17 of 1915 - A resolution granting a holiday on Wednesday, March 30, 1915, from two o’clock p.m. for the purpose %EWARKS, Resolution No. I:7 MORRIS By Commissioner ---------- ; Granting a holiday on Wednesday, March 30, 1915, from two o'clock P.M. for the purpose of-attending•tle opening-game of 1 the baseball season READ AND ADOPTED P,10 0 1915 ciCkt', • • I ROLLCALL `^ "°"`•"'° VOTING Yes No Z Salt Lake City,Utah„.....:....a.0 3. r W 1 '5. flRAZB T move that rer_AltigLt .,.:._.. by ID[r...... ... ..._. ,. Lawrence ....r -- Motto- - - _. ..._ .. - .,.. .._... Mr Chldrmafl '. Result - - RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Wednesday, March 31st, 1915, is the day set apart for the opening of the baseball season; and WHEREAS, the banks and various business houses and offices are giving their employees a half holiday for the purpose of attending the opening game; therefore 4•Alf/ d4 / I R '0 V,� that 1 ffi city c s be ed at two to ttend the opering of the baseball season. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, March 30th, 1915. x`, V ( Mayor \ City Recorder.