18 of 1981 - JOINT RESOLUTION establishing the “Salt Lake City Energy Advisory Committee,” composed of not to exc / JOINT RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the energy crisis presents both challenges and opportunities for the future development of Salt Lake City; and WHEREAS, an innovative and coherent energy policy will significantly contribute to our overall success at solving our energy problems; and WHEREAS, the process of defining a municipal energy policy should focus on developing an interrelated set of energy-saving proposals that can be realistically implemented; and WHEREAS, energy conservation and solar power are two such alternatives that are readily available, and there are numerous other proposals worth exploring; and WHEREAS, the ultimate test of an energy policy is whether or not it helps our residents reduce their use of energy and control their energy-related expenditures--expenditures that are also translated into inflacted costs for housing and transportation; and WHEREAS, as we take the initiative in dealing with our energy problems in Salt Lake City, we should keep in mind the opportunity that it presents for all of us to work together toward achieving a common goal--an energy-efficient environment-- that will benefit us both as individuals and as a community; and WHEREAS, an effective energy policy depends on the coordinated decision-making of a multitude of individuals, and requires the understanding and support of our residents as well as close cooperation between the public and private sectors; and WHEREAS, we need to establish an on-going dialogue to exchange information and views as well as produce a general consensus; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Mayor and Council establish the "Salt Lake City Energy Advisory Committee," composed of not to exceed sixteen interested and knowledgeable people to be appointed by the Mayor, to work with City administrative officials in developing a municipal energy policy. Passed by the Mayor and City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 24th day of February , 1981. SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL BYAI P 21 aaG'1) M AIRMAN ATTEST: .-r(�i►��Ohlti a/,r( �a'1/f Al,(.GI2J ITY RECORDER ACTING -2- IPPV Resolution No. l By_ City Council rakxfiewuctirEic Establishing the "Salt Lake City Energy Advisory Committee'.