20 of 1940 - A resolution authorizing the Mayor to write the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics of the United Sta REMARKS 20
Resolution No.
By Commissioner McCanki.e
Authorizing the Mayor to write
the Administrator of Civil
Aeronautics of the U.S.Dept.of
Commerce with a view to obtain-
ing federal aid in financing
the development of public airport
facilities in or near Salt
Lake City.
headed io the Board of Convulsing
N OV 1 9194E
Date Filed
4 ._* �-+
November 20, 1940.
Arther rem, Esquire,
Regional. Airport Engineer,
Civil Aironautic Authority,
Santa Monica, Cal.
Dear.Mr. Adninistrators-
It being the understanding of Salt Lake City that you
are considering the expenditure of Federal Funds under Public Low
No. 812, 78th Congress, to develop additional public airport
facilities in or near Salt Lake Cit?, I wish to, advise you in sM
ca •
of as Mayor of Salt Lake C&tlr that the City is greatly titter
`,5 e7ilt d1 in they p isibtility of ob l*isllg'eneh Federal Aid and sue..
'-tow• roof all phasi;bia &glistens in thicoonnehtiOn. `
In particular, the City is'pfepared to furnish any legal
or faotwal inforhati4n thatyou,ireatoflbly request and is de-
ciroue,at assisting °in every way ppoasAble.In connection with any
aztd:al engineering surveys of airports and proposed airport sites
in or near Silt Lake City that yekass rieb, to make* and the City
. is willing, if as offer of aid IA financing the.developtaent of pub-
lic airport facilities in or near Salt Lake Cityis glade, -to enter
.into an agreement with the-United States throu the Adwiitistrator
or Civil'Aeronautics, Undertaking, aaeng such eater things as *ay
be agreed upons (1) that all title to property and other property
interests necessary to prosecution of the project will be acquired
by the Cityj (8) that the City will cooperate with the Government
in the prosecution of ttza project] ($) that the aerial approaches
of the airport will be protected against obstruction to the fullest
extent possible} (4) that the airport will be operated as an air-
port during the useful life of the facilities thereof established
or improved with Federal aid; (5) that.the airport and all its
facilities will be naintained in reasonably good condition and kept
in gCod repair; and (6) that the airport will be operated and hallim.
ed for the use and benefit of the public, on reasonable terns and
without unjust discrimination.
As indicated by the enclosed certified copy of a resolution.
ed 'tg. the Heard of .Cenmissionera of Salt Lake City on the Isth .
f:�tetedber, 104.0, the. City CoelatCsion has authorised me to
Arthur Ar , tog. #2. Nov. 20, 1940.
make the above statements on behalf of Salt Lake City and join
Very truly yours,
Matheson - - - _ - I
Murdock - - - -
Mr.Chairman - RESOLUTION
CITY to cooperate with the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics of
the United States -;apartment of commerce with a view to obtaining
federal aid in financing the development of public airport facili-
ties in or near Salt Lake City.
- WHEREAS, the Administrator of civil Aeronautics of the
United States )epartment of Commerce, hereinafter called the .2.dministra
tor, considers the public airport facilities available in and near
Salt Lake City inadeouate for National Defense and is therefore con-
templating the expenditure of Federal funds under Public Law No. S12,
76th Congress, to remedy this condition; and
VEESSAS, the development of additional public airport facili-
ties and additional airport in or near Salt Lake City would be in the
public interest and to the advantage of Salt Lake City.
NO , THEs.'_ONE, Ll IT 11- OLV',D by the Hoard of Commission-
ers of Salt Lake City:
SECTION I. That the Mayor of Salt Lake City be and he is
hereby authorized to write to the Administrator on behalf of Salt
Lake City advising, that said city is greatly interested in the possi-
bility of obtaining federal aid in financing the development of pub-
lic airport facilities and an additional airport in or near Salt Lake
City and in this connect.IS:al.is prepared to furnish any legal or factua
information that may reasonably be requested, is desirous of assist-
ing and cooperating in every way possible in connection with any and
all engineering surveys of airports and proposed airport sites in or
near salt Lake City that the Administrator may wish to make, and will
be willing, if an offer of aid. in financing the development of an
additional public-airport and airport facilities in or near salt Lake
through the -,any- istretor, un'.ertc'.-in:, ,cnonF such other things
.s a_-y be c reed coon:
(1) that ell title to property end other property inter-
ests necessary to prosecution of the project or projects will be
a.ccuirea by ralt Lake oity;
(u) that Galt Lake City will cooperate with the Cavern-
ment in the prosecution of the project;
(3) that the aerial Egproaches of the airport or .. lc-port1
will be protected against otstruction to the fullest extent oossi-I
(4) that the airport or airports will to operated es pub-
lic airports Turin,- the useful life of the _facilities thereof' estab-
lished or improved with edersl aid;
(t) that the airports and all their facilities will be
maintained in reasonably good condition and kept in :ood re-,air;
(e) that the airports will be operated and manaped for
the use. and benefit of the public, on reasonable terms and without
unjust ,discrimination.
L:CfIO`d C. chat the city Attorney and the ;ty Pn;_ir_ecr
be end they ere directed to make such stuoies es may be necessary
to ;_cternine what obligations :.aft Lake city could assume, practical-
financially, c-nd lepally, in entering into an agreement such as
lthat referred to in ecti on l hereof, .:and report thereon to- the oara
.of ,Commissioners of _aft Lake city as soon as possible.
P TIO:; Z. '_hat the c1 ty ittorney and the 'n ineer
be an: they are authorized to furnish such legal and factual infor-
mation to the Laministrator as he may reasonably request in connec-
tion with consideration of the desirability o_ an a_..itional airport
or airport facilities in or near .Elt Lake seity.
r,C'iIOo 4. '.hat this resoiut` hefte in ''u._- force end;
ci::cct fro: ma after it:: n^s.-.ase. ///