21 of 1970 - A resolution declaring the intention of the City Commission to create and construct a special Curb a Resolution No. 21 -- George B. Catmull a3 Y:` J�, COMMISSIONER Declaring the intention of the City Cone- miesion to create and construct a spec Cttrb and Gutter Extension No. 451 (improvement district)in the area of 5th North to 17th South Streets and Chey me Street to 6th West Street;to defray the. cost and expenses of said improvements y special assessments to be levied against! the property benefited by such improve-1 ments, and fixing a time and plane- (dune 2, 1970 in City Commission Chambers)-for protests against such. improvements or the creation of CUrb and Gutter Extens andN gasioneri Presented t AND PASSED I r APR 22 1970 tt CITY RECO Y„ iy I , CORRECTED NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,of the intention of such Board of Commissioners to make the following described improvements: To grade,construct sidewalks, curb and gutter (where not already build, a drainage system, storm sewer, o pavement consisting of 2-inch e thick stonefilled sheet asphalt wearing surface placed on a 6-inch thick o compacted gravel base, remove trees and nonconforming improvements where they arc n the way of new improvements, construct driveways e from Ihe new curb and gutter to the street edge of sidewalks and do all other work n sary to complete the project in accordance with Sall Lake City Standards.This extension is to be known as Curb and Gutter Extension No. 451 and is to be constructed within the following areas and boundaries and on the following named streets: AREA: Colorado Subdivision of Block 79, Plat"C", Salt Lake City Survey; Glendale Park Plat "A", Hamilton Subdivision, Glendale Gardens Plat"B",Burlington Place Addition,Glendale Addition,the foregoing all in Section 11, TtS, R1W, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; C. P. Smith's Subdivision, Stewart Park Subdivision, Peach Grove Sub- division, the foregoing all in Section 15, T1S, RIW, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, Glendale Gardens Plat "C", New England Addition, all in Section 11, nIS, R1W, Sall Lake Base and Meridian; South Salt Lake Subdivision of Section 14, T1S,R1W,Salt Lake Base and Meridian; Cllves Subdivision of Block 88, Plat "C",Salt Lake City Survey; Butte Subdivision of Block 10, Plat "C", Salt Lake City Survey;Lots 6-11 Incl.of Block 25,5 Acre Plat"A",Big Field Survey; Lots 12-16 incl., Lots 1 and 19 and 20,Jordan Park Subdivision, all in Block 8,5 Acre Plat'8",Big Field Survey; Taylor's Subdivision, Oakley Subdivision of Bieck 71, Plat "C", Salt Lake City Survey. BOUNDARIES' North-5th North Street South-10th South Street West--Cheyenne Street East-6th West Street STREETS, Along the following named streets the abutting property will be assessed for improvements built at the herein below estimated rates per front fool of abutting property for sidewalks and curb and gutter where not previously built, and for designated widths of paving measured out from the street edge of the concrete gutter to the center of the roadway, and for the abutter's portion of all misuet. Igneous casts of the project. DURAV AVENUE:sides,ides, between 10111 and 111h West Streets, curb and gutter, 16-foot paving a miscellaneous, Rafe No.1 BROOKLYN AVENUE: North side from Emery Street; thence east 208 feet and from point 243 feet east of Emery Street;thence east 392.20 feet; South side between Emery and 10th Wcst Streets curb and gutter, 16 fool paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.2 DALTON AVENUE: Both sitles from Emety to 10th West Streets, curb and guile r, 16 fort paving antl m cellaneous. Rate No.2 FREMOhT AVENUE: North side between Emery and 10th West Streets,south side from Emery Street; thence Batt ,62 feet and From 10th Went Street:thence e feet,curb and gutter,16 foot paving and miscellaneous,Rate No,2 BROOKLYN f N North side from a point 08 feet east from Emery Street; thence east 35 feet;1E foot paving and miscellaneous, Rafe No. FREMtir AVENUE: South side from a Point d isce east trom Emery Street;Sa thence east feed,16 few envng aW miscellaneous, gate No.