195 of 1911 - A resolution that the Street Supervisor be ordered and directed to at once remove all obstructions o , sr REMARKS: Resolution No. L-, :. By Coun,cilman D .A. V...1 S That the Street Supervisor be ordered and. directed. to ,c.,,,t once remove all obstructions on Vest Fifth South St re et-betwe en I Fifth-and. -Sixth•••7e•st_ Streets_ t nd. restore streets to public use i. • i' i R I S O L U T I O I . IMALi, test fifth South Street ►etwesa Fifth West and Sixth �e otherwise, revs l feat Streetsis obstruetod by . noes and o is preventing the I E � Tres and unobstructed use thereof by the lnblie; ION THLRIYORE. MO it resolved by the City Council of Salt City that the sulorvisor sf $facets is hereby ordered and directed to at ones remove all obstrsotisas on said last fifth south Street between yifth West and Sixth test Streets, end restore said street to the use of. the public.