181 of 1911 - A resolution Senator Smoot be called upon to appear and procure proofs upon which he bases his accus REMARKS:
Resolution No..__.1 81
By Councilman I/ '' r D
That Senator Smoot be
called upon to appear and
procure proofs upon which •
he bases his accusations
of graft, etc. as per
tds xet-ter--af- Nov. ''l, 1911,
II �
as appearing in the Herald
Republican. •
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• Whereas there has appeared in the columns of the Herald-
Republican luring the campaign just ended a great many ar-
ticles derogatory to the present city administration, to the
city officials and to the members of this body and
Whereas in its issue of November 8 it published a tele.•
gram purporting to have been received from Senator Reed Smoot,
one of its stockholders, ,n �
Whereas said telegram, A copy of which is attached hereto,
reads in part "now for a cleaner, better and greater city, with
graft, vice and dislike eliminated"
Therefore be it resolved that we, the members of the city
council, who are implied to have been concerned in graft in the
administration of municipal affairs do call upon Senator Soot
to appear before this body and produce the proofs upon which
he bases his accusation of graft or demand from him a plait*
retraction of his statement .
(1,,/ , 0.1: •
',.nei-cas t-.,( co h.as ah-eh..re, in to cc...eirs of the herald-
..:erablicar durin,; the a lc-ais:n ji3st e_rh7c3d a .rcat riary ar-
ticles aeret cry to the -orchert city 3.d.:.inistrat icr, to the
city ciiiol als :.:,r;i to the .neh.bers of this body 3.rd
,nereas in its iS:F.;.Le Of •:.ovehber ij it -rial.,lishe.o a tele-
ram tarrortin- to have neon rc co ivc3 fr :-:: 3crat or heed ''.,:incot,
one Ca its stochhc"ders, and
.hereas said trieram,, a ec-fy cc vhic'h is at t3.ehed hereto,
reads in rart rinov for a cleancr, ,-)et', or and .-.^cat or eit;,, v 1.th
vic ...nd dislihe elihinate:"
herlore be it rf_solved. that 1,%e, t,.e rsor'rF:..-is a: the city
council, vhc are -1._.! lied to '...lve ...cc 3,2n2E or:,._J. in ra-at in the
ad:,:inistr.ition of tnunieiral afaairs dc call arer 3chat or :irloot
t•-i 3.7rear before this body and rrcdiee the -rcois aeon v hien
he '').3..3eL: hid 3.32as at or. of -raft or der-art ircc, hir: a rublic
retr .tetior. of his :tat-:on
Senator Reed Smoot
Congratulates Mr. Park
and Salt Lake Citizens
r,--7/ .
•:-"` Washington,Nov.7,1911.
Herald-Republican,S•dt Lake:
Express my best wishes to ,
Mayer-elect Park,to every man
elected on the Citizens'ticket and
to the citizens of Salt Lake in gen-
eral. Now for a cleaner, better
1 and greater city, with graft, vice
j and dislike eliminated.