2 of 1917 - A resolution changing the regular meeting of Monday evening February 12, for Tuesday evening Februar REMARKS: r _ Resolution No. 2 • Green By Commissioner..._..--..-_--........_.__ Changing the regular meeting of Monday evening February 12, { for Tuesday evening February 13) , I91.7 at 8:00 o'clock. BEAD AND ADOPTED JAN 8'1JT? —d — 4 VOTING I ME ! Nil alt Laice'.,t.y, , Green V ::: V I move that the followi�Lgg res lu •on be adoptec an " ALL L.GIG✓ Wells RESOLUT IO N Mr.Chairman Result WHEREAS, ltonday, February 12, 1917, is a legal holiday; therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that tr.e regular meeting of Monday evening be held Tuesday eveni at 8:00 0, lock. iPassed by he Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, FEB —8 1917 191__ City Rreu[O[ MAY v