20 of 1938 - A resolution adopting budget for the year 1939 in the sum of $3,193,539.53. Rec.102 A "IA REMARKS 1 , Resolution No. 20 , ,i 1 Murdoch By C,omenierioner •' ,..;;.',.: '!.1 . ' Adopting Budget for the , , 5,'',..,1 , . I I. year 1939 in the sum of U $3,193,539.53. ,,, • , 11 ,1 !! .,,. . , ... ,-1::.,. ,.-,9 ii . , ,`A•1,1-,i),T,.., 1 ,,,,. ,4;•;:. ..:::,,:-.,,,,,...,:, .,.,,.,,tor,‘,;,.... ; , ; .... „, ' 1 ,0 ,1 I ,i j 1 . "S. , .t. . , . '..'''''*•i'.i " - I • r , ,,,, i 1 ! Date Filed II Address , ,,. . l' 'i' ! '-• . _ .cc 102 100 12-8-37 J ROLL CALL � ,�,i ---- December / Salt Lake City.Utah, , 193_ VOTING AYE NAY Goggin 1 move that the resolution be adopted. Keyser Matheson - - - Y� Murdock - - - - Mr.Chairman - - - RESOLUTION Result A RESOLUTION MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT FOR THE YEAR 1939. BE IT RESOLVED by tiw Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, that the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same are hereby appropriated out of any money in the City Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the government of Salt Lake City, for the calendar year ending December 31st, 1939, said appropriations being made to the accounts indicated and as further itemized in the following budget, which is hereby approved. INDEX BUDGET ALLCd3NCE FOR THE YEAR 1939 Departments Budget No. Page Auditor 1 Library Public Affairs & Finance: Commissioner 2 Wasatch Springs Plume 3 Juvenile Court 4 Law Dertment 5 License Department 6 Purchasing Agent 7 Recorder 8 Civil Court 9 Criminal Court 10 Cemetery 11 Treasurer 12 Public Safety: Mayor 29 Commissioner 30 Fire Department 31 Milk, Dairy and Foal Division 32 Health Department 33 Police Deparmunnt 34 Public Buildings 35 Shade Tree Department 36 Parks and Public Property: Commissioner 60 Liberty Park 61 Hegle Garden Zoo 62 Nibley Park 63 Bonneville Golf Course 64 Forest Dale Club 65 Airport 67 Public Buildings 68 Bureau of Mechanic<:1 Inspection 69 Recreation Department 70 Auto and Mechanical Division 71 Jordan Park 72 Pioneer Park 74 Parks and Boulevards 77 Athletic Park 78 Riverside Park 79 Sorenson Park 80 13th East Reservoir Park 81 . Community Ball Park 82 Memory Grove 83 Lindsay Gardens 84 Wasatch Springs Park 86 Victory Park 87 Neighborhood House, Estray Pound, Boys Club 88 Fairmont Park 89 Municipal Rose Garden 90 Miller Park 93 • • • INDEX-CONT I UED Departments Budget No. Page Streets and Public Improvements: Engineering Department 120 Main Office 121 Barns and Shops 122 Streets and Boulevards 123 Sanitary Division 124 Irrigation 125 Smoke Abatement 126 Class "C" Roads 127 City Dump 128 Statutory and General: Miscellaneous 141 Bond Retirement 142 Bond Interest 143 Water Supply and Waterworks: Additions to Capital Investment 150 Administration 150 Office Management 150 Repairs, Machinery, Tools and Maintenance of Shops 151 New Watermain Extensions 152 New Service Connections 153 Reconnections 154 Forest Fires 155 Watershed Sanitation 156 Parleys and Mt. Dell Systems 157 City Creek System 1E8 Mill Creek-Big and Little Cottonwood System 159 Maintenance of all Culinary Exchanges 160 3d East Pumping Plant 161 Well Investigation 162 Canal Maintenance 163 East Jordan Canal 164 Maintenance Chlorine and Ammonia Plants 166 Maintenance and Operation Six Reservoirs 167 Water Distribution 168 Lowering- Mains and Service Account Street Grade 169 Maintenance of P.V. Flume 170 Repairs and Maintenance of Mains and Conduits171 Repairs and Maintenance Vllves and Hydrants 172 Repairs and Maintenance--Services 173 Repairs and Installing Meters 174 Repairs and Care Drinking Fountains 175 Miscellaneous Drayage 176 Repairs and Maintenance Autos and. Trucks 177 Individuals and Companies 178 Exchange Ditches 179 • Pump Operators 180 60th South Pumping Plant 181 Salt Lake City, Utah, December 28,1938. TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, Gentlemen: vie, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, beg to report that we have met as required by law and ordinance in session from time to time until the work of completing the budget has been accomplished and herewith submit report and statement of expenditures and revenues necessary to be raised for the year ending December 31st, 1939. We have carefully considered the requirements of each department and the City government in detail as well as the estimated and anticipated revenue and have decided upon the list of appropriations hereto attached. To make this appropriation effective, the City Recorder has given notice of hearing on the budget and appro- priation resolution in accordance with the State Statutes and is hereby directed to furnish each department with a certified copy of the estimate and apportionment for that particular department and the Purchasing Agent is hereby directed to solicit bids for the printing of 150 copies of the Budget. Adopted December ,,2rg 1938. Respectfully, Temporary Chairman City Auditor board of timate and Apportionment BUDGET FOR TIIE YEAR 1939 ESTIMATED BEVEIT.DE Taxes: Prior Years " 125,000.00 Current year, valuation 0_34,449,730.00 at 15 mills 2,016,745.95 90 percent collection 1,615,071.35 Total Taxes w1,940,071.35 Business Licenses, Taxes and Permits 215,000.00 Non-Business Taxes, Licenses and Permits 60,000.00 Fines, Forfeitures and Escheats 75,000.00 Rents, Concessions, Leases, Interest and Privileges 12,000.00 Departmental Fees and Charges 75,000.00 Earnings of General Departments 75,000.00 Earnings of Water Department 620,000.00 Refund of Revenue Expenditures, Etc. 50,000.00 Class " C " Roads State 92,500.00 Gas Tax Aeronautics Commission 15,000.00 Excess Revenue over Expenditures 1938 181,000.00 3,410,571.35 v."