2 of 1958 - A resolution approving and endorsing the Water Purification Bond Election to be held in Salt Lake Ci Resolution No. 9
By Mayor Adiel F. Stewart
Approving and endorsing the
Water Purification Bond Elec-
tion to be held in Salt Lake
City, March 26th, 1958, for
construction of Water Treat-
ment Plant by Metropolitan
Water District of Salt Lake
City for waters from Little
Cottonwood Canyon and Deer
Creek Reservoir.
Presented to the Board of Commissioner%
1.1AR 1 J 1^53
k t1
Marsh 19, 1955
Honorable ndiel F. Stewart,
Myer-Ceamissiooer of
Public 3afetf
boar 'tire
At a sooting of the Seward of Cosnissionora held starch
19, 1950, Resolution po. 2 of 1958, approving and 'in-
dorsing the water purification Bond (iootion to be hold
in :Salt Lake City, March 24th, 195*, for oonetructioa of
-rater freateeat Plant by the Metropelitaa 4ater District of
salt Lake City, for waters from Little Cottonwood Canyon
and Deer Creek etoservoir, was adopted.
Copy to Yours truly,
water /�1,'1'yA�yy�y/�j�'�ij���Y 1
Law, t V O�C Auditor ()
F.agR. -x-
Motropoli Water City z000rder
Roe.102 50 1-5B Q.P. •
ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah,. (Lr , • , 19
I move that the Resolution be adopted.
Burbidge . . . 9
Christensen . i
. ,
Geurts . . .
Romney . . . ✓ E ��
Mr.Chairman ✓" ?- RESOLUTION
Result . . . .
WHEREAS, protection of the public drinking water ranks highest
among governmental functions, on wnicn account the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City already has caused construction of plants to purify
the waters of City Creek and Big Cottonwood Canyons; and,
WHEREAS, it is absolutely essential that purification treatment
also be given to other of the city's water supplies, including water
from Little Cottonwood Canyon and Deer Creek reservoir; and,
WHEREAS, a plant to give such treatment to the Deer Creek and
Little Cottonwood waters will be promptly constructed by the Metropolitan
Water District of Salt Lake City, providing the voters of Salt Lake City
approve the bond election to be held on March 26, 1958; and
WHEREAS, District officials belie.te that all of the bonds can be
retired out of existing sources of income without the necessity of
added taxation, so that any additional taxation would arise only from
circumstances not now foreseeable;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City does hereby approve and endorse the Water Purification
Bond Election to be held in Salt Lake City on March 26, 1958 and urges
all woters to vote in favor of the proposition as a means both of sating
money on a necessary improvement and at the same time insuring better
quality drinking water for themselves and their families.
ice- MAYOR .
, 44EgR ER
WHERE , protection of the p.lbl:c dz.tri ::14, water renke aighest
among ge'vernmental fdlIctionsp •.11 1i acceunt BJard uf Commissioners
of Salt Lake City alreaers aas caesed constructi.,:u td purify
the waters of (;Lty Creek and Ulg Cottonwood Cans-ons; and,
WHEREAJ, it is absol.itely eesential that purfication treatment
also be given to utner of tIle ci's water ppies, including water
from Little Cottonwund Canyon and Deer Creek reser.oiri and,
WHEREAL;, a plant to gl<e Duca treatment tyo the Deer Cree., and
Little Cuttonwobd waters will be promptly centraeted the Metropolitan
Water District of '.2.alt Lake City, providing the A,ters of bat Lake City
approve te Lo electun tb De lej,(1 on Marc:i2 , and
WHERE .;, District .1'.rcifila belie.e that all of the b:Joc.o can be
retired out IA exlatini.z mo_irces uf income w1tottae necessity of
added taxation, sc. that any additional taxation would arise only from
crcumstances not now foreseeable;
NOW, TEEBEFORE, DE IT AESOLVED that the Zuard of C,)mmiseloners of
Salt Lake Cit..: does aereby approve and endorse the Water Purification
Bond Election to be held in Salt Lae City on Mercu 2o, 1956 and urges
all :eters to “)te in fa,or of the proposition es means beta of sa:ing
money on a necessary .mprovement and at the same time Insuring better
quality drinl<ln water for tnemselves and their families.
aft RECORDER----------------
. ,
WHEREAS, protection or the pibilc drink?_ng water ranks highest
among governmental functions, on walen account the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City already ass caused construction plants to purify
the waters of City Creek and Big Cottonwood Canyons; and,
WHEREAS, it la absolutely essential that purification treatment
also be given to other of the sity's water supp.,.lea, including Water
from Little Cottonwood Canyon aaid Deer Creek reservoir; and,
WHEREAS, a plant to give such treatment to the Deer Creek and
Little Cottonwood waters will be promptly constructed by the Metropolitan
Water District Jr Zeit Lake City, providing the rotes of atilt Lake City
approve the oond election to be held on March 2L, 19)6; and
WHEREAS, District officials belie.e that all of tne bonds can be
retired out of existing sources of income witnout the necessity or
added taxation, su that any additional taxation would arise only from
circumstances not now foreseeable;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ABSOLVED that the ilihwd of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City does nereby approve and endorse the Water Purification
Bond Election to bo aeld in Salt Lake City on March 26, 195d and urges
all voters to vote in favor of the proposition a* a means both of ea in
money on a necessary ,mprovement and at the same time insuring better
quality drinking water for themaeles and their families.