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171 of 1911 - A resolution declaring a holiday on October 5, 1911, for all City employees who are members of the G E. REMARKS: Resolution No. 171 By Councilman Reed. Declaring a holiday on Oct. 5_, 1011, for all city em- .ployes who are members of the G,A,.R.. , in order that they may parti cipate in the reception to President Taft. READ AND ADOPTED CCc.12 1911 _I - CITY 8.ICORDV. �{ A s•s • As i I Whereas,on Th arsday,©ctober 5219112 William Howard Taft,president of the United States will be a visitor in Salt Lake city and a guest of the city and state and it is meet that the citizens should turn out to give him a proper and patriotic reception and welcome be it, t this council hereby grant and authorize a holi— dajfor all city employes who are members of the Grand Army of the Republic that they may participate in the reception to the president.