-wa, Both sideslbetween West Street and Jordan River iscellaneous, 4-loot sidewalk, curb and gutter, 13 foot paving and miscellaneous, m�Rate No.4 ILLINOIS AVENUE: North side from iBth West Street;thence east 97 feet,4 foot sidewalk, curb and gutter, 13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No, d EMERY STREET: West side between Lexington and California Avenues and the east side from a paint 64 feet south from Hayes Avenue to a point 119.50 feet north of Brooklyn Avenue;also from a point 124,37 feet north of Paxton Avenue to California Avenue; 4 foot sidewalk, curb and gutter,13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.4 10TH WEST STREET: East side from Illinois Avenue north to a point 510.50 feet north of Fremont Avenue; 4 foot sidewalk,curb and gutter, 13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.4 EMERY STREET: West side between Mead and Illinois Avenues and east side from a point 119.50 feet north of Brooklyn Avenue; thence sou:h to a point 164 feet south of Fremont Avenue;also from Illinois Avenue south 124.37 feet,Curb and gutter,13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.5 10TH WEST STREET: West side from Brooklyn Avenue south to a point 55 feet north of Illinois Avenue,curb and gutter,13-toot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.5 ILLINOIS AVENUE: South side from Emery Street,east to a point 398.33 feet east of Glen- dale Street,curb and gutter,13 foot paving and miscellaneous,Rate No.5 North side between Emery and lath West Streets,13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.6 EMERY STREET: West side from Mead Avenue,north 488.50 feet and east side from Illinois Avenue,north 110 feet,13 toot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.6 LOTH WEST STREET: West side from Illinois Avenue,north 55 feet,13 foot paving and mis - cellaneous, Rate No.6 EMERY STREET: East side from Hayes Avenue;thence south 64 feet,4 foot sidewalk, curb and gutter and miscellaneous, Rate No.7 CHEYENNE STREET: West side from a point 116 feet south of California Avenue;thence south to Van Buren Avenue and east side between California and Van Buren Avenues, d foot sidewalk, curb and gutter, 16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.8 West side from California Avenue;thence south 116 feet, curb and gutter,16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.9 CONCORD STREET: West side from a point 14 feet south of Lexington Avenue; thence south to California Avenue and east side between Lexington and Califor- nia Avenues,curb and gutter,16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.10 West side from Lexington Avenue; thence south 14 feet,curb and gutter,16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.11 11TH WEST STREET: West side between California and Hope Avenues and both sides be- tween Andrew and Harris Avenues,also east side from California Avenue; thence south 250 feet,and between Utahna Drive and Andrew Avenue,4 foot sidewalk,curb and gutter,16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.12 West side between Hope and Andrew Avenues and east side from a paint 250 feet south of California Avenue;thence south 800 feet,curb and gutter,16 foot paving and miscellaneous. Rate No.13 CHICAGO STREET: Both sides from 5th North Street; thence south 585 feet,curb and gutter,16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.14 Both sides from 4th North Street;thence north 75 feet,16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.15 9TH WEST STREET: Both sides between 6th and 0th South Streets,curb and gutter,16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.16 6TH WEST STREET: West side from a point 125 feet south of 9th South Street;thence south 1308.50 feet and from 13th South Street;thence north to Paxton Avenue, east side,from a point 73.18 feet south of 9th South Street;thence south to 13th South Street,4 foot sidewalk,curb and gutter,16 toot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.17 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,of the intention of such Board of Commissioners to make the following described improvements'.construct To grade, c nstruct sidewalks, curb and gutter (where not already built), a drainage system, storm sewer, o , pavement consisting of 2-inch thick tonefilled sheet asphalt wearing surface placed o a 6.inch thick compacted remove gravel base, r e trees and nonconforming improvements where they are in the way of n improvements, construct driveways e from then curb and gutter to the street edge of sidewalks and do all other work n y to complete the or ect accordance with Salt Lake City Standards.This extension Is to be known as Curb and Gutter Extension Na. 451 and Is to be constructed within the following areas and boundaries and on the following named streets AREA: Colorado Subdivision of Block 79, Plat "C", Salt Lake City Survey; Glendale Park Plate "A", Hamilton Subdivision. Glendale Gardens Plat"B", Burlington Place Addition,Glendale Addition,the foregoing all in Section 11, T1 S, R1W, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; C. P. Smith's Subdivision, Stewart Park Subdivision, Peach Grove