- Deduct Cash Deficit 217,031.82 Total Expendable Revenue 3,193,539.53 ,i BUDGET E PEFDITURES Auditor 21,870.00 Free Public Library 90,000.00 Public Affairs and Finance 200,000.00 Public Safety 780,000.00 Parks and Public Property 220,000.00 Streets and Public Improvement Street Department 228 000.00 Engineering Department 100,000.00 pegs "C" Roads State 92,500.00 'Rater Supply and Waterworks 260,000.00 Statutory and General 374,465.00 Bond Retirement 409,250.00 Bond Interest 317,275.00 Unappropriated Surplus 43,179.53 Reserve For Cash Deficit 57,000.00 Total Budget Expenditures 3,193,539.53 • AUDITOR BUDGET NO. 1 -A-1 Supervision 6,300.00 -A-2 Salaries Office Employees 14,000.00 -B-1 Office Supplies 125.00 -L-1 Repairs Furniture and Fixtures 230.00 -F-4 Auto Allowance 1,140.00 -F-39 Membership and Subscriptions 25.00 -B-3 Postage 50.00 21,870.00 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY Miscellaneous Accounts 90,000.00 • - -i • PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND FINANCE BUDGET NO. 2 COE'MISSIONER'S OFFICE A-1 Supervision 3,600.00 A-2 Salaries - Clerks 3,150.00 B-1 Office Supplies 50.00 B-2 Printing 50.00 B-3 Postage 15.00 B-12 Gasoline and Oil 200.00 B-13 Tires 50.00 E-1 Repairs - Furn. & Fixtures 75.00 E-6 Repairs to Automobile 75.00 F-39 Memberships & Subscriptions 25.00 F-50 Garage Rent 60.00 7,350.00 BUDGET NO. 3 WASATCH SPRINGS A-1 Supervision 4,020.00 A-4 Wages - Maintenance of Bldg. 3,102.50 A-12 Wages - Janitor & Watchman 1,700.00 A-14 Wages - Matrons 2,920.00 A-20 Wages - Lifeguards 3,902.50 A-22 Wages - Ordinary Labor 5,840.00 B-2 Printing 25.00 3-3 Postage 5.00 B-4 Fuel 1,750.00 B-14 Engineroom Supplies 200.00 B-15 Janitor's Supplies 600.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Expense 200.00 B-23 Bathhouse Supplies 1,000.00 3-24 Electric Light Globes 75.00 D-2 Repairs to Building 400..00 D-3 Repairs to Plbg. & Htg. 400.00 E-1 Repairs - Furn. F Fixtures 100.00 E-2 Repairs - Machy. Tools, Etc. 100.00 F-1 Advertising 500.00 F-37 Laundry and Linen Service 2,400.00 29,240.00 BUDGET N0. 4 JUVENILE COURT A-27 Salaries - Probation Officers 4,500.00 F-4 Automobile Allowance 1,380.00 5,880.00 BUDGET MO. 5 LEGAL DEPARTMENT A-2 Salary - Secretary 1,970.00 A-15 Salaries - Attorneys 12,000.00 B-1 Office Supplies ' 75.00 B-2 Printing 50.00 B-3 Postage 40.00 B-12 Gasoline and Oil 180.00 B-13 Automobile Tires 25.00 B-18 Law Books & Periodicals 700.00 • E-1 Repairs to 'urn. & Fixtures 25.00 E-6 Repairs to Automobile 50.00 F-9 Court Costs 200.00 F-39 Memberships & Subscriptions 75.00 15,390.00 BUDGET NO. 6 LICENSE DEPARTPIENT A-1 Salary of Assessor 2,340.00 A-2 Salary of Clerk 1,500.00 A-11 Salaries - Inspectors 3,500.00 B-1 Office Supplies 100.00 B-2 Printing 250.00 B-3 Postage 150.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 50.00 B-29 License Plates and Tags 900.00 E-1 Repairs to Furn. & Fixtures 15.00 F-4 Automobile Allowances 1,260.00 -1777F.7577 BUDGET NO. 7 PURCHASING AGENT A-1 Supervision 2,700.00 A-2 Salaries - Clerks 7,800.00 B-1 Office Supplies 250.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Expense 50.00 E-1 Repairs to Furn. �_ Fixtures 50.00 10,850.00 BUDGET NO. 8 RECORDER A-1 Salary of Recorder 2,700.00 A-2 Salaries - Olerks 6,000.00 B-1 Office Supplies 600.00 B-2 Printing 550.00 B-3 Postage 250.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 200.00 E-1 Repairs - Furn. & Fixtures 100.00 E-7 Renewals and Repairs to Books 50.00 F-1 Advertising , 900.00 F-39 Memberships & Subscriptions 25.00 11,375.00 BUDGET NO. 0 CIVIL COURT A-2 Salaries - 6 Deputies 9,384.00 B-1 Office Supplies 250.00 B-2 Printing 700.00 B-3 Postage 20.00 C-5 Refund of Fines 500.00 Fri Repairs - Furn. & Fixtures 100.00 F-2 Jurors Fees and Expense 150.00 F-3 Witness Fees and Expense 100.00 F-39 Memberships & Subscriptions 25.00 11,229.00 • WIDGET NO. 10 CRIMINAL COURT A-2 Salaries - Clerks 6,780.00 B-1 Office Supplies 100.00 B-2 Printing 550.00 B-3 Postage 20.00 C-5 Refund of Fines 50.00 E-1 Repairs - Furn. & Fixtures 50.00 F-2 Juror Fees & Expense 100.00 F-3 .Witness Fees & Expense 1,500.00 F-39 Memberships & Subscriptions 25.00 9,175.00 BUDGET Iv'O. 11 CEMETERY A-1 Supervision 1,980.00 A-2 Salaries - Clerks 3,180.00 A-3 Wages - Maintenance of Grounds 40,000.00 A-12 Wages of Watchmen 3,000.00 A-16 Wages - Truck Drivers S Helpers 4,653.75 A-21 Wages - Florist & Helper 2,100.00 B-1 Office Supplies 125.00 B-2 Printing 100.00 B-3 Postage 100.00 B-4 Fuel 325.00 B-11 Motor Vehicles Accessories 100.00 B-12 Gasoline and Oil 1,450.00 B-13 Automobile S Truck Tires 250.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 400.00 11.‘25 Greenhouse Supplies 300.00 B-26 Trees, Plants, Shrubs & Seeds 500.00 D-1 Repairs to Grounds 400.00 D-2 Repairs to Buildings 500.00 D-5 Repairs to Sts. & Boulevards 400.00 E-1 Repairs to ?urn. & Fixtures 50.00 Fr2 Repairs to Machinery, Tools, Etc. 400.00 E-6 Repairs to Motor Vehicles 454.25 F-37 Laundry .0 Linen Service 18.00 F-39 Membership & Subscriptions 30.00 60,816.00 BUDGET N0. 