2 of 1940 - A resolution authorizing the Commissioner of Streets & Public Improvements to petition Secretary of REMARKS
Resolution N o.
By Commissioner..Math.eaon,......................
Authrozing the Comer. of Streets
& Public Improvements to petitior
Secy. of War for permission to
iconstruct boulevard across N.W.
arm of Fort Douglas Military
Reservation as more fully de-
scribed herein.
NI1 Fl 7194G
Date Filed Mar• 7 a 194°
Address ...... .... .. .....................................
Keyser .—
/h e—_-r-=---
Matheson - - -
Murdock - - - -
Mr.Chairman - - - - RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, between the years of 1893 and 1914, Salt Lake
City, a municipal corporation of the State of Utah, constructed,
maintained and used the Wasatch Boulevard extending through both
1 the northwest arm and the main body of Fort Douglas'Military Reser-
vation; and
WHEREAS, during the years prior to 1923 citizens of
Salt Lake City used an unimproved road across the northwest arm of
the military reservation known as Virginia Street, which road extend
ed from Wasatch Boulevard into the City; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to an Act of Congress of February 25,
1907, (34 Stat. 927, Chap. 1188) on October 16, 1923, the Secretary
of War granted to Salt Lake City the right to maintain said Wasatch
Boulevard over and across the main portion of said military reser-
vation from the south side of Popperton Place to the south boundary
line of the military reservation but no permission was requested
and none has been granted by the Secretary of War for the maintenanc
of said boulevard and Virginia Street across the northwest arm of
said military reservation; and
WHEREAS, the 76th Congress passed legislation now known
as Chapter 479 1st Session (Public No. 293 - 76th Congress, H.R.
5912) which Act reads as follows, to-wit:
(PUBLIC - NO. 293 - 76th CONGRESS)
4 H. R. 5912 )
An Act authorizing the Secretary of War to permit Salt Lake
City, Utah, to construct and maintain certain roads,
streets, and boulevards across the Fort Douglas
Military Reservation.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, THAT:
The Secretary of War is authorized to permit the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, to construct and
maintain such roads, streets, and boulevards across lands
of the United States located within Fort Douglas Military
Reservation in the State of Utah as he may determine will
not interfere with the use of such lands in such manner as
the public interest may require. Any grant of permission
to construct and maintain any such road, street, or boule-
vard shall be made subject to such conditions as the Secre-
tary may prescribe for the purpose of protecting the public
Approved, August 5, 1939.°
WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable by the Board of Commtssio
ers of 'Salt Lake City to request the Secretary of War to grant a
right of way under and pursuant to the above mentioned law for the
construction and continued maintenance of said Wasatch Boulevard
system including the extension of Virginia Street where said grant
has not already been made as aforesaid, thereby enabling said Salt
Lake City to maintain a continuous highway system safe and free
from hazards, turns and curves and to afford access to said boule-
vard system by means of Virginia Street from the northeast section
lof Salt Lake City.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissio -
ers of Salt Lake City for and on behalf of said city that the Com-
missioner of Streets and Public Improvements be and he is hereby
authorized and directed to petition the Secretary of War for per-
mission to construct and maintain a street and a boulevard upon a
across the following described tracts of,land to be used as a part
of the Wasatch Boulevard system and known as Wasatch Boulevard and
Virginia Street respectively under and pursuant to the aforesaid
Act of Congress, Chapter 479, 1st Session, said land being a por-
tion of the northwest arm of the military reservation of Fort
Douglas, Utah, and described as follows, to-wit:
A right of way 66 feet wide being 33 ft. on each side
of the following described center line: beginning at a
point in the center line of Alta Street and in the south
boundary line of the "Northwest Arm" of the Fort Douglas
Military Reservation said point being 724.92 ft. N. 89°
581 03" E. from the southwest corner of said "Northwest
Arm", running thence N. 00 011 57" W. along the center
line of Alta Street produced 7.29 ft., thence along a 43
degree curve to the left 118.7 ft., thence N. 50. 121 W.
160.9 fit., thence along a 10 degree curve to the left
111.7 ft., thence N. 61s 221 W. 404.2 ft., thence along
a 10 degree curve to the left 76.3 ft., thence N. 69* W.
- 38.42 ft. more-or-less to the west boundary line of the
U. S. Military Reservation, known as Wasatch Boulevard.
I The following land to be used as Virginia Street, divid-
led into a roadway for vehicular travel with drains, curb and gutter
on etther sideAkereell-sidenrafka for'pedestrian travel and a por-
tion thereof to be parked and landscaped, and no structures to be
erected on the surface thereof:
Beginning at the southwest corner of the "Northwest
Arm" of the Fort Douglas Military Reservation, said point
being 218.02 ft. N. 00 011 57" W. and 56.92 ft. S. 89° 58v
03" W. from the city's monument at 6th Avenue and Virginia
Street, running thence N. 0@ 001 24" W. along the west
boundary of said reservation 482.37 ft. to a point on the
south line of the 66 foot right-of-way above described,
thence southeasterly along said south line 100.47 ft. more
or less to a point in the east line of Virginia Street pro-
duced, thence S. 0® 01' 57" E., 441.59 ft., thence S. 89s
58v 03" W. 91.92 ft. to point of beginning; known as
Virginia Street.
1 AND' BE IT FtfltTHER RESOLVED that the said Commissioner is
hereby likewise authorized and directed to petition the Secretary
of War for the grant of an easement to Salt Lake City under Section
1351, Title 10 U. S. C. A., for the installation, construction,
continued maintenance and repair of gas, water, sewer and pipeline
! within said right of way and that the said Secretary of War be re-
+ quested to grant unto Salt Lake City or any utility franchised by
1; it an easement for the right of way for electric poles and lines
for the transmission-and distribution of electric power and for
telephone and telegraph purposes in or upon said rights of say un-
der-Seotion,,01, 1,4,1- 44. w —_,,-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Sal _Lake City,
Utah, this ,7 a. day of %%t_ f - , 1940.
,N Mayor.
City Recor er. i