18 of 1937 - A resolution of condolence upon the passage of Theodore Taylor Burton, Ex-City Commissioner. REMARKS: 4
Resolution No.
By Commissioner
Resolution of condolence{
upon th e passage of Theo dare
aylor Burt on, Ex-City Commis-
si oner.
irseesitt6 -
414i,Vie • 17A^,/
Matheson - - -
Murdock - - - -
Mr.Chairman - - - RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, Theodore Taylor Burton departed this life on
September 8, 1937, after sixty-four years of useful service in
Salt Lake City; and
WHEREAS, said T. T. Burton was a successful business man
engaged in many business enterprises until the year 1915 when he
was elected as a member of the douse of Representatives. bince that
from to 1925,
time he has served the public in many capacities an J c 192a/he
occupied the position of Commissioner of Streets and Public Improve-
In 1926 he was transferred to the Department of Public Safety,
ments,jhich position he relinquished in the year of-1931, since
which time he has honorably and ably served the citizens o_ Salt
Lake City in the capacity of Special Supervisor of Irrigation; and
WHEREAS, by his departure is felt a deep loss to the mem-
bers of the board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City and other city
officials and to the citizens of said city, all of whom held him in
high esteem.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commission-
ers of Salt Lake City that the highest appreciation for the long and
splendid service of Mr. T. T. Burton be expressed by the city of
Salt Lake officially for and on behalf of the officers of said city
and its citizens, all of whom express their sincere sympathy to
Mrs. Burton and the members of her family in their bereavement.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be spread
upon the minutes of the board of Commissioners and that an engrossed
copy be forwarded to Mrs. Burton and fam //
Ilf/.t� .-- —
Passau by the board of Com: sioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this /'Iday of ( , 1937.
City ,,ecoraer. !_