20 of 1960 - A resolution establishing a uniform manner of procedure in handling all applications for licenses th V Resolution No. 20 . i By J. K. Pierc.ey, COMMISSIONER Establishing a uniform manner of procedure in handling all applications for licenses that] under the Statutes or Ordinanc s are to be investigated by Depart. ments other than the License Assessor. Presented to the Board of Commissicnc t AND PASSED li JUL 133 1960 iktyvio..6Kitytum,1 CITY RECORDER • i I II I f I I I ' I � I Axc.toz)o,s so Mnc.vc. ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, _44,1 3 2 ,196 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Resolution be adopted. Christensen . . Harrison . . . V • • Piercey . . . k Romney . . . RESOLUTION Mr. Chairman . Result . . . . WHEREAS, there has been some confusion existing In the matter of investigating the applicants for various licenses made to the Salt Lake City License Assessor; and WHEREAS, it is desirous of establishing a uniform manner of procedure in handling all applications for licenses that under the statutes or ordinances are to be investigated by departments other than the License Assessor; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, that the following operating procedure be followed in all instances in the application of licenses enumerated: In all cases of applications for new licenses, all beer and liquor licenses, applications for transfer or change of address, applications for licenses to do business in those businesses to be checked and approved by departments other than, and in addition to, the City License Department, the following operating procedure shall be followed: In all businesses wherein the number of outstanding licenses is limited by ordinance, the license assessor, on receipt of an application, shall determine if there are any licenses available. If the quota is filled, the license assessor shall deny such application. If there are licenses available for issuance under the quota set out by the ordinances of Salt Lake City, the following procedure shall be followed. All applica- tions shall be made in triplicate and a copy shall be sent to the depart- ment involved as hereinafter set forth: I . All applications for the following licenses shall be referred to the chief of police for recommendation to the Board of City Commissioners of approval or disapproval : (a) Distributor of amusement devices (b) Proprietor of amusement devices (c) Distributor of music devices (d) Proprietor of music devices (e) Auto courts and motels • • • -2 • - (f) Boarding and rooming houses (g) Hotels and rooming houses (h) Massage parlors (I) Billiard and pool halls (J) Card clubs (k) All beer licenses, and all liquor licenses (1) Cabaret licenses (m) Club dance licenses (n) Dance hall licenses (o) Charter club non-liquor licenses (p) Charter locker clubs (q) Special licenses (amusement devices other than pinball machines) (r) Taxicab lrivers' licenses (s) Detectives' licenses (t) Solicitors' licenses The police department shall check all of said applications as to proposed location and as to the qualifications of the applicant as set forth in the ordinances of Salt Lake City and the statutes of the State of Utah. II . After the above applications have been recommended for approval by the chief of police, the following applications shall be referred to the board of health for their recommendation of approval or disapproval : (a) Auto courts and motels (b) Boarding and rooming houses (c) Hotels and rooming houses (d) Massage parlors (e) All beer licenses (f) All liquor licenses (g) Cabaret licenses (h) Club dance licenses (1) Dance hall licenses (J) Charter club non-liquor licenses (k) Charter lockerclubs (1) Convalescent homes III . On recommendation of approval of those applications set forth -3- in paragraph I by the chief of police, the following applications shall be referred to the chief of the fire department for investigation and recommendation of approval or disapproval : (a) Auto courts and motels (b) Boarding and rooming houses (c) Hotels and rooming houses (d) Billiard and pool halls (e) Card clubs (f) All beer licenses (g) Cabaret licenses (h) Club dance licenses (I) Dance hall licenses (J) Charter non-liquor licenses (k) Charter locker clubs (1) Convalescent homes After the licenses have been recommended for approval or dis- approval by the departments set forth in paragraphs I , II , and III , the same shall be submitted to the Commissioner of Public Safety for review and transmittal to the city license assessor, who in turn shall submit his report to the Board of Commissioners with his recommendation for granting or denying said applications. IV. All applications to do business in matters hereinafter enumerated shall, upon receipt by the license assessor, be referred to the board of health for examination, investigation and recommendation of approval or disapproval . The applications to be referred to the board of health, in addition to those previously enumerated, are the following: (a) Restaurant and cafe licenses (b) Soft drink licenses (c) food-vending machines (d) Day care murseries (e) Garbage and waste disposal The board of health shall in turn submit its report to the Commissioner of Public Safety for review and submission to the license assessor, who shall in turn submit his report and recommendation to the Board of Commissioners. In the case of applications for restaurant and cafe or day care nursery licenses, the chief of the fire department shall submit his recommendation to the Commissioner of Public Safety.44Pa sed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this `\a — day of July, 1960. 416 /4q��1 ayor y I