12 TREASURER A-1 Supervision 3,600.00 A-2 Salaries - Clerks 12.e ni0 B-1 Office Supplies 200.00 B-2 Printing 300.00 B-3 Postage 200.00 E-1 Repairs - Furn. & Fixtures 200.00 F-22 Dog Tax Collections & Expense 11,4200.00 F-39 Memberships & Subscriptions 50.00 28,630.00 Grand Total 200,000.00 PUBLIC SAFETY BUDGET ND. 29 MAYOR'S OFFICE A-1 Supervision - Salary 4,200.00 A-2 Office - Salary 4,700.00 B-1 Office Supplies 150.00 B-2 Printing 125.00 B-3 Postage 75.00 E-1 Repairs - Renewals to Furn. & Fixt. 150.00 F-4 Auto Allowance 500.00 F-39 Membership Subscription 75.00 I-1 Capital Investment 125.00 F-55 Safety Council 1,620.00 11,720.00 BUDGET N0. 30 COPGESSIONER'S OFFICE A-1 Supervision 2,400.00 A-2 Stenographer 1,500.00 A-17, Mechanics 1,750.00 A-31 Telephone Operators 4,500.00 A-40 Sealer of Weights & Measures 2,100.00 A-41 Asst. Sealer of Weights ?: Msrs. 1,680.00 B-1 Office Supplies 75.00 B-2 Printing B Stationery 50.00 B-3 Postage 25.00 B-12 Gasoline ', Oil 300.00 B-13 Tires & Tubes 100.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 50.00 E-1 Repairs - Furniture & Fixtures 25.00 E-2 Repairs - Machinery & Tools 150.00 E-6 Repairs - Motor Vehicles 250.00 I-1 Additions to Capital Investment 1,572.32 16,527.32 BUDGET NO. 31 FIRE A-1 Chief 3,600.00 A-2 Clerk 2,160.00 A-6 Captains, Lieutenants, Etc. 56,520.00 A-11 Inspector 2,280.00 A-13 Firemen 149,890.00 A-17 Mechanics 21,640.00. A-31 Alarm B Radio Operators 14,280.00 B-1 Office Supplies 200.00 B-2 Printing & Stationery 100.00 B-3 Postage 25.00 B-4 Fuel 1,500.00 B-12 Gasoline & Oil 2,500.00 B-13 Tires & Tubes 1,000.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 600.00 B-17 Medical & Surgical Supplies 150.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 900.00 B-21 Bedding 450.00 B-24 Light Globes 50.00 B-31 Fire Prevention Supplies 200.00 B-32 Chemicals 200.00 D-2 Repairs to Building 1,000.00 D-3 Repairs to Plumbing & Heating 300.00 E-1 Repairs to Furniture B Fixtures 150.00 E-2 Machinery & Tools 700.00 E-3 Repairs to Instruments & Apparatus 600.00 E-6 Repairs to Motor Vehicles 1,500.00 - BUDGET NO. 31 CONTINUED FIRE E-15 Repairs to Hose 2,000.00 F-24 Traveling Expense 300.00 F-37 Laundry & Linen Service 1,100.00 F-39 Memberships &. Subscriptions 50.00 I-1 Additions to Capital Investment 1,500.00 267,345.00 BUDGET NO. 32 HEALTH - MILK DIVISION A-1 Chief Sanitarian 420.00 A-2 Clerks & Stenographers 4,380.00 A-11 Inspectors 11,220.00 A-30 Bacteriologist 300.00 B-1 Office Supplies 250.00 B-2 Printing & Stationery 50.00 B-3 Postage 200.00 B-12 Gasoline & Oil 1,250.00 B-13 Tires & Tubes 400.00 B-27 Laboratory Supplies 450.00 B-28 Dairy Testing Supplies 100.00 E-6 Repairs to Motor Vehicles 500.00 F-24 Traveling Expense 200.00 F-39 Memberships & Subscriptions 25.00 I-1 Additions to Capital Investment 1,800.00 21,545.00 BUDGET NO. 33 HEALTH A-1 Health Commissioner 3,300.00 A-2 Clerks & Stenographers 4,482.72 A-10 Nurses 24,555.00 ,i A-11 Inspectors 21,471.3& ✓ A-12 Custodians L Janitors 3,600.00 A-15 Physicians 6,400.00 A-30 Bacteriologist's Asst. 1,320.00 A-40 Division Heads 6,480.00 B-1 Office Supplies 700.00 B-2 Printing & Stationery 1,200.00 B-3 Postage 200.00 B-4 Fuel 300.00 B-12 Gasoline & Oil 1,250.00 B-13 Tires B Tubes 500.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 350.00 B-17 Medical & Surgical Supplies 2,500.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 200.00 B-24 Light Globes 50.00 B-27 Laboratory Supplies 500.00 D-2 Repairs to Building 100.00 D-3 Repairs to Plumbing B Heating 25.00 E-1 Repairs to Furniture & Fixtures 100.00 E-3 Repairs to Instruments & Apparatus 150.00 E-6 Repairs to Motor Vehicles 1,000.00 E-11 Repairs to Tires & Tubes 50.00 F-4 Auto Allowance 2,460.00 F-24 Traveling Expense 500.00 F-37 Laundry & Linen Service 750.00 F-39 Memberships & Subscriptions 35.00 I-1 Additions to Capital Investment 2,200.00 86,729.0S ✓ • • • BUDGET NO. 34 POLICE A-1 Chief 3,600.00 A-2 Clerks & Stenographers 12,619.92 A-6 Captains, Sergeants, Etc. 35,339.76 A-7 Patrolmen 202,339.92 A-8 Detectives 50,580.00 A-14 Matron 1,140.00 A-17 Mechanics 1,500.00 A-31 Radio Operators 6,420.00 A-37 Special Investigation 1,200.00 B-1 Office Supplies 500.00 B-2 Printing & Stationery 1,000.00 B-3 Postage 150.00 B-4 Fuel 100.00 B-6 Electric Power 9.00 B-9 Clothing for Prisoners 300.00 B-12 Gasoline ?_ Oil 12,000.00 B-13 Tires " Tubes 1,000.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 450.00 B-17 Medical &. Surgical Supplies 50.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 200.00 B-21 Bedding 250.00 B-24 Light Globes 25.00 B-29 Bicycle License 10.00 3-34 Flashlight Globes 50.00 B-35 Flashlight Batteries 400.00 B-36 Cartridges 200.00 B-38 Gasoline S Oil - Motorcycles 1,250.00 B-39 Traffic Paint 400.00 B-40 Photo Supplies 400.00 B-41 Printing for Ident. Bureau 100.00 B-42 Jail Supplies 500.00 D-2 Repairs to Building 200.00 D-3 Repairs to Plumbing & Heating 50.00 D-10 Safety Zones 25.00 E-1 Repairs to Furniture & Fixtures 75.00 E-3 Repairs to Instruments w Apparatus 100.00 E-6 Repairs to Motor Vehicles 3,500.00 E-8 Repairs to Guns, Clubs, Etc. 200.00 F-10 Repairs to Signs, Signals, Etc. 1,250.00 E-16 Repairs to Fotoro Iles 750.00 E-17 Repairs to Signal Phones 200.00 1 Target Range 200.00 Fri`.; Radio Equipment 1,000.00 F-4 Auto Allowance .00 F-8 Ambulance Contract 2,100.00 F-11 Meals for prisoners 8,000.00 F-24 Traveling Expense 300.00 F-25 Obtaining Evidence 1,500.00 F-37 Laundry & Linen Service 750.00 F-39 Memberships & Subscriptions 75.00 I-1 Additions to Capital Investment 7,200.00 361,558.60 BUDGET NO. 35 PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING A-12 Custodians & Janitors 3,300.00 B-4 Fuel 2,500.