163 of 1912 - A resolution ordering work on Sewer Extension No. 316 and advertisement for bids thereon. REMARKS: Resolution No. 163 By Commissioner Lawrence • Ordering the....work on.... ........ Sewer Extension No. 316, and . ...... advertisement for bids thereon. I' 4 . . •••••• ••••• • I . . I , • 4 • ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, Doe.._.it, I91......2. VOTING Ye' No I move that resolution No `3-- ..... by Mr LAWRENCE be adopted. Keyser �L......_.. .__...._. Lawrence '�._T.... • - Morrie - .......... — . Mr.Gd.�Nnn • _ Acting Commissioner of Streets t Public Improve- manta. ROM' RESOLUTION . RESOLVED, that the communication of the City Recorder in regard to advertising notice of intention for Sewer Extension ITo. 316, be received and filed; that the said improvement be made ; that the work therefor be {gone under the supervision of the Departmett of Streets and 2ublic Improvements; that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for said im-nrovement, and submit same to the Board of Commissioners for its approval; and that the City Recorder be authorized to advertise for bids for making of such improvement, for a period of twenty days. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,Decenber , 1912. -t .02%,KP't T7ayor. CZ y ecorder