2 of 1925 - A resolution authorizing the borrowing of $1,800,000.00 Tax Anticipation Notes bearing interest at t REMARKS: Resolution Na. 2 , By Commissioner Green, Authorizing the borrowing .f 1,800,000.00 Tax Anticipation Notes bearing interest at the 1 rate of 45 per annum, series o i Jan. 1st, 1925. Earl ANL' Alkii;TED JAN 1 5 1924-, 1 , /14 January Fifteenth ,192b The Board of Commissioners of E:lt Lake City, Utch, met in regular seaeion. Meyor Realer in the chair. 0n Roll call the following &embers rers present: A. F. Barnes, Commte_ioner of Public Sefetyi T. T. Burton, Cosiiseioner of Streets en' Public Imarovesentei H. H. Green, Commissioner of Public iffaire °nd Fincncei Dr. M, A. Stewart, Coasieeioner of Perks tad Public Property, .ad C. C. Medea, Comvisaioner of rater Supply and 4aterworks, Chairman. Also present, P. A. Leethen, City Recorcer. ComAseioner H. H. Green introduced the following »rolution end moved its adoption:. ABSOLOTION DHEREIS, there is iamedicte and pressing need for raising funds to the &mount of One Million Eight Hundred Thoue:.nd Dollars ($1,800,000.00) for the purpose of meeting the current exyenses of the City for the year 19Eb, until the peyment of taxes for the year 19E5; end v4 REAS, the tax revenues of S=at Lake City, Utch, for the year 1924 aggregated Tyro Million, Sixteen Thcue:;nd Three Hundred Thirteen end 88/100 Dollars ($E,018,315.8$) cad the total revenue from all sources a Tree '`.illion. Ono uuncre.d Fori,y-nine Thus ad, One Hundred bie,hty-fire end 14/1t0 Dollars ($8,140,165.34), tn thet the eatim'ted revenues from tax:-tin -.nd other *cameo for the year 1925 'ill be Et leaet a greet se that for the year 12E4, although et ttie time the aseeetoent for the yee.r 192b has not yet been ■edei and yL E, the cum of One `pillion E.i,ht Hundred Thoucod Doliare ($1,90C,000.00) require; no, to be raised is not in exoeec of aid revenue a eetlorte.d for the your 1925; -1- t)e, 3 HoR5M1t, E6 IT 1lE.CLY091 That halt Lake City, Utah, for the purpose of meeting tbs current ei;.ensee of r.,iC City for the year 19i5 until the peyaeet of tames for the yeer 19Yi, ehal? borne, the nun of Ono Million tight Hundred Tbouer.nd Cohere, (01,1100,00C), bearing interest at the rate of Four i:er cent= (4%) per ennum, rad for suck purpose, as evidence of susb tsdsbt.dneae, the City of Suit Lake *hall issue its negotiable coupon borne in the a ,r.ga.te amount of One 11111ioa light Mu*dred llous,sd Dollar., (01,000,000), o.asisting *of Forty-ea. (41 ) bender, numbered consecutively from Coe (1) to potty-one (41), lneluaive. Said bonne• shill be d.ei$ncted " Holt !rake City Bond:,, S..riee of Jeausry 1, 14E50, +nd shall be dstod Jsoa ry 1$, 1955. Sold Donde shall be due and pey- abls on the thirty-first dby of Deoeeber, A. A. 19P5, end shall be evidenced by bonds Nueb.rad one (1) to tea (10) inclusive, in the denoalne,tiom of p,000 step; Sends numbered Cleves (11) to Twenty-eight (t'a), inciu;i.e, in the dsnosinetioa of $lb,C00 eel* Bond. auebersd T c ty-aim. (l0) to Forty-ease (41 ), tnoluei.e, in the denomisatlos of $100,000 •Arch. Skid bondt shall be paft.b1e in lo- money of the United DtA.en •.ad shell beer lntereet fro* and after t..o first doy of January, A. C. ',VS, at the rote of Four ;er oentum (4%) per anon*, both irinci,a1 sod intern:t syr.bl et b-turity, .t tks h'ultable Trust Cooptny in the City cod E tato of bee York, U. t. A. $r,1d bond; ehali be signed by the 'Pryor end Ltteetsd by the City Licorcer under the soil of the pity ;Aid ak-21 be registered in a book rapt by the City P.udltor for that pur;;ose, ens the City Auditor shall .n^orse opus .col of said boodL the s.rtificats required by lee. E51d bond. shell be in eubetrntistly the follovin4 fern, to-ettt- -f- CR DST T4.t or r•F1iIG Sf4Tc :+► UTOS CiU71TT '�F 4 LT 4.eltt ho. 1 • o l.T i.Ua CITY WAD Eerier of d,:nary 1, i9$s ilOW ALL SLR BY T*1$1 PSSYSllTe, THAT 'LT ;KS CITY, in the County of bolt Lake end State of Utah, hereby eakaailsdjes itetif to be indebted and, far value rewired, hereby ?stsis's to yey to the Weser bettor, the sus of THOUVNI1 M.LW in lawful sooty of the United at!