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 350.00 B-24 Light Globes 100.00 D-2 Repairs to Building 500100 D-3 Repairs to Plumbing &-Heating 200.00 D-33 Window Washing 50.00 E-1 Repairs to Furniture J, Fixtures 50.00 E-2 Repairs to Machinery& Tools 159.00 7,200.00 • • • • BUDGET MO. 36 SHADE TREE A-1 Salary - Tree Warden 2,100.00 A-22 Salary--Labor 3,747.00 B-1 Office Supplies 10.00 B-2 Printing Stationery 40.00 B-3 Postage 3.00 B-12 Gasoline & Oil 250.00 B-13 Tire & Tubes 90.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 150.00 B-26 Nursery Stock 240.00 B-27 Chemicals - spray material 50.00 C-B Repairs, private property damage 25.00 D-2 Repair to Buildings 50.00 E-2 Tods, etc. 50.00 E-C Repair - Motor Vehicles 125.00 F-4 Auto Allowance 420.00 =WM F-39 Membership, Exhibits .', Subs. 25.00 e4 eeAAVIR Ama.cacs:e.r.:axso.resV.C41.tfie.a-a.eea. ,VIMMWM 7,375.00 Departmental Total 4780,000.00 tJ3b ,-7Y .. - , 0,,.?_,:,T,,,LAT,Y ,.R,. 205LIC PLOTh fi Y: Budget No. 60 . 6) I. 1 Sudervi.eion s 5,520.00 6 A 2 Salaries, Office ;.uployees,; 6.J0 6 B 1 Office 5u^^liee. 17 ,. 1 6 B ' Printi n_r. 30.00 6 B 2 Posage. 20.00 6 L 2 Repairs, Rented ;)oases. 175.00 6 P 1 Repairs, Farn. e. Fixtnre,s. 20.00 6 I c tut° Alio -ache. 420.00 F 18 Municiple Publicity. 100.00 EO F 79 dleribersnia 'c Subscription. 30.'_!0 E0 I 1 Addition to Conital Investment. Budget No. 61 11,136.00 11 1: 1 Supervision r.. 2,100.00 1 A 3 Vd.aes, , -lt. of Grounds. 10,100.00 1 cs, P tl'J1,rten 3,970.00 1 A 21 u)a es, Greenho.se. 6,775.60 1 B 4 hhal G9.00 1 B 5 Electric L'-moment c.. „emirs. 600.00 1 6 1'l 2�00 Forage �upnsies. 150.00 '1 B 15 Janitor Supplies. 150.00 41 1s 19 Misc. Supplies. L50.00 tl 3 24 Electric Li gat Globes. 7d 0O 1 0 25 Gr.enhou e -up lie 550.00 11 E .6 Trees, Si nts, 6eed» w ,Shi fl . 750.00 1 L 1 Material, Repair Grounds. 500.00 1 U .. „iut=ria1, FeoUr i lsil;U s-:. 500.00 1 L' S :n5teri,-1, Rep,it Strc-ets. 2.75.;0 1 S 2 Repair, ..7 chy, Tools u, etc. 450.00 1 E 15 Repair of hose. 150.00 F 15 Bann &Musci 2,000.00 6 F 37 Laundry & Linen Service. 60.00 6 I 1 Addition to Capital Investsent. 700.00 Budget No. 62 30,000.60 E42 A 1 Supervision. ti- 1,500.)0 6P. '!faces, .,, lot. Grounds. 1,487.03 52 B 4 Fuel. 225.00 6 B 10 Farose a Su;siies. 1,900.00 6$ B 15 Janitor Supplies. P0.00 6 L 1 Material, Repair of Grounds. 200.00 6 L 2 Material, Rep-sir of Bldhs. 110.00 62 F 33 dlisc. e.l-pense. 40.00 645. F 37 Lau:Jar: L .Linen Service. 96.00 Budget No. 63 5,57a.o3 3 A 1 Supervision. 1,8E7.03 4,066.04 6� A 3 nA-' �.es, , aint. of Gronnrls. 6 A 4 .-!ages, faint. of Ecuinuent. 200,.0 4 B 2 Yrintise. 1b0.00 6 B 4 Fuel. 150.00 6 B 12 Gasoline 2. Oil 50.00 6 B 15 Janitor Supplies. L0.03 6 B 19 Misc. Supplies. 150.03 6 B 24 Electric Light Globes. 15.00 6 E 1 Material, Repair of Grounds. 400.00 6$ 5i 2 Material, Repair of Bldgs. 150.00 63 L 1 Repairs Casn hegister. 20.00 '':i r. 7 eenairs 6; Rea. .,inch?, tools, etc. 200.00 &3 F 1 Advertising:. 11).00 . - - Page 2, . F 4 Auto Allowance. • 420.00 F 24 Traveling Expense. 100.00 6' F 37 Laundry 1. Linen Service. 40.00 63 I 1 Addition to Capital Investments. Budget No. 64 8,963.04 6_ A 1 Supervision. 4, 1,812.n0 6 A_ 3 Wages, :�,aintenance of Grounds. 5,9_3.13 6 A 4� Swages, Maintenance of Buildings. 200.00 6 A 5 Wages, Maintenance of Equipment. 100.00 6 B 2 Printing. 75.00 6 B 4 FUel. 75.00 6 B 15 Janitor Supplies. 50.00 6 B 19 Misc. Supplies. 130.00 6 B 24 Electric Light Globes. 15.00 6 D 1 Materials, Repair of Grounds. 100.00 6 D 2 Materials, Repair of Buildings. 100.00 6 D 5 Materials, Repair Streets & Blvds. 200.00 6 E 1 Repairs Cash Register. 20.00 6 E 2 Repair, ieachy, Tools, etc. 300.00 F 1 Advertising. 100.00 44 F 37 Laundry & Linen Service. 60.00 Budget No. 65 9,270.13 C�5 A 1 Supervision. v 1,817.00 5 A 3 'wages, _Sint. of Grounds. 5,142.33 9 A 4 Wages, iaaint. of Equipment. 100.00 65 B 2 Printing. 75.00 63 B 4 Fuel. 200.00 65 B 15 Janitor Supplies. 45.00 65 B 19 Misc. Jupplies. 125.00 65 D 1 Materials, Repair of Grounds. 400.00 64 D 2 Materials, Repair of Biildin_es. 500.00 64 E 1 Repairs, Cash Register. 15.00 6t E 2 Repair, Machy, Tools, etc. 300.00 4 F 1 Advertisings. 125.00 6f F 37 Laundry & Line: Service. 80.00 Budget No. 66 8,919.33 16A 1 Supervision. 1,800.00 5 B 10 Forage Supplies. 1,075.00 6 D 1 Material, iiaint. of Grounds. 125.00 Budget No. 67 u 3,000.00 6� A 1 Supervision, k 12,339.93 6 A 3 Wages, maint. of Grounds. 1,680.00 6 A 12 Wages, Janitors. 6,000.00 B 1 Office Supplies. 25.00 7 B 2 Printing. 25.00 • 7 B 4 Fuel. 1,200.00 7 B 15 Janitor Supplies. 150.00 B 19 Misc. Supplies. 100.00 B 11 Motor Vehicle Implement Supplies. 100.00 B 10 Gasoline & Oil/ 300.00 7 B 24 Electric Equipment. 100.00 7'D 1 Materials, Repair of Grounds. 100.00 7 D 2 Materials, Repair of Buildings. 100.00 7 E 3 Repair.- Instruments & Apparatus. 100.00 47 F 4 Auto Alloeence. 47 F 24 Traveling Expense. 100.00 67 F 37 Laundry & Linen Service. 600.00 67 I 1 . Addition to Capital Investment. w: 23,019.93 I • Pe_e •3. Budget No. 68 6 A 1 Supervision. 