21 of 1937 - A resolution authorizing additional appropriations to the budget of Salt Lake City for the support o REMARKS
Resolution No. 2
By Commissioner idu.r do ch
ituthorizinE., additional
appropriations to the budet
of Salt Lake City for the 'support
of the City Government for the
year 1937, amounting to
Rec.102 100 1-2-37
VOTING L§AlZe City,Utah, -__- - 193
GogginPi I move that the resolution be adopted.
Keyser 2 .
Matheson - - - ;i
Murdock - - - -
Mr.Chairman - - - RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, Commissioners of the various departments herein-
after specified have made written requests for additional appropria-
tions setting forth the emergencies necessitating the requests; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to make such addittional appropria-
tions for the support of the city government for the year 1937.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that an emergency exists and
it is necessary to make additional appropriations for the following
accounts and departments for the year 1937, and that the following
sums of money, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be and the
same are hereby appropriated for the support of the various depart-
ments indicated for the calendar year ending December 31, 1937. Said
appropriations are further itemized in the requests on file for such
appropriations and are in addition to those heretofore authorized elnd
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salr Lake City on December 31,
1936; January 29, 1937; March 2, 1937; March 25, 1937; May 27, 1937;
June 29, 1937; July 27, 1937; August 5, 1937; and October 5, 1937,
Account No. Department. Amount.
34-F-11 Police $3,000.00
34-F-25 " 648.00
123-A-16 Streets and Boulevards 128.50
123-A-22 " " " - 50.00
123-F-5 "N A " 527.80
W. P. A. Memory Grove - 41.15
" " It Forest Dale 17.19
TOTAL 4,412.64
It is necessary in the opinion of the Board of Commission-
ers for the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City, Utah, that this resolution take effect upon its
This resolution shall take effect uponits adoption.
Passed the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this d day of , 1937.
City ecor er. `/