewn r MUS beets entetmeding is the see of . None A � Of latia • None rf is p ter prissiest sad ere* mspwat daring trl� Were*year.otter Aso 30, 1965. 6. lief t the tames hersteller' Levied for the rote 1963 at amines years not yet *•sleeted or yrid to sail City ere . $ 35,000.00 sell eseurt bang saletartirg aid eseaaleetst ea the ,.. der j..,s , 1St. 7. That the total antheritet cases of $5,0LO,gi0.00 salt t s City Cu#atieiyatiss leata, bates et July 1, 1961s, eariating of Meaty bode, is the tnaeteatios of $130,006.10 Mel, mg be two,samosa sad delivered aphis the debt /fait of said City ad is net to sates of the estimated snYwMMs tor the fiscal year maim Jens 30, 1965. 8. 'flat the total boated!ea*.+l eblirattst iadabtettats of said City, eaalasive of this brans in 9 21.894.000.00 9. That the slit issue of 45,000,000.00 Weds is made is entialyatimi of the aslleetioo of tames at Mier remmo s for the Meal year eating Awe 30, 3,965, at that iaeleitsg the laid Tao An tielyaltoee tlMt, the bonded lliobteieete eats is aetietiy0ilmen of the all asttaa of tarp eat other memo for its timed per ending Jane 50, 1965, is $ 5,000,000.00 10. That the segregate amount of floating indebtedness of said City of every aataire whatsoever as of , other than that mentioned in paragraph 9 above, is . g 11. That the said Salt Last. City Tax Anticipation Dondt, Series of July 1, 196k, are a general obliryation of sad ere parable out of the taxer levied or to be levied as all taxable property within said City; that the saw ore termed in antieipatiaa of the e.11eetios of taxes for the year eaNtsg J . 31, 1965; that the aggregate aewmet of indebtedness incurred in anticipation of the taxes for the year 196k,.including this Issas, mill net be in excess of the taxes and other revenges for the year 196k. 12. That the total aaemet of cash in the sinking fend is . $ 450,000.00 13. That the said Salt Lake City has sever, within the ten years last post, defaulted for fifteen days or awn in the pigment of prigeipal or interest of any bonded debt authorised to be contracted by it. 1k. That the outlasted manse for the fiscal year asdiag Joao 30, 1965, of Salt Lake City other than from general taxes, are . . . . $9,617,211.00 IN MUSS mum I have Uremia* set who'd mad affixed the corporate seal of said Salt Lake City, Utah, this 1st day of July , A. D., 196k. A StOr(*Age ty, Utah Miffs a Utah (SUL) Mtn Ot WAX ) es MKT IP SAW 1•111 the dole thank easittled tad Othe AittAter et hat X**Cl•r, Otatoot Otah• 41 14 that Mar to the Samemee met f•tiver, *1•01h),000.00 11•111 Law city ges Aattainates hoote, Berle& at 4hay).• 3961•, bearing intoreet at the auto et teea ftSt. imillividths Par o* 04*Tar aumai, 91001010 at materthlr, toltbtreit (1) t.twat" Os), both laeleetees 111 the ateestestlot ot .08,000.00 seek tier ea espiette An* 30, 1965 Z, so ethe*tatter et Mat Sake etv, lid Aar elm et the arenas, aide ot said bode•tertitiesto retains ae feLlairs: "etAy Akiditoes Clertiatione I Mar COMM them ads bead ts ttide the tortal debt limat et salt Asko elty• Utak ma I. taloa eimeodlas to law. VI MOW IMMIleat• ithisee ow heal eel the most et ha* tate Oity• Oka, ado ist or Jul s s , Ufa. • • 0144) NM GP UM aaMY fit WMrm ) Me, the aaderaipat oftsee rs et Galt Leer. , Mara of Oa, faalaetea try the ottiedal title east*eat mos, do is.M ►ser ity t a w lit ea the _ day et , 1$l►, etft�Ua►lly AdaA MOS lets ladesladesDe de, •et ,1, et edit Lily.Call'', UM, dead Js1 1, , iMisaat at the oar et tars sot Mass haealts41 per oat ( ;.1;1 per oa s[, gel st..Minty, 1a or is> or alter ItIrasnrlr 15, 1 , Matt lama bass ardnmM erne ( to lowe y (Ii),bah loelssta, is le the ad anise et $$, seek, arse 91, , M the ado el ask etpieutee ihm day ell nsa, losa• tiflat at Maned eilt*a re iaralooteit thereto Mat amameteed is*resets the I-s. Ito tUtier artily tart MO LUMINS1 t etc*sutras tie MI MOW ea nriMM11101R alledil211111111 or w the iseaee addelivery et add weds es the levy ea adla ties et tow to at the aaetwfarai at latesest, ear 1a MMg!mea ar qpiertiestns the poseeediaosuaa aaiiarity maw*Allah the am la ranee or sill a the wtLILty orb is burs rieort thin wither the Cat MUM or ear tee?Z L'a et the omega arisen to their reepeettre Mlfees to beteg art. tMi eat th et se eaOhrrilw er aomodiego tar the isasisse etsad torade bee bear repealat, revoked er reesiMsa. rie corporate eras.r 41t Loire Cam, OM, se ispp+nsM ea add toads. $pea said beans is eaisrael the tsfl*s$er sertitteeal "City AaaKtcr►s Ceatitieste I h.rdey eertl4 that this boos 1a**Rhin the lseta lrlt ilea et Gilt Lire COY, ash, eras 1s 11011014a.siMs r to Za'* atoll eartitieMto des►sipet try soli CLtr all . Dora eat delivered srt Galt Labe Car, eta, this ay d ,, A. D., 1$b. glinatatigna MrGarr, Gat% Leh.City, aoh City ltsaa let, Galt Lite City, MGM City/waiter, Gait Sabi City, Oa 1 hereby thet the aipotoree et the ellieers ohm ah. asibat ore'tree ad Msaataa..