2,550.00 6 A l`� uaees, Janitors. 10,786.00 6 B 4 Fuel. 100.00 6 B 14 Engine Room Supplies. 200.00 6 B 15 Janitor Supplies. 450.00 6 B 19 Misc. Supplies. 100.00 . 6 B 24 Electric Lamp Globes. 200./0 D 2. Material, Repairs of dings. 200.00 D 3 Material, Repair Plumbing is Btg. 150.00 L 1 Repairs, Furniture w Fixtures. 200.00 E 2 Repairs, machp F. 'Epo1s, etc. 100.00 B 3 Repairs, Instruments 4 Apparatus. 100.00 F 33 tashine W.inidows. 108.00 6 1' 37 Laundry (x Linen Service. 650.00 6. F 38 Hauling ,;(aste. 96.00 6 I 1 Addition to Capital Investment. Budpzet No. 69 , 15,990.00 69 a 2 Salarina, Office Paployees, ,r 2,760. 0 6,9 A it Sol)Ties, Lispectobs, 18,456.02. 5J B 1 Office Supplies. 100.00 6 _ 2. Printing. 500.00 6 3 .. Postage. 15.00 11 F 4 auto i'llo;aances. 3,780.00 6 F 24 Traveling Ospense. 300./0 39 Memberships zc Subscriptions. 75.00 I 1 addition to Capital I.vest,aents. Budget No. 70 27,736.02 7 A 1 Supervision. 1; 1,980.00 711 A 2 Salaries, Office Employees. 7 A 3 Sages, _taint. of Grounds, 2,100.00 7 A 24 Wages, Recreation Directors. 9,300.00 7 B 1 Office Supplies. 175.00 7 B 2 Printing. 50.00 B 3 Postage. 60.00 JB 4 Fuel. ) = 16. Laundry Supplies. 3 17 .,!edical a Sur0cs1 Supplies. 33.00 1) 3 24 Electric Liz? Globes. J B 30 Recreation ;supplies.. 1,8:0.00 0 E 6 Repairs (E. Renesois Trucks. 75.00 0 F 4 auto 0llowances. 405.00 ) F 8 Rental p } ui x ent. 50.00 0 F 16 dunicipel Publicity. 10 F 24 Treveli__,- lanense. 22b.),0 J 1JF261 Pageants, Festivals, Opera. 1,000.00 ,i 7f0i2E+"_ gipvinL, Pictures. 250.00 1) F 27 adult Amateur „t.lietics. 10u.00 10 F 23 Telephone w Telegraph. 25.00 /0 F 37 Laundry cc Linen 3Service. 100.00 ' ) F 7.9 Membership a Suh;nriwtiona. 20.00 i) I 1 Addition to Capital Ln_vestment. 250.00 18,000.0;0 Budget No. 71 71 a 1 Supervision. v,11 5,360.00 1 A 17 Sages, Mechanics iLelpers. 13,369.00 1 B 4 Fuel. 150.00 1 = 11 liotor Vehicle Supplies. 300.00 B 12 Gasoline w Oil. 5,500.00 71 b 13 Auto (X Truck Tires. 1,000.00 71 B 15 Janitor Supplies. 50.00 71 B 19 _disc. „uoplies. 500.00 71 9 24 Electric La.))) (Eio),es. 25.60 • Page 4, • • 71 D 2 Material, Repair of Bidzs. 200.00 51 F 2 Repairs, +iacdy n Tools, etc. 500.J0 it F 6 Repairs, .rotor Vehicles. 3,500.00 71 F' 8 Rental of L uipment. 50.00 1 F 3? Laundry t, Linen Service. 96.00 '1 I 1 Addition to Capital Investment. 1,400.00 Budget No. 72 a 0,000.00 A 1 Supervision. 8. 1,680.00 A,3 Wages, Saint. of Grounds. 2,829.00 ' B-4 Fuel. 150.00 . 3. B 19 Misc. Supplies. 100.00 7- B 25 Greenhouse Suppler. 100.00 7 B 26 Trees s Plants. 100.00 7 . L 1 Materials, Repair of grounds. 200.00 7' D 2 Materials, Repair of Buildings. 125.00 E 2 Repairs, peachy. e, Tools. 50.00 2 F 37' Laundry & Linen Service. 24.00 Budget No. 74 5,358.00 7 A 3 Wages, a aint. of Grounds.f 1,237.52 B 19 Misc. Supplies. 50.00 D 1 Materials, Repair of Grounds. 75.00 D 2 Materials, Repair of Flidgs. 100.00 Budget No. 77 1'462.52 717 A 3 Rages, Saint. of Grounds. 4 3,800.50 7V D 1 Material Repair of Grounds. 290.)0 Budget No. 78 4,000.00 7 A S Wages, Saint. of Grounds. w 1,050.00 B 19 Miisc. Supplies. 50.00 8 D 1 Materials, Repair of Grounds. 75.00 8 D 2Materials, Repair of Bldgs. 50.00 8 E 2 hepairs, ..achy cc Tools. 25.00 p 1,250.00 Budget No. 79 T r. 3 Rages, 1-nint. of Grounds. 8 600.00 7 B 19 Misc. Supplies. 25.00 71 D 1 Materials, repair of Grounds. 50.00 7 D 2 Materials, Repair of 'Bldgs. 75.00 Budget No. 80 750.00 80 A 3 'Wages, Seinit. of Grounds. r 200.00 8) L 1 materials, Repair of Grounds. 25.00 8) L 2 Materials, Repair of Bldgs. 50...)0 ? vi 2 75.00 Budget No. 81 . tA 5 Rages, Saint. of Grounds. 4 700.�00 1 D 1 Materials, Repair of Grounds. 100.00 Budget No. 82 _ 8 800.00 qk A 1 Supervision. c A 3 'Wages, elaint. of Grounds. 1,040.00 2 B 4 Fuel. 35.00 2 D 1 Materials, Repair of Grounds. 75.00 p2 D 2 Materials, Repair of Bldgs. 100.00 - 5 1.250.00 . • • Pate 5. Budget No._ 83 8 A 1 Supervision. r, 1,500.00 S A 3 Pages, :vaint. of Grounds. 3,175.00 3 B 4 Fuel. 75.00 B 19 Misc. Supplies. 75.00 3 B 24 Electric Leap Globes. 25.00 3 D 1 Materials, Repair of Grounds. 200.00 3 D 2 Materials, Repair of Bldgs, 50.00 Budget No. 84 5,100.00 8 h 3 ,„aces, f,iaint. of Grounds. 814.00 8. 3 19 Misc. Supplies. 50.00 8.. D 1. Materials, Repair of Grounds. 50.00 8 D 2 Materials, Repair of Bldgs. 75.00 Budget No. 86 989.03 8, A 3 iEages, Meint. of Grounds. w 625.00 6 D 1 Materials, repair of Grounds. 75.00 6 L 2 Materials, Repair of Dldgs. 75.00 Budget No. 87 775.00 8f7 A 3 'v ages, heist. of Grounds. is 605.00 8):1 B 4 Fuel. 50.00 37 B 19 Mist. Supplico. 25.00 89 B 24 Electric L5sla Globes. 10.00 337 D 1 Materiel, ..<epuir of Grounds. 150.00 8i D 'i Material, Repair of Bldes. 75.00 87 F 7 Rental of Property 175.00 Budget No. 88 ; 1,090.00 3 A 1 Supervision. 540.00 48 B 4 FUel. 75.00 48 B 19 Misc. Supplies. 25.00 48 B 24 Electric Lamp Globes. 10.00 to ` Budget No. 89 4, 650,00 8'0 A 1 Supervision. 1,680.00 ?'9 A 3 P,aces, _.faint. of Grounds. 2,725.00 £39 B' 4 Fuel. 75.00 -39 B 19 Misc. Supplies. 100.00 539 D 1 Materials, Repair of Grounds. 200.00 9 D 2 Materials, itepnir of Bldg . 200,00 Budget Nn. 90 r. 4,90:0.00 90 A 3 Sages, ireint. of Grounds. 600.00 Budget Nn. 93 90 3 o,e.ges, idaint. of Grounds. 783.00 13 B 19 Misc. Supplies. 75.00 93 D 1 Iaterials, Repair of Grounds. 