Sub- division, the Iaregoing all in Section 15,T1S, R1W, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; Glendale Gardens Plat "C", New England Addition, all in Section 11, T1S, R1W, Salt Lake Base and Meritlian; South Salt Lake Subdivision of Section 14, T15,R1W,Sall Lake Base and Meridian; Clives Subdivision of Black 88, Plat "C",Salt Lake City Survey; Butte Subdivision of Block 12, Plat "C", Salt Lake City Survey;Lots 6-11 incl.of Block 23,5 Acre Plat"A",Big Field Survey; Lots 12.16 Incl., Lots l and 19 and 23,Jordan Park Subdivision, all n Black 8,5 Acre Plat'B", Big Field Survey; Taylor's Subdivision, Oakley Subdivision of Block 77, Plat "C", Salt Lake City Survey, BOUNDARIES: North-51h North Street South-17th South Street West—Cheyenne Street East-61h West Street STREETS: Along the following named streets the abutting properly will be assessed for improvements built at the herein below estimated rates per front toot of abutting property for sidewalks and curb and gutter where not previously built, and for designated widths of paving measured out from the street edge of the concrete gutter to the enter of the roadway, and for the abutter's portion of all miscel- laneous costs of the protect. OURAY AVENUE: Both sides, between 10th and )lib West Streets, curb antl gutter, ltf S oot paving and miscellaneous, Rafe No.1 BROOKLYN AVENUE: North side from Emery Street; thence east 208 feet and from point 243 feet east of Emery Street;thence east 392.20 feet; South side between Emery and loth West Streets curb and gutter, 16 fool paving rd miscellaneous. Rate No.2 DALTON AVENUE: toBoth sides fro Emery to 10th West Streets, curb and gutte, 16 FREMONT R1 paving antl mm cello neous, Rate Nro.2 F AVENUE:between North ede en Emery and loth West Streets,, tooth side eom ¢r1 Seeel; thence and east,61 fool and from miscellaneous,West Street; thence west 1K YNl,curb and yUtter.16 loot paving and miscellaneous.Rate No.2 BROOKLYN AVENUE: North sitle from a point c08 feet cast from Emery Sireel; thence a<i 35 NT iE foot paving and mscellaneous, Ratc No.3 FR EMtt sac NUE: room South ettle from a point d feet east from Emory Street; thence east feed,16 foot paving aW m ire aneous, Rate No.3 Both ewes between loth Wee Street and Jordan River ri ghtlanrocs, 4-loot sidewalk, curb and gutter, 13 fool paving and cetlaneous, mi Rate No.4 ILLINOIS AVENUE: North gutter, from 1too Way greed miscellaneous, east s feel,=foot sidewalk, k, curb and gutter,13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate Na.d EMERY STREET: West side between Lexington and California Avenues and the east side from a point 64 feet south from Hayes Avenue to a point 119.50 feet north of Brooklyn Avenue; also from a point 124.37 feet north of Paxton Avenue to California Avenue; 4 toot sidewalk, curb and gutter,13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rafe No.4 10TH WEST STREET: East side from Illinois Avenue north to a point 510.50 feet north of Fremont Avenue; 4 foot sidewalk,curb and gutter, 13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.4 EMERY STREET: West side between Mead and Illinois Avenues and east side from a point 119.50 feet north of Brooklyn Avenue; thence sou h to a point 164 feet south of Fremont Avenue;also from Illinois Avenue south 12437 feet,curb and gutter,13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.5 10TH WEST STREET: West side from Brooklyn Avenue south to a point 55 feet north cf Illinois Avenue,curb and gutter,13-foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.5 ILLINOIS AVENUE: South side from Emery Street,east to a point 398.33 feet east of Glen- dale Street,curb and gutter,13 foot paving and miscellaneous,Rate No.5 North side between Emery and 10th West Streets,13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.6 EMERY STREET: West side from Mead Avenue, north 488.50 feet and east side from Illinois Avenue,north 110 feet,13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.6 10TH WEST STREET: West side from Illinois Avenue,north 55 feet,13 fool paving and m cellaneous, Rate No.s6 EMERY STREET: East side from Hayes Avenue; thence south 64 feet,4 foot sidewalk, is curb and gutter and miscellaneous, Rate No.7 CHEYENNE STREET: West side tram a point 116 feet south of California Avenue; thence south to Van Buren Avenue and east side between California and Van Buren Avenues, 4 foot sidewalk, curb and gutter, 16 toot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.8 West side from California Avenue; thence south 116 feet, curb and gutter,16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.9 CONCORD STREET: West side from a point 14 feet south of Lexington