161 of 1912 - A resolution that Mr. Lawrence act as Commissioner of Water Supply and Waterworks during the absence REMARKS: Resolution No. 161
By Commissioner Korns
That Mr. Lawrence act ac
Commissioner of Water Supply
(3. Waterworks during the
absence of Mr. Korns.
. _..... . . .
3 Salt Lake City, Utah, D.C. 12,_...____....._.......191.._2...
VOTING Y. No I move tnat resolution No,. 1..61 by Mr Ajr-14-1-4-"c)
be adopted.
Keyser ............„_._......_
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Lawrrnce ._✓ 141-*Wa
14 Morris _...... .. 1
Mr.Cimineao- .
RESULT .. - •
R E S 0 TJ U i I 0 N
WHEREAS, Hr. W. H. Korns, Commissioner of `later Supply &
Waterworks is about to be temporarily absent from the discharge of
the duties of such position;
RESOLVED, that during the temporary absence of Hr. Korns as
aforesaid, Lir. H. 7. Lawrence, Commissioner of Public Affairs h Finance
be and is hereby designated to act as Commissioner of Grater. Su»ply
Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City,Utah,Decenber 12 , 1912.
Mayor City Recorder..