200.00 vi 1,058.00 j. , Orfy oi220.006. co • 7404.14ZiAnyelY2 STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ' BUDGET NO. 120 ENGINEERING A-1 Administration 10,800.00 A-2 Office - Clerks & Stenographers 8,520.00 A-15 Engineering - Field & Office 52,800.00 A-22 Sewer Pumping Plant 6,125.00 A-32 Sewer Maintenance & Flushing 14,580.00 B-1 Office Supplies & Expense 700.00 B-2 Printing & Stationery 500.00 B-3 Postage 25.00 B-4 Fuel 200.00 B-12 Gasoline & Oil, 25.00 B-13 Automobile I Truck Tires 250.00 B-19 Sewer Maintenance & Miscellaneous Supplies 1,810.00 B-27 Laboratory Supplies 200.00 E-1 Contract Typewriters & Adding Machines 75.00 E-2 Machinery & Equipment Repairs 200.00 E-3 Instruments & Apparatus Repairs 150.00 E-6 Motor Vehicles - Repairs 200.00 F-4 Automobile Allowance 2,700.00 F-37 Laundry & Linen Service 15.00 F-39 Membershin & Subscription 125.00 Budget Total 100,000.00 BUDGET NO. 121 STREET PAIN OFFICE A-1 Commissioner & Supervisor 6,600.00 A-2 Salaries-Office Employees 3,420.00 B-1 Office Supplies 50.00 B-2 Printing 100.00 B-3 Postage 10.00 E-1 Type Service 25.00 F-24 Traveling Expense & Transportation 300.00 F-39 Subscriptions 50.00 Budget Total 10,555.00 BUDGET NO. 122 BARNS AND SHO'S A-1 Supervision 6,600.00 A-2 Salaries - Office Employees 3,540.00 A-2-1 Salaries - Stock Room 4,440.00 A-4 Wages - Asphalt Plant 5,000.00 A-12 Wages - Watchmen 2,t40.00 A-17 Wages - Mechanics & Helpers 20,000.00 A-17-1 Wages - Blacksmiths & Helpers 7,500.00 A-17-2 Wages - Welders & Helpers 6,000.00 A-22 Wages - Ordinary Labor 8,000.00 B-1 Office Supplies 100.00 B-2 Printing 100.00 B-4 Fuel 2,500.00 B-11 Motor Vehicle Supplies 2,500.00 B-.12 Gasoline & Oil 20,000.00 B-13 Tires 3,500.00 B-14 Engine Room Supplies 600.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 125.00 B-17 I.Medical Supplies 25.00 B-24 Electric Lamp Globes 50.00 • BUDGET YO. 122 CONTINUED D-2 Repairs - Building 500.00 E-1 Type & Calculator Service 25.00 E-2 Tool Repairs & Renewals 700.00 E-3 Fire Instruments & Apparatus 50.00 E-6 Repairs Renewal - Motor Vehicle Parts 8,000.00 E-11 Repairs - Tire & Tubes 250.00 F-4 Car Allowance 420.00 F-37 Laundry & Linen Service 100.00 F-42 Fire Alarm Service 325.50 I-1 Additions to Capital Investment 10,000.00 Budget Total 113,590.50 BUDGET NO. 123 STREETS AND BOULEVARDS A-1 Supervision A-11 Wages - Inspectors 3,900.00 3,900.00 A-16 Wages - Truck Drivers s; Helpers 5,000.00 A-19 Wages - White wrings 20,000.00 A-22 Wages - Ordinary Labor 5,189.50 B-4 Fuel 500.00 D-4 Flumes & Bridges 1,000.00 D-6 Materials - Sewer Repairs 100.00 E-2 Tool Repairs Renewals 1,000.00 F-37 Linen Service 100.00 Budget Total 46,449.50 BUDGET NO. 124 SANITARY DIVISION A-1 Supervision 1,800.00 A-16 Wages - Truck Drivers p,. Helpers 37,500.00 Budget Total 39,300.00 BUDGET NO. 125 IRRIGATION DIVISION A-22 Wages 3,000.00 F-4 Car Allowance 105.00 Budget Total 3,105.00 -f 1 V: 1, E-ABATE ZVT A{{�1 Supervision 2,700. 0 }11 Inspector& 5\040 0 B»1 Office Supplies 100 00 B=2 Printing - oo B.3 postage 3' 1�0.00 E9. Type Service Y w00- E-2 Tool Repairs &`:Replacements 10 t00 F-4 Car Allowance '' 8 300 Budget Total 8,9;5.00 CITY DUMP Budget No. 128 1 -A-1 Supervision 1680.00 l 8-:-3 Ves 5251. 0 8-A-16 Truck Driver & Helper 2088.00 1 3-8-2 Printinh & Stationery 200.00 I 128-B-12 Gasoline & Oil 1200.00 128-B49 Miscellaneous Supplies 1000.00 1 8-E-6 Motor Vehicle Supplies 1661.00 1 8-F-4 Car Allowance 420.00 F 128-I-1 Additions to Capital Investment 1500.00 15,000.00 • • STREET BUDGET CONTINUED Class " C " State Road �� !z7 92,500.00 /,zr '- City Dump - Not • 15,000.00 Grand Total - Street Department 320,500.00 • • STATUTORY AND GENERAL BUDGET NO. 141 A-28 Salaries - Deeds and Titles 1,800.00 A-29 Salaries - City Judges 14,400.00 A-30 Salaries - Phone Operators 1,725.00 1 - 115.00 1 - 28.75 B-1 Office Supplies 500.00 B-2 Printing 1,200.00 B-3 Postage 500.00 B-4 Fuel 1,500.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 200.00 C-8 Refunds 5,000.00 F-i Advertising 500.00 F-5 Insurance on Autos and Bldgs. 23,000.00 F-6 City's Portion Special Taxes 1,115.00 F-10 Claims and Damages 5,000.00 F-13-1 Arc Lighting 80,000.00 F-13-2 Special Street Lighting 7,897.28 F-16 Surety Bond Premium 4,000.00 F-17 Special Council 10,000.00 F-18 Municipal Publicity 750.00 F-19 Special Auditors 3,200.00 F-20 Collections City Taxes 25,000.00 F-21 Recording of Documents 50.00 F-28 Telephones and Telegrams 9,000.00 F-29 Board of Canal Presidents 7,500.00 F-30 Mayor's Contingent Fund 1,600.00 F-31 Civil Service Commission 2,000.00 F-31-1 Health Board - 100.00 F-32 Detention Home 1,000.00 F-33 Miscellaneous Expense 2,000.00 F-33-1 Donations to Civic Enterprises 4,500.00 F-34 Excess Eletrical Energy 36,000.00 F-39 Memberships and Subscriptions 100.00 F-40 Water Commissioners 1,950.00 F-44 Taxicab Inspection 160.00 F-49 Expense on Bonds 2,000.00 F-51 Zoning Board 2,000.00 F-51-1 Zoning Board Adjustment 500.00 G-1 Pensions 25,000.00 G-2 Worlanen's Compensation 17,000.00 G-3 Civic Center 2,500.00 G-4 Rewards 100.00 11-60 Interest Tax Anticipation Notes 14,000.00 I-1 Capital Additions 200.00 Pump Plant - Jordan Narrows 12,821.00 Free Public Library 5,096.72 F-35 Elections 20,000.00 C-7 Redemption Watermain Deposits 20,000.00 374,465.00 STATUTORY AND GENERAL BUDGET N0. 