17 of 1920 - A resolution fixing tax levy for year ending December 31, 1920, at eleven (11) mills on each dollar REMARKS: Resolui - = By Comnduuoner_ -R..H. Green_ r • F ixing Tax,Levy for year ending December 31st, 1920► & 4 eleven (11) mills on each dollar assessed valuation a property made taxable by law. I READ AND ADOPTED JUL 29 1920 �� 5 ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY • Salt Lake City,Utah, .i 29, , 192_O.._ Burton it Crabhe -----" I move that the resolution be adopted. Green Neslen Mr. Chairman Result j' RESOLUTION `.iy.v_!IS 1.,201' i�ZS0IL L P Of.3'1' 1, .1 CITY, 3; D , 'i i 3r BY F0B YH Y.IR 1920. BB IT BISOLVDD by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: That for the _curbose of defraying the necessary and proper expenses of Salt Laze City,and ::taintaining the government, there be, and there is hereby levied upon all the real and personal property within Salt Lake City, made taxable by law for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1920, a tax of eleven (11) mills per each dollar assessed valuation of said property. Said tax is hereby levied and it is to be raised for the following purposes, and is and shall oe apportioned to such purposes in the _following iaarnner: COITTI T..GB,''T ,Y?DI'SES To defray contingent expenses, three and nine-tent s(3-9/lt mills on each dollar assessed valuation of said property. STlildfS k uD SIDEVJxLLS To open, improve and repair streets and sidewalks, three and foursixth (3 4/6) mills on each dollar assessed valuation of said property. sEITMS AND DRAINS To construct and repair sewers and drains, one (1) mill on each dollar of assessed valuation of said property. IIIT.i112,3T OP BONDS AIP.D SINKING FUND For the payment of interest on outstanding bonds and to constitute a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of outstanding bonds,two and one-tenth (2-1/10) mills on each dollar assessed valuation of said _rro_erty. L I3HARY To maintain Public Library and Free Beading Booms, one-third (l/b) of a mill on each dollar assessed valuation of said property. It is necessary, in the opinion of the Board of Com- missioners, for the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this resolution take effect upon its passage and that an emergency is hereby declared to exist so that said levy ma;; be made and said tax collected as required by law. This resolution shall take of ect upon its passage. Co. aissioner o Public Aflairs & Finance. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Balt Lake City, July 29th, , 1920. tiporary Chairmen City Sec order. Z.