20 of 1912 - A resolution regarding classification of various departments. .1= REMARKS: Resolution No.. 20. By Commissioner Park. - — In re classification of departments, I ' - - -- - -- READ AND ADOPTED, FEB 5 1912 CITY*Pre, f i'. ROLLT TALL r 1J^Q - dlt Lake City, Utah,.....Vt1_. . ti_.... .191.1 ' VOTING Yee No I move that resolution No.....1.- ............... by Mr...._0_WV-.._.._............................... be adopted. Keyser �(_... /....._..._ . Korns . .../....... .. Lawrence . ,` r : 78 • Morns ....... Mr.COaftisan . . . ...... _ ;.,., '--"-. l osed " by't`t�ie Board off' Commxeaione s of Salt ResuLT - - a°" ' -Lake.City, half, Yebriigry .5 r 10.7. "� -Olir 4' ,!/-5 iAlliN er y i006T { RESOLUTION . Be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: 8B0TI07 1. That the various subordinate departments in the administration of the affairs of Salt Lake City be, and they are hereby olassified Hader and are distributed into and among the five general statutory departments as follows, to-wit: i/ 1 ..2.. DEPARTANNT OF PUBLIC SAFETY: Fire Department - Smoke Inspector - Police Department - Humane Officer - Health Department Board of Heal,WW Garbage Inspection and Disposal , Veterinarian Food and Dairy Commissioner Inspector of Oils , Sealer of Weights end Measures . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND FINANCE: Legal Department City Treasurer ' City Recorder - Clerks of the City Courts - Civil and Criminal Divisions License Department . Purchasing Agent . • DEPARTMENT OF STPEETS AND PUBLIC IMPT'O ITAFJT"'S - Engineering Department Street Department and Irrigation Building Inspector -Plumbing Inspector , Poll Tax Collector . DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY AND WATER WORKS: Superintendent Assessors and Inspectors Water Mains and Connections Service Distribution end Meters Water Supply, Land end Canals . DLPAPTM''NT OF PARES AND PUBLIC PROif.HTY: Superintendent of Perks , City and County Building • Cemetery Playgrounds - Public Lands and Buildings - Pound Keeper. -3- SECTION 2 . That the foregoing classification and distributio: shall be effective until such time as the Board of Commissioners shall , by a majority vote , elect to change the same . / / - 4,;