142 BOND RETIR21 1T H-11 Street Paving 5,000.00 H-12 Bathhouse 5,000.00 H-13 Parks 12,000.00 H-15 Street Paving 5,000.00 H-16 Curb and Gutter 4,000.00 H-17 Sidewalks 1,000.00 H-18 Bathhouse 5,000.00 H-19 Parks 4,000.00 H-20 Cemetery 1,000.00 H-23 General Improvements 25,000.00 H-25 Refunded Tax Anticipation - 1932 70,000.00 H-26 C WA Refunding Bonds - 1934 40,000.00 H-58 Forest Dale Golf Course - 1935 10,000.00 H-59 Airport Bonds - 1936 10,000.00 H-35 Waterworks "K" 21,000.00 H-39 Waterworks - 1931 50,000.00 H-28 Waterworks Emergency Water Wells 22 000.00 H-51 Storm Sewers "K" 15,000.00 H-53 Sewers "I" 5,000.00 Sewers "J" 12,500.00 Total Bonds Retirement 322,500.00 H-70 Notes Payable 3,000.00 H-65 Special Sinking Fund for 1934 Refunding Bonds 142-11-27, 142-H-40, 142-H-57 83,750.00 Total Budget ;;o. 142 409,250.00 BUDGET NO. 143 BOND INTEREST H-11 Street Paving 125.00 H-12 Bathhouse 125.00 H-13 Parks 300.00 H-14 Bridges 1,750.00 H-15 Street Paving 375.00 H-16 Curb and Gutter 550.00 H-17 Sidewalks 75.00 H-18 Bathhouse 375.00 H-19 Parks 400.00 H-20 Cemetery 450.00 H-21 Fire Alarm System 1,100.00 H-22 General Improvements 25,000.00 H-23 General Improvements 5,125.00 H-25 Refund Tax Anticipation 11,900.00 H-26 C WA Refunding Bonds - 1934 800.00 H-27 Refunding Bonds No. 5 32,937.50 H-58 Forest Dale Golf Course - 1935 400.00 H-59 Airport - 1936 225.00 H-60 Refunding Bonds 1,750.00 H-28 Emergency Wells - 1934 715.00 H-29 Emergency Wells - 1934 4 025.00 H-30 Waterworks "Me Y% 8,055.00 ' H-31 Waterworks ill‘ 4-3/4% 17,812.50 H-33 Waterworks "I" 10,300.00 H-34 Waterworks "J" 5,000.00 • • BUDGET NO. 143 CONTINUED BOND INTEREST H-35 Waterworks "K" 22,260.00 H-36 Waterworks "L" 19,000.00 H-39 Waterworks - 1931 69,000.00 H-40 Refunding Bonds - Waterworks "F" 22,312.50 H-51 Storm Sewer "K" 2,407.50 H-52 Sanitary Sewers "H" 2,500.00 H-53 Sewers "I" 1,300.00 H-54 Sewers "J" 4,750.00 H-55 Storm Sewers - 1931 4-3/4% 13,062.50 H-56 Storm Sewers - 1931 4% 14,625.00 H-57 Refunding Bonds - Sewer "F" 15,937.50 H-70 Notes Payable 450.00 Total Budget 143 317,275.00 WATER SUPPLY AND WATERWORKS DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATION BUDGET YEAR 1939 Budget No. 150 ADMINISTRATION 1 0-A-i Supervision 12,264.00 1 0-A-2 Clerks, Stenographers & Off. 30,240.00 1 0-A-11 Meter Readers & Inspection 10,740.00 1 O-A-22 Ordinary Labor 250.00 1 0-C-7 Redemption Watermain Extension 1 0-C-8 Refunds 200.00 1 0.F-43 Water Filings 100.00 1 0-F-47 Ditch Assessments 3,400.00 1 0-F-50 Purchase of Water $57,194.00 OFFICE MANAGEMENT 1 0-B-1 Office Supplies 575.00 1 O-B-2 Printing 1,200.00 1 0-B-3 Postage 1,800.00 1 0-B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 140.00 1 0-D-2 Repairs to Office 250.00 1 0-E-1 Rep. Ren. Fur. & Fixtures 250.00 1 0-E-7 Books, Maps & Charts 160.00 1 0-F-24 R.R. Fare, Trans. & Tray. Exp. 200.00 1 O-F-39 Membership & Subscription 75.00 1 0-F-46 Street Car Passes 150.00 $4,800.00 ADDITIONS TO CAPITAL INVESTMENTS 1 0-I-1 New Meters 6,500.00 1 O-I-1 New Valves 300.00 1 0-I.1 New Chlorine Equipment 1 0'.I.1 New Fire Hydrants 125.00 1 0-I-1 New Measuring Devices 200.00 15 -I-1 New Automobiles 4,581.00 15 .I-i New Office Fixtures 400.00 15 •I-1 New Machinery & Tools 1.200.00 $13,306.00 Budget No. 151 il.-S STOREHOUSE ISSUES Material for Storehouse 1-I Storehouse Issues REPAIRS, MACH.. TOOLS & MAINT. SHOPS lil-A-2 Clerks, Stenographers & Off. 7,500.00 1 1-A-17 Mechanics & Helpers 5,880.00 1 1-A-22 Ordinary Labor 700.00 1 1-B-4 Fuel 500.00 1 1-B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 500.00 1 1-B-24 Electric Lamp Globes 25.00 1 1-D-2 Repairs to Buildings 500.00 1 1-E-2 Rep. & Ren. Tools & Machinery 1,200.00 1 1-F-37 Laundry & Linen Supply 85.00 $16,890.00 --..1.111111111111111111 »2» Budget No. 152 NEW WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS 1 2-A-17 Mechanics & Helpers 1,680.00 1 2»Ap22 Ordinary Labor 500.00 1 2»I-1 Material (Pipe) 480.00 $2,660.00 Bonnet No. 153 NEW SERVICE CONNECTIONS 1k3..A»17 Mechanics & Helpers 2,640.00 $2,640.00 Budget No. 154 RECONNECTIONS 1 4-A-17 Mechanics & Helpers 480.00 1 4-A-22 Ordinary Labor 300.00 1 -E-14 Material for Rep. & Ren. 300.00 $1,080.00 Budget No. 155 FOREST FIRES 55«A»1 Supervision 900.00 1 5»A»16 Truck Drivers & Helpers 720.00 1 5-A-22 Ordinary Labor 700.00 1 -A.38 Patrolmen, Station & Tank Men 3,280.00 15 -B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 100.00 $5,700.00 Budget No. 156 WATERSHED SANITATION 6NA-1 Supervision 900.00 1 6-A-16 Truck Driveras & Helpers 2,436.00 1 6..A-22 Ordinary Labor 1,750.00 1 6-BA 38 Patrol, Station & Tank Men 3,372.50 1 6- .•10 Forage, Feed, etc. 75.00 1 0B••19 Miscellaneous Supplies 600.00 15 -B-33 Chemicals 300.00 75.00 15 -F-52 Watershed Co-op. Protection 15 **I-1 Chemical Toilets 100.00 $9,608.50 Budget No. 157 PARLEYS & MT. DELL SYSTEM 57»A-22 Ordinary Labor 250.00 1 7..A-38 Patrol, Station & Tank Men 5,040.00 1 7-B-4 Fuel 300.00 1 7»B-12 Gasoline & Oil 50.00 1 7.•B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 500.00 15L.•B-33 Chemicals 900.00 15.1-D-2 Repairs to Buildings 200.00 $7,240.00 Budget No. 158 CITY CREEK SYSTEM 1 8.A.22 Ordinary Labor 250.00 1 8..Ap38 Patrol, Station & Tank Men 4,050.00 15 -B.4 Fuel 200.00 15 eB»19 Miscellaneous Supplies 175.00 15 D-2 Repairs to Buildings 250.00 ' $4,925.00 ,-3- Budget N .. 