17 of 1959 - A resolution providing for the installation of temporary Jet Refueling Facilities by United Airlines pPr _„r REMARKS
i Resolution No. 17, ffl
By.Commissioner_..14 ....c:.:_Romney
i . ' Providing for the installation
1 of temporary Jet Refueling
Facilities by United Air Lined§r
1 Inc. in the present Tank i;arm
at the Salt Lake Municipal_.
Presented to tine Bos►rd of Commiesiaiert
AN -f'AS�Efl
' OCT G . 195o
Z;trr aeconn I .
d. ba#e Piled October;,6, 1959 i
,.- Address ,.
Rec.104 50 1-58 Q.P.
ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, October 6th
, 195 9
I move that Resolution No 17 by Mr...L.....C..,...Rommey
Burbidge . . . be adopted.
Christensen . .
Goons . . .
Romney . . . Temporary Chairman
M.Chairman .
Result . . .
WHEREAS, United Air Lines, Inc., has contracted with Salt Lake City
Corporation for certain rights and privileges at the Salt Lake City Muni-
cipal Airport and for the use of certain facilities, including, but not
limited to, the Administration Building, ramps, taxi strips, runways,
hangar and a portion of the gasoline tank farm area; and
WHEREAS, in the transition period from piston-powered to jet aircraft,
and pending completion of the new airline terminal area, it has become
necessary for United Air Lines, Inc., to install temporary jet refuelling
facilities in the present tank farm area;
THAT United Air Lines, Inc., is hereby authorized to install, subse-
quent to August 1, 1959, and for a ground rental consideration of ONE
DOLLAR ($1.00), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, such refuelling
facilities, including the tanks, pumps, electrical service and other allied
equipment in the present tank farm area, as may be reasonably necessary
to the flight operation of United Air Lines, Inc., prior to installation
of suitable refuelling facilities in the new airline tank farm area; and
PROVIILD, HGYEVER, that all refuelling equipment so installed shall
be installed subject to approval of the Airport Manager as to the number
and dimensions of tanks, location, method of installation, etc.; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said refuelling equipment shall remain
the property of United Air Lines, Inc., and may be removed at the pleasure
of United Air Lines, Inc., providing always that such removal be accomplished
under direction of the Airport Manager and in a workmanlike manner; and,
PROVIDING FURTH a, that the premises upon which said refuelling faci-
lities are installed be restored to a condition satisfactory to the Airport
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
hf h day of !.act nhct` , 1959.
kriReleitlY-4\41` fiJ
AM MAR, United Air Lines, Inc., has contracted with Salt Lake City
Corporation for certain rights and privileges at the Salt Lake City Eduni-
cipal Airport and far the use of certain facilities, including, but not
limited to, the Administration Suildirg, ramps, taxi stripe, runways!,
hangar and a portion of the gasoline tank farm area; and
!CITRUS, in the transition period from: piston—powered to jet aircraft
end pending completion of the new airline terminal area, it has become
necessary for United Air Lines, Inc., to install temporary jet retelling
facilities in the present tank farm area;
THAT United Air Linea, Inc., Is hereby aut.icrieed to install, aubse—
gt:ent to Ae:guet 1, 1959, and for a round rental acaridcration of DIM
DOLLAR ($1.00), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, each refuelling
facilities, including the tares, eum"n, elec?sic..+.i service and other allied
equipment in the :resent tank fare area, as may be reaeonably necessary
to the flight operation of United Air Lines, Inc., prior to installation
of suitable refuelling facilities in the new airline tank farm area; and
PROVIDED, ►iO RVMR, that all refuelling eouipraent so installed shall
be installed subject to approval of the Airport Manager as to the number
and dimensions of tanks, location, method of installation, etc.; and,
8f IT FURTHER RRSOLVLD, that said refuelling equipment shall remain
the property of United Air Lines, Ino., and may be removed at the pleasure
of United Air Lines, Inc., nrovi.ding always that such removal be accomplished
under direction of the Airport Manager and in a workmanlike manner; and,
PROVIDING F'.;RTH7R, that the premises upon which said refuelling faci—
lities are installed by restored to a condition satisfactory to the Airport
Peeled by the Board of Commiarionsrc of �rlt Lake City, Utah, this
tP day of DC �/ , 1959.
