19 of 1943 - A resolution authorizing additional appropriations in the sum of $17,517.09 for the support of the C REMARKS: Resolution No. • By Commissioner Tedesco Authorizing additional appro- priations in the sum of 417,517.09 for the support of the city government for the year 1943. Peseeled b the Bard of CImindedwe r AND PASSED DEC 2 91943 Orr1f R OORORR i4[ 1. ._ 1 I move that the resolution be adopted. Keyser k/' L-17)V ' 449 Madmmn . McliamkM Mr. Chairman - - RESOLUTION Result 1. ? i --, IHEBEAS, Commissioners of the various departments hbrein- _..fter specified have -au b - rittun requests tor additional appropria- tions setting forth the emergencies necesbitating the requests; and =h0AS, it is necessary to make such additionqi a-pf,ro- priatiooq for the support of the city government or the year 1943. NO , THILA01 BE, IT h2,00LV1) that wa emergency e_ists and it is necessary to make additional appropriations for the toiloing accounts and departments for the year 1943, and that the folloqing LtAZ, of money, or as ,huch thereof as may be neces:;ary, be an the same or hereby appropriated fog the suoport of the various apart- ments inaidateu fol: the calendar year encLicrg Jecehber 31, i943. Laid apim'opriations are further itemized Li the requests on file -for such appropriations and are in addition to those heretofore authorized and pea by the koart_ of Cobuissioncro of aat bake City on a;ecohber 31, 1942, to-sit: AUUTIOL. Account do. beuartment. Amount. 1-A-2 City Auditor (Payroll) , 57.51 STATUTOlil & GhUEUAL. 147-7 Capital Investment (Clavison Property) 15,000.JO 14.1.-14 -ixi-Jense of Judge Burton to attend Nat'l. Safety Congress 250.00 - --F -11--. 6 - City's portion Speci%1 Ihp. Tah 1,409.58 147-9 Capital investment (land adjoining City pump) 2OO.O6 --)TAL 1 17,517.09 It is necessary in the opinion of ,:he Board uf Conmis- sioners for the peace, health and safety us the inhabitants of i,i,lt bake City, Utah, that this resolution t -: ofiee't ul.,oa its passage. 1 I _ „ • -2- This resolution shall tLke effect on it adoption. prasseo Ly tho board of CoITLIissloness of at Ldk.e City, 7- Tjtan, Y411,7tuaY of /01--c-4-.-'.,-°C4 f'--)4D• City necoruef. r - 7