191 of 1911 - A resolution that the franchise granted to the Utah Independent Telephone Company is declared null a . , '.....,.: , 191- '1 -.'''• ..... REMARKS: ft,-S. .'.!.%,:;:HIZesolution No. .•:•• :. . . . . ..,. .,,!-. •,,?,---,:-.?„ . • , . .-...• .1: -,-'_ . .,,,,-•• • '•• .. r Counpilman..iC zr/TN. n., 82 .HATAitl ' . ., .:. .. .., . .... ..., ., . : mi -,- --., : at the franchise: grantee 1 : , „ - , . the Utah ICo. nd. Tel. C . in ':Y5,?,,,,,,- null and; void, and ., i!-,'•:--- : 4eclaring attempted sale null 11 , and-vci&..' ii,. .. ,.,. 2.„..„ e i i- 1! ,..-.! . Presorted to the City WA 1. ,.. 4001.01110.04100.41....16,1001.11.111,1110 arki.A.A. ''' LI ,.. •,•; ! ,. . r ..,.'..',..- , ..-.•,.- ' ; • . . . . .. . .. 1. .., 1. .::• ...„.. . . . .. l'•.":. . ., REA,,ri Artio-'. • , ,.... . ,--,,,• , , ••• , . ,..,... ) . .,, ;.;.• , . . . ., .. , . , , Fit .,..-,-..,,/ „., .... • ..... , , ... . . , • saLPZUSBCYNrjam. - -„, c-5::L. ,, ..,„.. , . . . i ' ,,-..-., `-•,t' -,'',..`-'75.1`7' ':',. .. .,4-, •- • ,_ i--=.;?-,,!-'-'—- • " .Y:P:.',1-;,,,-:-,,,!!:-..,- 4:... - 1".-.:-'2' :-• .. - :•„, , . ,,'•,--I?'.it-, -',':-..•„';.•?f,ii•-•• ' - - • '':1-:-4,1, .e.:1 _ - IN 7 S C L U T•I 0 N. i HITeE.AS, the Utah Independent Telephone Company has • sold or.attempte. to sell its-entire--prop_erty wit-houte e- consent of Salt Lake City, thereby violating its franchise and divesting itself of all means of carrying on its business and by said attempted sale has violated other terns and conditions of its franchise, NOW, therefore, be it Resolved: That the said franchise granted by Salt Utah Lake City to said Independent Telephone Company or its predecessor in nave, the Utah Hone Telephone Company, is hereby declared 14::,:mulxxairte null and void and forfeited; and said sale or attempted'sale is also I.ereby:deelared null and void. • Further _resolved: That the City Recorder is hereby directed to serve a copy of this resolution upon said Utah � 4 ' Independent Telephone Company, the Rocky llountain,Bel l Telephone Company, the alleged purchaser of said property, and T e I,Iountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company; , and the City Attorney is hereby directed to advise said Recorder as to the manner and form of making such service and of evidencing the sane. fk Read and.adopted December 18, 1911. Approved,byMayor,pro ten A J navis _. ecember 20th, 1911: �~ Due service of certified copy of the within and foregoing resolution by Councilman McKinney, hereby admitted this o?;4- day of December, 1911, Agent for hountain States Tel.r: Te1.Co. Due service of certified copy of the within and foregoing resolution by Councilman hc=inney, hereby admitted this .-- day of December,,1911. or " y ountain Be11.Te�:Co. Due service of certified copy of the within and foregoing resolution by Councilman McKinney, hereby admitted this t..4j day of December, 1911. or a Independence Tel. Co. f RESOLUT•I0N. ITIiCITAS, the Utah Independent Telephone Company has sold..or_at.tempted_-ta-sell_itsrentire.},,op.arty rvirlarui-ti-:e� .__ L. • consent of Salt Lake City, :thereby violating its franchise and divesting itself of all means of carrying on its • busines and by said attempted sale has violated other terms and conditions of its fran hire, NOI[, therefore, be it • Resolved; That the said franchise vented by Salt Utah Lake City to said,\Independent Telephone Company or its predecessor in mane, the Utah Home Telephone Company, is • hereby declared nkt..xunkamitx null and void and forfeited; and said sale or attempted sale is-also hereby.dbbIared null and void. .� Fr,-- Further Resolved : That the City hecvrder is hereby directed to serve a i;opy of this resolution upen.said Utah Independent Telephone Company, the Rocky Ilounta.,in,Bel1 Telephone Company, the alleged purchaser of said property, j and The fountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company; , and the City Attorney is hereby directed to advise said • 1 ecorder as to the manniir and form of making such'service and of .evidencing the same. 'p , gead.andadopted December 18, 1931: � Ap p.rgved. b�.P&a or. r tem a i ecember 20th 1911;' Due service of certified copy of the within and foregoing resolution by Councilman McKinney, hereby admitted this o(;2G1p day of December, 1911, 1 ©gen for Mountain States Tel.& Tel.Co. Dne service of certified copy of the within and foregoing resolution by Councilman McKinney, hereby admitted this day of De comb er._1911.. Thor x ky Tenn din e .in .Co. { Due service of certified copy of the within and foregoing !!! resolution by Councilman McKinney, hereby admitted this t2j day of December, 1911. or a ndepencent Tel. Co. F '