19 of 1927 - A resolution making additional appropriations for the support of the City Government for the year 19 REMARKS: .. Resolution No.. -�- by;'ciir,,mifsioner Fehr, Iiitking add;tiona1a opiati, for the''eupport of the City f 1I government for the year 1927.. iv 1.4 vas*Di ,wiimioutibrs AN• D PASSED SEP 22192? i�- N'Y RECORDER I Y. iz I Burton Fehr I move that the resolution be adopted. Finch ,Ae,c- • ✓ Moran Mr.Chairman - - - Result RESOLUTION o::ier,envy e..ists and it is r ca:;ze.r;y to cake additional : ) ro)riat9.orc for the su;coat at the city govern:aent for the year iLt7. t t0.UT that the folio-tin': sums of money Or __uoh thereof as .._ay roc accessary 'rye and the same are hereby a))ropriatea tar tP e su.;)_art of the ,- rioas ae, art.ents in- dice..ted ar tho lendar year ending :December al, 1`=27, :;aid ao- . orooriations are further itemized in the reoi,ests on file for such ap;)rocriations and are in addition to those heretofore authorized and passed by the board of `commissioners of bait e �Jity, Utah, on December 14, 1926, and since, to-wit: :UTDI 0 2 . . 12d.00 _1 icec_1^der 1000.00 3' teaith deoart:ilent ; 0.00 tuvenfie ;oust 1:)0.00 _'olive )e;oartuent 667.37 Engineer 000.00 Improvements 41.42 OTATTITOkY 1lii. Purchase of Jones Lots 450.00 .est Side Drainage tenul Land . . 5100.00 latreet'De coratioas . . 750.00 ;7A1 it 0_it .L D ,1ATE SUP :atervorks 2212.06 9760.05 . 1 II 0 It is necessary in the ooinion of the 3card Hioners for the peace, health and sPfcty o: the inhabitants of salt Le C'ity, T:t„,i11, that this resolution tEnte it:E.ct ucon its .!)asstine. Phis resolution shall tahle effect upon its aLoption. Adopted py the heart of d'o=issioners )f salt Isae iity,, RTtah, SEP 22 927 , lc.:S7. 7,v,vgzecorce-r NN Gici. tiENUTY „ I .i