159 • BIG & LITTLE COTTONWOOD & MILL exm ai. SYSTEMS 59-A-22 Ordinary Labor 800.00 59-A-38 Patrol, Station & Tank Men 4,290.00 1 9-B-4 Fuel 200.00 1 9-B-5 ElectraLights 70.00 1 9.B.19 Miscellaneous Supplies 200.00 1 9-D-2 Repairs to Buildings 200.00 $5,760.00 Budget No. 160 X MAINTENANCE OF ALL CULINARY EXCHANGES 60.A-17 Mechanics & Helpers 720.00 60-A.22 Ordinary Labor 300.00 1 0-A-38 Patrol, Station & Tank Men 1,440.00 1 0-E-12 Material for Rep. & Ren. 100.00 16 -F-4 Automobiles Allowance 420.00 $2,980.00 Budget No. 161 3rd EAST PUMPING PLANT 61-A-17 Mechanics & Helpers 420.00 61••A-22 Ordinary Labor 50.00 1 1eA.'39 Pump Operators 1,570.00 1 •4B-4 Fuel 100.00 16 -B-5 Electric Light 60.00 161 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 75.00 161 D.2 Repairs to Buildings 25.00 161 -2 Rep. & Ren. Mach. & Equip. 500.00 $2,800.00 Budget No. 162 WELLS INVESTIGATION 62-A-22 Ordinary Labor 200.00 1 2-A-37 Special Investigator 2,724.00 1 2-A-40 Sanitary Engineer 1,920.00 1 -B-4 Fuel 8B0 16 .B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 175.00 16 -D-2 Repairs to Buildings 50.00 $5,149.00 Budget No. 163 CANAL MAINTENANCE 63-A..22 Ordinary Labor 1,200.00 1 3-A»38 Patrol, Station & Tank Men 6,070.00 1 ..D-4 Material Bridges, Viaducts & Flumes 700.00 16 •.Fo4 Auto Allowance 105.00 $8,075.00 Budget No. 164 EAST FORDAN CANAL 164 F-48 Maint. Canal by Canal Company 1,250.00 $1,250.00 Budget No. 166 MAINT. CHLORINE & AMMONIA PLANTS 1,66..A-34 Water Sampler 1,404.00 l660A-40 Sanitary Engineer 2,100.00 1 6.B.33 Chemi©ale 5,500.00 1 wE-3 Material Rep. & Ren. Inst. 300.00 16 •.F-4 Auto Allowance 420.00 $9,724.00 • Budget No. 167 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION SIX RESERVOIRS 67-A-22 Ordinary Labor 650.00 67-A..38 Patrol, Station & Tank Men 4,160.00 7.B»4 Fuel 300.00 1 7-B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 250.00 1 7-D-2 Repairs to Buildings 100.00 $5,460.00 Budget No. 168 WATER DISTRIBUTION �3�6�8.A..32 Water Emergency Service Man 7,337.50 1Tp0+A-38 Patrol, Station & Tank Men 4,140.00 1 -B6.19 Miscellaneous Supplies 10.00 $11,487.50 Budget No. 169 LOWERING MAINS & SERVICES ACCT. STREET GRADE 1,9.4-22 Ordinary Labor 300.00 1 -B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 100.00 $400.00 Budget No. 170 MAINTENANCE OF P. V. FLUME 06A6622 Ordinary Labor 50.00 1 ..B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 50.00 $100.00 Budget No. 171 REPAIRS & MAINT. OF MAINS & CONDUITS 71-A-1 Supervision 1,140.00 7l-A-16 Truck Drivers & Helpers 810.00 71-A-17 Mechanics & Helpers 5,040.00 1-A»22 Ordinary Labor 2,000.00 1 16B-4 Fuel 70.00 1 1-D-5 Repairs to Streets & Blvds. 400.00 1 -E-12 Material for Rep. & Ren. 800.00 $10,260.00 Budget No. 172 REPAIRS & MAINT. VALVES & HYDRANTS 72-A»1 Supervision N1,140.00 1 2�A-17 Mechanics & Helpers 11,970.00 1 »A..22 Ordinary Labor 1,200.00 17 -E-13 Material for Rep. & Ren. 1,500.00 $15,810.00 Bud,,et No. 173 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SERVICES 73FA-17 Mechanics & Helpers 5,400.00 1 3-A-22 Ordinary Labor 11,000.00 1 aD-5 Streets & Boulevards 1,300.00 17 -E-14 Material for Rep. & Ren. 4,000.00 $21,900.00 Budget No. 174 REPAIR & INSTALLING METERS 1674.4.1.17 Mechanics & Helpers ,525.00 44-A-22 Ordinary Labor 200.00 $10 725.00 1 AEe14 Material for Rep. & Ren. 00 4,000. , Budget No. 175 DRINKING FOUNTAIN 175-A-17 Mechanics & Helpers 1,200.00 1V5-A»22 Ordinary Labor 50.00 1 -B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 50.00 $1,500.00 • -5- Budget No. 176 MISCELLANEOUS TRUCKING T-A-16 Truck Drivers & Helpers 2,691.00 -A-22 Ordinary Labor 200.00 $2,891.06 Budget No. 177 REPAIR AUTOMOBILES & TRUCKS 77-A-17 Mechanics & Helpers 2,980.00 77-B-12 Gasoline & Oil 7,500.00 1 7-B-13 Auto & Truck Tires, incl. Rep. 1,100.00 1 7.E-6 Material for Rep. & Rem. 2600.00 $14,180.00 Budget No. 178 INDIVIDUALS & COMPANIES 78-A-17 Mechanics & Helpers 11V8-A-22 Ordinary Labor 1 7�88-B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies Budget No. 179 CONTRACT SERVICES - EXCHANGE DITCHES T-A-22 Ordinary Labor »B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies Budget No. 180 PUMP OPERATORS 80-A-17 Mechanics & Helpers 360.00 80-A-22 Ordinary Labor 100.00 1 0-A-39 Pump Operators 200.00 1 0-B-12 Gasoline & Oil 25.00 18 E-2 Rep. Ren. Mach. & Equipment 100.00 $785.00 Budget No. 181 60th SOUTH PUMPING PLANT '181-A-17 Mechanics & Helpers 420.00 181-A-22 Ordinary Labor 50.00 181-A-39 Pump Operators 1,800.00 181- ..19 Miscellaneous Supplies 100.00 181-D-2 Repairs to Buildings 50.00 181-E-2 Rep. & Rem. Mach. & Equip. 500.00 $2,920.00. TOTAL: $260,000.00 In the opinion of•the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, that this resolution become effective January 1st, 1939. This resolution shall take effect on January 1st, 1939. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 29th day of December, A. D., 1938. / Temporary Chairman ity Recor er ( SEAL ) STATE OF UTAH, ) SS. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE, ) I, Ethel Macdonald, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of report in detail of the board of Estimate and Apportionment estimat- ing the anticipated revenue and providing appropriations for the support of the Municipal Government of Salt Lake City Corporation, for the year ending December 31st, 193$', passed by the Board of Commissioners December it 1938, and as , appears of record in my office. JJJJJJ IN WITNESS WFEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City this r2.97t day of December, A. D., 1938. ► _y e/1,L�e cor}'jr+,o Ci( SE AL ) R aortter