161 of 1911 - A resolution ordering work on Sidewalk Extension No. 156, and authorizing Board to advertise for bid REMARKS: - Resolution No. 1 . i By Councilman, MOH = 1, ,; Ordering-.work..on...$id ewe.). Bxtena ton No. 156. Board to Advertise for bids. -,,,, - + READ- AN®...ADOPTED AU 2 `K1911 h i 1 h ec I l i i , . . AU0,,K011 , 'r, �1 l t ., RE S 0LTIT I0i7 RESOLVED, that t ?e communicati on of the City Recorder in regard to a dye rti. sing noti ce of inten ti on for 3 id ewal k Ex tens ion No. 15G be received and filed; that the said improvement be rfi.de 8.313 the work therefor be done ;coder the supervis' on of the Board of Public Works; that the City Engineer. be directed to prepare plans and specifications for sa id_ improvement including the cost and expense of engineering, inspection, publishing notices and making tax levy; and that the Board of Pub lie Forks be d irecte ci to pro ceed to adve r tise far bids for making such imp!o yen ents for a period of 20 days.