193 of 1911 - A resolution appropriating the sum of $75.00 to R. J. Golding for services rendered Council as Serge si
Resolution No. 103
By Councilman R':v.DALZ
Appropriating the sum of
$75.00 to R. J. Golding for
services rendered Council as
Sergeant at arms.
WHLftEAS the season of the year is approaching when the spirit
of Christmas fills the land and it behooves each to remember the services
of another and,
WHEREAS the sergeant at arms of this council, R.J. Golding,
has given faithful service at the regular and man- special meetings of
this body du:ing the past year now,therefore,be it
RESCL VED,that the council appropriate the sum of Z 1‘-9-2^
and that the came be presented to Hr. Golding in appreciation of his
services and attention to the mem ers of this council.