21 of 1940 - A resolution requesting citizens to aid in City’s attempt to preserve trees located on water sheds b REMARKS Resolution No. 21 By Commissioner Jenkins Requesting citizens to aid in city's attempt to preserve trees located on water sheds by refusing to purchase any tree which does not bear proper tag. Presmisii to the Bard of Gommisi000rli AND PASSED NOV2 61940 • Date Filed Address .._....__ Goggin uvrttmt: P. Keyser Matheson - - - - McConkie Mr.Chairman - - - RESO TION Result tHEPf S, one of the major factors in per.petuatins and enhancing the value of our mountain water sheds is the maintenance of vegetative cover; and g HERFFS, for many years the practice of cutting trees for Christmas use has resulted in a. serious loss in number and eua.],ity of tries on private, fate and Cederal lands, thus tending to destroy or materially injured our water sheds and it has further been made to appear that many of such trees are cut without t..e consent or knowl- edge of the landowner and without regulation; and M"] r LC, public and private civic-minded individuals and F.rou_ps are taking en active interest in the _problem end have urged upon :aft Lake City some action to aid in the preservation of trees. NOT, THFLC Old, 1F IT NESOLVFD by the board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City that the citizens of Fait Lake City be and they are hereby recuestt-d to aid said city and all civic groups in their attempt to preserve the trees located in our ,rater sheds. This can test be done by the private individual end citizen determining from all tree vender: before e purchase is made that the tree purchased mac harvested in accordance with Fedarel or 'Tate regulation or carries a. Federal or State tree tag and by refusing to purchase any tree which is not cut pursuant to hederal,6tate or city regulation. The public is further urged to cooperate with the Utah Ftate Extension Fervice, the Ichool of ' orestry, United ttates Forest Fervice, Utah Ftate 1= riculturel College and the Chamber of Commerce in rill respects performin; such service designed to preserve Utah v-a tc_ sheds ant, the trees located therein. Pasi.eLVythe .�r,'� o f isioners t Utc n this y 10L-0 city eecorder.