19 of 1911 - A resolution ordering work on Sewer Extension No. 248, City Engineer to furnish plans and specificat R ; REMARKS: © �tion No. �� ; ,Councilman, an/ DAVIS B� Ordering work on Sewer :xt,ene ion No. 248, City Fngi,nee 1 . i N to ram ish plans and speeiflea- _ , 1 ti one to the City C ounc i l. {j if } '*? 11 i I . gm. wry Reooilolit I ; 11 11 l F q70,maearewa*s' Ret.4.*.40..a.a��Jjy,,, , €1.0 - " •: - _ / IS .. 7, S 0 1, U m T 0 IT , i i e-7), t'll`3t the COrlfih1ni cat io on a f t;_e 0-I ty Re co rdor in a r re -77.rd to .dvertis ',rig Actice of intent] on for Sewer '', tens ion 248, be 1 received and filed ; that the said improvement he -.1., 'r, "end tne work therefore be done under the surf-Tr-is -inn of the roard of u' is .00rbs; A that nl. c 7 c•� f the City -5,ncineer ne di reefed to p -- pare ._?.ns an , x c fica ions `i fo Ha -i(; "r p:ro \enont :inc1 't(' -1,nEr the eoEt "''.'.:, ex en:=e a f en nee ri]1F�, t in ; ection, hub li sh1ng noti c e s and_ rT":''"in!: t'yr< :levy ;i 1,•f';1, s`i,r`e to the Ci t ; rcl_,n oil_. O A' .i .1 1