19 of 1912 - A resolution that the Mayor be authorized to offer a reward of $200 for the apprehension and convict JANUARY 25, 1912. JANUARY 25, 1912. -
6fi 67
Former Salary Proposed Salary. Resolution No. 19 By Mr. Park. !
Jeesen, H. C $115.00 . . . . $110.00 - i
lynch, J. . . . . . . . . . . 110.00 . . . . 65.00 BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor be authorized to offer a reward of Two Hundred ;$200.00)
McCurdy, W 95.00 . . . . 90.00 Dollars for the apprehension and conviction of the murderer of Ire. Groff,
Richnond, W. A 135.00 . . . 110.00
Saunders, D. H 115.00 . . 110.00 Referred to the Legal Department.
Scott. W. 60.0o . . . . 65.00
Shumwway, F. P. . 140.00 . . . . 125.00
Tempest, R. W. . . . . . . . 110.00 . . 105.00 Mr. Horns moved that the List of Authorized Expenditures be pnneec and the City
The salaries of the following employees have been fixed, same to take effect February • .1, 1912:-
Auditor instructed to issue warrants covering the same, which motion carried on roll call
Connor, P. F $125.00 . . . . $115.00
Krebs. L. H. 170.00 " . . . 160.00 vot, all members voting aye.
Parke, L. L. 170.00 . 150.00
From the above, you will note that these changes, as outlined, effect a saving of ,
• $1255.00 per month, without in any way lowering the efficienty of the department. LIST OF AUTHOP.IZED EXPENDITURES.
i I herewith respectfully request that these appointments and salary changes be approved 1
by your Honorable Body. 201 The Aveney Company $100.00 •
Very respectfully,
City Engineer. - On motion of Mr. Morris• , the Board of Commiseionero adjourned, on roll call vote,
Hr. Morris moved that the report be concurred in and filed and the appointments con- "all members voting aye.
;!'k firmed, which motion carried on roll call vote, all members voting aye, except Mr. Korne, who
��. voted No. 4
Y/� i
... 116 Hancock Pros., et al. Asking that free license be granted Mr. Alex Watson to peddle. 1� �'f%r�A •
Mr. Lawrence moved that petition be granted and free license issued to December 51,1912, J\ �! //y�l/�a�/ j
which motion carried on roll call vote, all members voting aye. mayor• �(,pQ(j� '� 9 c
115 Wm. Harris. Asking for free license to run express wagon. � r-`� `�)��
'• Mr. Lawrence moved that the petition be granted and free license issued to December 31, . \ 11.
1912, upon payment of 25g for plate, which motion carried on roll call vote, all members i;
voting aye.
I have the honor to report in the matter of petition 1No.43 from W. H. Clore asking that
the Secretary of the Fire Department be requested to finish hie annual report as he was removed
before he had time to complete same, thno this petition be not granted ae It is not deemed necess-
ary 1.; view of the fact that this work can be attended to by the present force.
Very respectfully,
Commissioner of Public Safety.
Mr. Park moved that the report be filed and the recommendation concurred in, which
. ,. ,. g., : alleel: ,.1., vote, ll ,reenters voting aye.
In the matter of petition No. 61 of F. B. Scott, et al, asking that the action of the
I Be-,:;,: to ,;em. a:' free license to fee. Pink to practice clalrvoynnce and palmistry he reconsidered
and that free licence be granted; I move that the petition be filed.
It Commissioner of Public Safety.
Carried on roll call vote, all members votinE aye. tr
jI The Coeval seioner of Public Safety, to whom was referred report No.2 from the Chief of
r•,,•.:,..•u,• u, ,a1y p,upn oy, sage weave to report coot tie ruin nag ' {, I. .
.n.`.rr ^oreidrr-tlor aid recommends that suitable nean'Sres be taken along the lines indicated •
�1� In I m:.'.c ropor' of the Chief of the Fire Drnartment end Shot thie rennet he new referred to the
____ ,
' �I ' 'sec,, lace,• nO Ypres and Public Property for his reconnende.tion.r ' III
It Very ern ectfaiiy, p
, i
,� „. r-1 ov-,, :o.;.ulaulormreof Palilc Safety.
!;;,? the report be filed and the recommendation concurred in, which
cot. carried on roll Call vote. all members voting aye. A P
it Mr. ?ore :no red that the regal eitlon of the Fire Department be approved and transmitted MMILIMMINWFMR..FW.F"'"' --.. ..
to tar i'ircl.,,nin,: Agent, which motion carried on roll call vote, all members voting aye.
15 Mr. Keyser moved that the requisition from the Park Department for supplies at liberty
i--.ri, 1,. showed nod transmitter. to the Purchasing Agent., which motion carried on roll Call vote,
..1 monsoons voting nye.