7 "
InnpF,AS, United Air Linos, Inc., has contracted with Salt Lake City
Corporation for certain rights and privileges at the Salt Lake City Voni-
cipal Airport and for the use of certain facilities, including, but not
limited to, the Administration Ttl=lding, ramps, taxi strips, runways,
hanrar and a portion of the gasoline tank farm area; and
wTITEAS, in the transition period from piston-powered to Set aircraft
end ;lending completion of the new airline terminal area, it has b000me
necessary for United Air Lines, Inc., to install temporary jet refuelling
facilities in the present tank farm area;
THAT United Air Lime, Inc., io hereby authorised to install, aube —
quont to August 1, 1959, and for a ground rental oansidcration of CUI
DOLLAR (31.00), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, such refuelling
facilities, including the tanks, juips, electrical service and other allied
equipment in the present tank farm area, as meg be reasonably necessary
to the flight operation of United Air Lines, Inc., prior to inetallation
of suitable refuelling facilities in the new airline tank farm area; and
PII07I111:D, 3r0t1?'9s?R, that all refuelling equipmmant so t natalled shall
be installed subject to approval of the Airport 'fnneger es to the number
and dimensions of tanks, location, method of installation, etc.; and,
88 I; F'BTIFt BQ91.7LV7D, that said refuelling equipment shall remain
the property of United Air Lines, Inc., and nay be removed at the pleasure
of United Air Lines, Inc., providing always that a,:ch mammal be accomplished
under direction of the Airport Manager and in a workmanlike manner; and,
PROPIflI C IRtRTICPi, that the premises upon which maid refuelling faci+
lidos are installed be restored to a condition aattcfaotory to the Airport
Passed by the Uoardd ofCompmissioners of Salt Lake City, tltah, this
6-4 day of l!C� y , 1959.
e Rec. 4
'ThE;b.AS, United Air Lines, Inc., has contracted with Salt Lake City
Corporation for certain rights and privileges at the Salt Lake City Muni-
cipal Airport and for the use of certain facilities, including, but not
limited to, the Administration Building, ramps, taxi strips, runways,
hangar and a portion of the gasoline tank farm area; and
1 WHEREAS, in the transition period from piston-powered to jet aircraft,
and pending completion of the new airline terminal area, it has become
necessary for United Air Lines, Inc., to install temporary jet refuelling
facilities in the present tank farm area;
THAT United Air Lines, Inc., is hereby authorized to install, subse-
quent to August 1, 1959, and for a ground rental consideration of ONE
DOLLAR ($1.00), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, such refuelling
facilities, including the tanks, pumps, electrical service and other allied
equipment in the present tank farm area, as may be reasonably necessary
to the flight operation of United Air Lines, Inc., prior to installation
of suitable refuelling facilities in the new airline tank farm area; and
PROVIDED, HEVER, that all refuelling equipment so installed shall
be installed subject to approval of the Airport Tanager as to the number
and dimensions of tanks, location, method of installation, etc.; and,
BE IT FURTff R RESOLVED, that said refuelling equipment shall remain
the property of United Air Lines, Inc., and may be removed at the pleasure
of United Air Lines, Inc., providing always that such removal be accomplished
under direction of the Airport Manager and in a workmanlike manner; and,
?ROVIDISO FURTHER, that the preiises upon which said refuelling faci-
lities are installed be restored to a condition satisfactory to the Airport
'a�Qssed by the Board off Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
VtL day of Q di , 1959.
Or /
Ci ce r 11)1414111
t! US, United Air Lines, Inc., has contracted with Salt Lake City
Corporation for certain rights and privileges at the Salt Lake City uuni—
cipal Airport and for the use of certain facilities, including, but not
limited to, the Administration Building, raps, taxi strips, runways,
hangar and a portion of the gasoline tank farm area; and
WHFRE.AS, in the transition period from piston powered to jet aircraft,
and vending completion of the new airline terminal area, it has become
necessary for United Air Linea, Inc., to install temporary jet refuelling
facilities in the present tank farm area;
N00, T Qu: i0DRi, BS IT REXLV€D,
Ti:AT United Air Lines, .nc., is hereby authorised to install, subse—
quent to August 1, 1959, and for a ground rental consideration of ONE
DOLLAR (f,1.0O), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, such refuelling
facilities, including the tanks, pumps, electrical service and other allied
equipment in the present tank farm area, as may be reasonably necessary
to the flight operation of United Air Lines, Inc., prior to installation
of suitable refuelling facilities in the new airline tank farm area; and
:'RflVIDED, H(E SVCIt, that all refuelling equipment so installed shall
be installed eubjeot to approval of the Airport Manager as to the number
and dimensions of tanks, location, nethod of installation, etc.; and,
I3 IT FURTaR RV33L+7ED, that said refuelling equipment shall remain
the property of United Air Lines, Inc., and may to removed at the pleasure
of United Air Linea, Inc., providti always that such removal be accomplished
under direction of the Airport Manager and in a workmanlike manner; and,
ROVIDINO !^t tTUSR, that the preelses upon which said refuelling faci—
lities are installed be restored. to a condition eatiafectory to the crport
Panted by the Board of Coma,iseioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
day of , 1959.
City Recorder