=teo, on the Thirty-first day of December, S. D. 19t5, et the 11Euitsble Trust Conpsny In the City end "tots of Soo York, U. S. r. with ictersrt there- on et the rate of four par coitus per &AMID tiA dots until *Sid, aeyeble at maturity. This bond is ome of a series of forty-one (41 ) bonds of like tenor rqd effect, cumbered Eras line (1) to forty-one (41), lnolueive,boods numbered One (1) to Ten (10), in- sludn,in the denomination of $3,000 mesh; bonds cambered arose (it) to Twenty-eight (.%), ineiaslvt,in the dsneeinttion of SEL,0OG seohl bends cumbered Teeoty-nine (Oil) to Forth-one (41), inoiusive,in the denominetian of 400,000 soot, ono keoes at " Snit Lobe City Sonde, Eerie& of Jeouc.ry 1, 19tb " for the loogregete sue of ',:no Killion Light hundred Tboussnd Ballast ($1,d00,000) issued pursu:l.nt to 5eotion.57010, Compiled Lkts of Utob, 1017, and all rite emendatory thereof and supplemeatml thereto. the City of malt imke shell levy in the year 1025, a sufficient t,x to psy the ?riselyal and interest on this bond at the sea• shall fell due, void thin bond is issued in entielpetion of mush Lear. for the yerr 1020. It le hereby certified, ree.ted and declared that the entire indebtedness of acid City hereby iaaurrsd is not is tosser of the uses of stia City looked or to be levied for the current year 1926, aaC that s-id indebtodness ate end is oontrteted for the vuspose for shish srid taxer are levied. It is hereby eirtifiad, recited e.nd dte2ered that all eonditioce, sots end things eeeentirl bet the velid`ty of this bond eclat, hove haFpo$ed and have beendsns, end toot every rsquirewset of law affecting ths'lsrue thereof bee been duly cusp/led with, tad that this bond is within every debt end other Unit preeeribsd by the Constitution cad L.wvr of stid.8t•te, end that the full frith end Credit of ealdSelt lake City Ere hereby irrevo- cably pledged to the punctur.l payment of the priooipol , dtiatsr,et of this bond :ecor:ing to its tiros. IS UITNkS3 than ?, li,it nts City h>.-r. c:•ueed this bond to be signed by Its Mayor, its corporate seal to be hereunto sif ...sd, -ad etteete" by the City heearrer, rr of thie firer dr.y of January, d. U. i025. oTTL:18, Y,aT (Stu) -5- 'there I be rneorred it,ieb fetd band" the !. •111;,:tus certit lc,tee City ,iu;'itor,e Ceriffic,.te * 1 neraby certify thit tni6i tont U ttM1r, the eful hebt !fait f it .. City, ,titz Is ueo UCtice, tJ . ties' Ile 11FVfli-..10, iVtC tht, fl the fovea:pi:ft, et,,ituntrite, re;irt,-,Aintctiifn*, recre.fmtato ciniti.ized in t. le borcf. be t,11,.1 the a,mit i.re hereby etbed e COVfil ate, itrittients, rreeentz,t1,,e*, ...gree-Fea.to het rio.finesf : C!ty, Uti =It If J1iTr1kit th t the -A( hity t reby ..ethoritatI -.-cO directed to etas ,,od execute e t bonoi, rid, the City hccor(1er I* hereby ,ifttniirieed ircCtt to ttt i.,ftia the se..I of h.-It ii4iee City to eok 4 eiiG bond* , o the City ti.uoitor 1* her:by iiottorii•d nd dirtsi.ed to .,,I.eser n henh!-,,, the ferif fie-te is the e_liner i-ni! fore :net forth ehova. • .11 'isF,ihkrZoelli.1) kUihone:, ?hen is use, *hell be delivered to tha ofrehf mere 02tirtc3f, t - lt t C : n F Tr ic city, /., Curti* Xes• 1"..4-g City, N. faii, the Zentri Trutt C- wiiy tf• it -V. City, Uttli„ u.••11 race 1:'t of the ,urch,.....0 ice htrefor. 1i. ItftlitT,qinYLC tit the ihizire,. levy in the year •offtef,fit tAn to :ey the f.rinci,. -,nfi interact f, e in the gsjatt sat due. Ytis reeciuti,n nht LI te dfect u.,n,rx Um*. •?"'" *nen: iriyrr City,Ree. r,er tat) -4- Tht ,dorti,n .'..t tho (..ro.,c,irt. roi—lutio3 v. va ,voo.odoo by Cual.i tionr _ T. T. Burton (IA the , _Ise ,311 Lein ut t.:. vote , a unanixouely o.rr.toe.! by the Pttlret tivt,, vz,to :-...f ,11 C.AtrieaLtraor. ,rtn.ent, the being f e fcliocit G. C. No, 3xo, :r.e.y r, ;. F. 1,-mon, Cormi.4:i4over, T. T. Surt.7n, Coo I..1.(.1,13v-r, ',Aye" f.i. R. ,.von, s".. ,.. irv.1,:nor, r`ye." - ,-••im Llt,r,"7ye" ey6r ) 4TTi..!1.1 city Ittc..-.r,*,.r -b-