19 of 1960 - A resolution granting permission to the Wallace McConaughy Corporation to construct footings for pil Resolution.:No. 19 Joe L. Christensen • By COMMISSIONER I j Granting permission to the Wallace McConaughy Corporation! to construct footings for pillars of the proposed Walker Center Parking Terrace on 2nd South and Regent Street, said pillars to project past their property line into the City street line for approximately 3 ft. 6 inches and to be 12 inches below the surface of th¢ sidewalk line, as requested inl Petition No. 204 of 1960. Preser,tsd to the Board of Commissionaz4 AND PASSED JULi 2 O )\1;ernit;Vt?t,14\41.ti\I CITY RECORDER I i I I I I I � II I ` T I i ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, r ,196 VOTING_ Aye Nay I move that the Resolution be adopted. Christensen . Harrison . . . Piercey Romney . . . %% Chairman RESOLUTION Result . . . . WHEREAS, ne teliace M.:Cunauhy Corporation is building what is known as the Walker Center Parkins Terrace, located on the northwest corner of Second South and RecentStreets, Salt Lake City, Utah; and WHEREAS, the plans and specifications for the construction of said building call for the erection of footings along the south side of said proposed building on Second South Street, in such a manner that sa`d footi.n?s will project into Second South Street past the property line of the said narking terrace for a distance not treater than 3 feet 6 inches, said footings to he approximately 12 inches below the surface of the City sidewalk along said Second South Street; and WHEREAS, the said Wallace McConauchy Corporation has requested permission of the Board of Commissioners to place said footings as here- tofore described; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners f Salt Lake City, Utah: That the said Wallace McCcnaughy Corporation is hereby granted permission to place said footings as heretofore described and as set forth in Petition No. 200 of 1960, as amended. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 12th day of July, 1ca60. �/ ,/ /- \G_.t RE c / i Mayor