19 of 1919 - A resolution appointing a committee to investigate and report on the increased rentals of apartment REMARKS: . Resolution No..._1_9 -...By CommissionerGreen ...._........................_...... ._._..._...._ To appoint a committee to investigate and report on the increased rentals of apartment houses hrinffifed t7,the ibetd of Cyw1w-.riarwmsra and r ye': OA-7`= 61—\� \� S 1 P 9 • 1919 jAt eitw»oa Pree utad to the�gle.ers of Cemenaionera e r end 2.A �+ A SFP 1 C 1919^'� Presented to the Board of C mmhsioners { and Ordered Filed, i fAAR2 41921 ' � I _ ROLL CALL � VOTING A NAY `V .4 74 Salt Lake City,Utah, ... Mare 24 ,l82 1 Barnes �--- Burton I move that resolution #19 of 1919, to appoint Crxbbe Green __ a committee to investigate and report on the Mr.chairman., _� li increased rentals of apartment houses, presented Result to the Board of Commissioners Sept. 9, 1919, i and laid over until Sept. 16, again taken up and laid over subject to call, be taken up and filed. dc-- .:- Commissioner of Public Affairs & Finance MAR 2.1192 Passed by the Board mi of Salt Lake Ci ,Utah, . City Recorder Mayor H.A.RICH • D.CHASE RICH RICH & RICH ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW .u1rn SALT LAKE CITY PHONE Wwnwrcry 8491 Sept. 24* W19. Ana. III. Mat Ferry, M yerr Salt Lake City,,Corporation, City & County Building, City. my Dear dir r I am enolssing herewith copy of a letter whtoh is se3f-.explanatery. In view of the very commendable efforts on the part of City Commissioners to reduce the high cost of living and to place the Masts for the present abnormal prides, I consider it part of my duty as a citizen of this State to help advertise those persons whom I consider are taking undue adtsntage of the present situation. Mr. L. Z... Pendleton, Jr. the owner of the LaBelle Apts. has raised. the rent in his apartment house three imes within the past yearend one—half. Na has done this f the fact that his operating expense and assessed valuatio of the premises have remained within a very few dollars of what it was in 1917. When he announced the Iset increase, he came around and said '-I guess you know that the other apartments in the City have gone ug in rent so I suppose I'll have to raise my rent too'. I. wish to be distinctly understood as not objecting to paying $40t.00 per month for am apartment to live in; but only as registering a protest for being compelled to pay mum for an 'apartment upon which the owner would eke a reasonable profit if it rented for about $IC.Oa Ions'per month.. Trusting that the City Commissioners will continue in their good work, and that they will Aran find' a way of increasing the assessed valuation of property where the owners are extracting from a helpless public unreasonable prof its, I have the honor tar be,. Very sincerely, Aver naimm Salt I ha *IV, 'Utah, he,ialO+laiq .e 1F19. lor A. J. Peerdlet Pr.., , City. tear Sir; e . teeOars surprised recently to learn that rot*an 41art ent.a aitdatsd at" he* 6th last had b.en .4.10,044 04elowom #3i40 ts $0.0b . month,, .,su'�s t . tete astonishment,' yell i�r*sd Ate thatther="ire ,eta raised only hea.utsrt 'othsr is in;the City had ens ?�'. If the Bats wrs" +pi srs being worth the am nt sf the insr�assc in , tt, fie weal' be me 4tsperi- time ea our part. alas with y nt a.thi► b of price, Soreater-1a4 to relit*, Our .has bad. ern and Very shabby,. eaa the rviear you ma tt ,i bankrupt ths leigUnk insosege to WA it fitting as^preasisni art>r taly!'thsr., are praotieallr no epartoonts or house in th arty 44 he purchased er ratted by pert*** of uu our she ' We L eat feel as. t�;ea seo afford pay the . imareasisd, rust oeasideri . vo ug . a sttiteg; nethe e r a lgwre a< fit tt a' . . While uta rsaiistp;that it is hinolealr re the rentof your a artmentst 'to any figurey es:ti cetera* .th� the Courts.•till "as !ire # Wile' vt is to ;and u 1lit g t: the inures.