19 of 1917 - A resolution accepting $25,000.00 from Carnegie Corporation of New York for Branch Free Public Libra REEM4R$S: Resolution No. 19 seen..._ . &y fommuswnOr C' Accepting $25,000.00 from Carnegie Corp6ration of New Xo for Branch Free Publio Library II : BEAD AND ADOPTED MAY l 11917 tsrY ROLL CALL VOTING AYE I NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, Md& Tf_ ` � 7 Green V j I move that th resolution be dopted, Scheid Newman n )j Wells IOA —ti � Mr.Chairman Result RESOLUTION AREAS, Carnegie Corporation of New York has agreed to furnish the sum of 25,000.00 to the Publi Library of Salt Lake City, to erect a Branch Free Public Library condition that Salt Lake City shall pledge itself by resolution of its Board of Commissioners to raise by taxation a sum not less than 250u.00 a year for maintenance of such Branch Free Public .Library, and to provide a suitable site for said building: NOW THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: That said Commission accept said donation, and it does hereby pledge said City to comply with the requirements of said Carnegie Corporation of New York. Be it further resolved that it will furnish a suitable site for said building, and that said Board of Commissioners will raise by taxation, as provided in Section 1360 of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907, and will expend not less than t2500.00 a year for maintenance of said Branch Free Public Library in said building when erected. -1- Be it further resolved that an annual appropriation shall hereafter be made from the regular library funds of said City raised by taxation as aforesaid, sufficient in amount to comply with the above requirements. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, May MAY ' ' OLi, 1917. M a y o r . • 11 � C tit order.