19 of 1915 - A resolution authorizing the dedication of public parks, grounds, canyons, etc. as bird sanctuaries REMARKS, Resolution No. By Commissioner lagus Authorizing the dedication , I • ofPublic Parks, grounds canyonS, : etc. as bird, sanctuaries. READ AND ADOPTED - 115 • Ct‘.4/14 t ol RERDE.R. 11, 11 1!1 '7 Shehrman ' - I move that the following resolution be adopted: Weiss Lawrence Morris Mr.Chairman1/4(1, ,Commissioner of Parks d Result Public Property. RESOLUTION AS the Burroughs Nature Study Association of Utah has requested • that the public parks, grounds and canyons of the City be dedicated as bird sanctuaries sacred to the life and growth of the birds of all species for all time; and WHEREAS April 3, 1915 at 10 A.M. at Liberty Park exercises dedicating said grounds, parks and canyons have been determined upon by and with the consent of the Board of City Commissioners; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City that the consent is hereby given for the dedication of such parks, grounds and canyons as bird sanctuaries at the time and place stated, the exercises to take place under the direction of the.Department of Parks and Public Property. Pass by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah, APR -5 1915 , 191.......... fht temporary Chairman PROGRAM FOR UTAH BIRD DIY LIBERTY TA1 . SALT LAB CITY, UTAH APRIL 3, 1915 -- 10 O'cLOCK A.M. These exercises dedicating Liberty Park and other enclosures in and around Salt Lake City, Utah, as BIRD SAiCTC , are heid under the auspices of Till 1.t:R,ACCGHS NATU_i; (STUDY ASSOCI.`.TICK OF UTAH. The motto of the association),is, "TO TEACH CCOIITCLRVATION AND CON- OK'.UCTIC T RATI,iER THAN WASTE AND DEOTRUCTTION.”JA PRAYER Rev. George E. Davies MUSIC . . . Ai`2ERICA School Boys and Girls. Led by Hugh W. Dougall. Director of music in. tha public schools of Salt Lake City, Utah. Reading of Governor William Spry's Bird Day Proclamation, by. . . The Honorable Heber P.I. Wells, Commissioner of Parks and Public Property, Salt Lake City, Utah. MUSIC School Boys and Girls DEDICATORY ADDRKSS; To be read in unison, reading led by I . M, Gillilan, Principal of the West Side High School, Salt Lake City, Utah, We have come together to-day to honor the wild bird-life of Utah, We desire to commemorate the great service of the seagulls to the pioneers and to show our gratitude by laune'ring a movement Vnce_ in we pledge ourselves to protect and especially preserve all wild bird-life. We, the schoolboys and girls, as well as all adults here assembled, anticipate a far-reaching effect from these services. By them we wish to express a fuller appreciation of the value of the wild folk to us; to teach a more humane consideration of -ill animal life, and to form ourselves into alert, active bodies for the purpose of furthering the interests of this organization. To this end we pledge ourselves, one and all, to lovingly and considerately carry out all of the provisions set forth by the Burroughs Nature Study Association of Utah in their labors, in which we this day participate. In God's name and by these exercises, we hereby dedicate Liberty Park, Pioneer Park, the Capitol grounds, the City and County Duilcizg grounds, the City Cemetery, Mount Olivet Cemetery, .;:catch Lawn Cemetery, Holy Cross Hospital grounds, L. D. S. T'os ,ital grounds; City Creels Canyon, Parley's Canyon, Lig Cottonwood Canyon and. all of the canyons from which Salt Lake City gets its water supply; all the Mormon temple grounds, meetinghouse grounds, L. D. S. school house grounds and cemeteries belonging to the Mormon Church in Utah; Idle- wild in Ogden Canyon, the L,gc,on in Farmington, ',Jantamere, and Fort Douglas reservation as BIRD CLNCTUARI ;S, sacred to the life and growth of the of all species for all time. DISMISSAL for the unveiling of the BIRD SAIRTUAtY sign Lt north end of Liberty Park and for the or..ction of the first bird nest- ing boxes by the officers and members of the Burroughs Nature Study Association of Utah. The school boys and girls are then to set up the boxes they have made in the manual training departments of the schools or at home, in places selected by the Superintendent of Parks, Mr. Thomas Hobday. It is suggested that bluebird, flicker, wren,and martin houses be set up at this time. These nesting bo•.es may be placed at a height from ten to thirty feet from the ground.