• in rent , o r _altsrtatiili..Pet! stay kir.a the praise% rent until tie,1`; ° . eaflics bei tots `the1 *treat. T '"�teruattw 1 'et;least, insure Court colts and.at irn sr rd s ni k�l at rttty a oirsulat�. As beiw t`re rreatie them) 1 a`4 preset, no legal way to prevent you from tenants. R.arirrlrer, before yen take st a is: srce 14ga ly this unjust :Opine, xa.Weill rispoet!'nlly 11 o 1 year attention to *loot which .het poaarib:ty?`hew avar1eakadt ' The r'° has sailed s'spesia"l arossisn of the L td to meet 8�sr"!Stab, 1419, to take �'to reduce tits lest of living out punish who a robbing the p $`"e '"this Stags. tts'teke furtherin etattag a fee lasts at whisk ye* ara wady *waxer bat0xr5snien f argottexu 30@391�11[: Yost sri net how Ja too $42.40 per•month. He ao isor ei• in wing t Tears. A year sad Soo-half ago` ap+s� 0 n!s , tor 1*!,$0_`__�po�ew rental as 1.ibt s spr' .00, a,��qq�It . !ha +►X h i� with°sn �raass + r.r ai*4 a`i . This. tuorsasos Wore latest claret r # that �c operating axpsnsas Imre anapain•l praat , . Oa*. To 9 tasnt that you lotion is wa- ps►t ti. *Ai u*ti►ir#' thh� 'bier the approximate +aspens* o9 ss~ ntaining the► 9,* ..stt the rental rsso rsl from sans. tgigar 191'!. R. B. * ilao.00 Ass.ssod.ire i�p►tieei:, ...t139330.00 11900.00 a1*ses. Ineoss :**Zter. . $ Apts. at 9*7.90 - 19940.00 4saZ .� . Repairs 100.04 Tawas 9924�•� Water Taxes ota 9 797. T 3 Loss lxcp saProfest giNIIrT 0n the ogofiesti saiustion whi t# *ndoubtediy vary high ♦ ap s rsptat for o7. par month, you would 1M high on yoursstmant. Tsar 19344 Assess$ valuation is the tams. *ep.nsas Imam, /sniter ) 1110.00 9 apts. at $*9 00 # 9500.00 Coal 100:00` Royal!, 14)0 r0A 1140M,%1400 Less IspenOse Prof i 14142 Although the .pernting .zpsnss.laks laver in this year, th. r.nt was raised to $50.094 making a diirid nd of 18% on your in- rss nint Year 1919. Assessed Ys1.*tiers is the saws. lispJanitor �s$ 2t0.o0 a apts. ai xn$40.00 $ 3440.00 Coal Repairs 1 .0tf • Tomm l4at„1ra two 11119.17f Less *spouses r97 P ofit• p+swots The net income makes a return on the investment of fir. S"fii►s, the ittora*se in operating expenses for 1919 Oyer 1917 are ap ri�aat s.00, 1a the in►n se. in profit, at Wa6.00 pert month is and a $de.00 per month the in- crease in profit is 011 i't0, Trusting that the above wi13 cause you to hesitate Wore enforcing your new* demands, and that your moral obtigntions to the een unitl 11111 prove td ba itrengsr than nay **sire for increased insane Buie to the prone** unfortunate air- estanees, se are, lhespeotfvlly, (4z./) 6,D if r� W1217-1 ,- ROLL CALL • ,,- 900 oe.E.E..E.. r: `. VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, Sept. 3, , 91 9. Crabbe 1 Green i i_ - I move that the resolution be adop ed. Neslen at_ i. Scheid- _ '. Z i ! Mr. Chairman -_---- RESOLUTION Result _ — I WHI:RFAS, It has been called to the attention of the Board of Commissioners that apartment house owners and other owners of residence property in Salt Lake City have increased rentals beyond the necessities of the situation: and W1-IT.ERAS, increases in rentals have a direct bearing , upon and aid in the increased high cost of living: NOW THEREFORE, BR IT RESOLVED, That a commission. -f c ._ec _:p f.cintcd :y e 3oari of C-. Imiss_orlors to make in- vestigation of the entire situation with relation to rental of t' property for residence purposes for. Salt Lake City, with power to call before it such witnesses as it may be necessary, and to call to its aid the members of the Law Department of this city to assist in said investigation, and said commission shall at an early date report to this board or to any other public official :c its recommendations as to methods of remedying the situation, and if no -remedy can be found by which such rentals Inay be re- i.. F duced, the said com::,issioner shall recommend what steps may be ji taken that the public may secu^e,by increased taxation or other- "Y wise, a proper share of such increased rentals, if such action Y... shall be deemed just. Said commissions. ;hall be in the '=Y ' Department of4t vUc::.41(.��,..,,..evand under the irection of the commissioner ofq /aliettdQ ,.uccuLtil I Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, September 1919. `;Li ,. ayor. { `, City Recorder !