Avenue; thence south to California Avenue and east side between Lexington and Califor- nia Avenues,curb and gutter,16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.10 West side from Lexington Avenue; thence south 14 feet, curb and gutter,16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No 11 11TH WEST STREET: West side between California and Hope Avenues and both sides be- tween Andrew and Harris Avenues,also east side from California Avenue; thence south 250 feet,and between Utahna Drive and Andrew Avenue,4 foot sidewalk,curb and gutter,16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.12 West side between Hope and Andrew Avenues and east side from a point 250 feet south of California Avenue;thence south 880 feet,curb and gutter,16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.13 CHICAGO STREET: Both sides from 51h North Street; thence south 585 feet, curb and gutter,16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.14 Both sides from 4th North Street;thence north 75 feet,16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.15 9TH WEST STREET: Both sides between 6th and 71h South Streets,curb and gutter,16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No,16 6TH WEST STREET: West side from a point 125 feet south of 91h South Street;thence south 1308.50 feet and from 13th South Street;thence north to Paxton Avenue, east side,from a point 73.18 feet south of 9th South Street;thence south to 13tochStreet,4 foot sidewalk,curb and gutter,16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.17 West sloe from Paxton Avenue; thence north 145.89 feel, curb and Suitor, I6 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.17 West side from Paxton Avenue,Ihcnco north 75 feet and from Paxton A,,enue thence south 75 feet,curb and gutter,16 foot paving and miscel- laneous, Rate No.18 East side from 91h South Street;thence south 73.18 feet,16 foot paving ued rniscellaneous, Rate No.19 PAXTON AVENUE: North side from a po.f 50 fret east cf the northeast c of 71h West Street; thence east to 6th West Street, curb and gutter,13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rafe No.20 South side from 6th West Street; thence west 534 feet and from 7th West Street;thence east 100 feel,4 foot sidewalk,curb and gutter,13 foot paving and ms „cellanecu Rafe No.21 South side from a paint 100 feel east of 71h West Street;thence east 100 feet.curb and gutter,13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate N.20 1 0TH WEST STREET: Both sides between 2nd and 3rd South Streets,curb and gutter,16 foot Paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.22 IMPROVEMENTS AND ESTIMATED COSTS Front Feel Estimated Total Rae Proposed of Abutting Cost Per Estimated No, Improvements Property Front Foot Cost I. Curb&gutter,16'paving &misc. 1,305.00 5 5.98 5 7,803.90 2. Curb&gutter,16'paving &misc. 2.8J5.20 4 7.78 21,824.46 3- 16'paving&misc. 390.00 d.95 1,930.50 4. 4'Walk,curb ire.gutter, 13'paving&mist. 3,715.78 9.29 34,519.60 5. Curb&gutter,13'paving &misc. 3,289.83 7.28 23,367.56 6. 13'paving&misc. 1,662.50 4.45 7,398.13 J. 4'Walk,curb&gutter&misc. 61.00 7.00 280.00 8. 4'Walk,curb&gutter,16' paving&misc. 2,937.85 8.80 25,853.08 9, Cub&gutter,16'paving &misc. 116.00 6.79 ]8].64 10. Curb&gutter,16'paving &rill, 1,195.00 ].ld 8,532.30 11. 16'paving e m l4.00 4.33 60,62 12. 4'Walk,curb&sgutter,16' paving&misc. 2,069.00 8.63 17,855.47 13. Curb&gutter,paving &misc. 1,402.00 6.62 9,281.24 14. Curb&gutter,16'paving &misc. 1,100.00 7.56 8,845 10 15. 16'paving&msc. 150.00 Q)5 ]12.50 16. Curb&gutter,16'paving &misc. 1,125.00 8.90 10,012.50 17- 4'Walk,curb&guller, 16'paving 8 m 4,769.39 10.01 J),Idl.i9 18. Cu:b&guller,�16'paving &misc. 5]9.]0 8.01 4,643 00 19, I,Paving&m 12500 5.18 64I 20, Curb&gutter,1�3 paving &misc. 1,268.00 ].3] 9,34516 21. 4'Walk,curb&gutter, 13'paving&misc. 100.00 9.37 937.00 22, Curb&gutter,16'paving &misc. 1,245.00 11,78 14,66510 Total Estimated Cost of Abutter's Portion 257,045.45 Total Estimated Cost of Cify's Portion Proper 63,091.46 Total Estimated Cost of City's Portion"C" 9,75050 Total Estimated Cost of Preleci 5329,887.11 Exclusive of extra cyst of private driveways. All the street frontage in this district,upon which improvements are to be made,will be a ssed accordance with the Improvements con- structed.Credit to abutting property owners for street improvements made under proper permits from the office of the City Engineer,and extensions previously built and assessed,will be allowed so that the property will not be reassessed for those prier improvements so nstructed.Credits for corner lots exemptions or partial exemptions,will be made as pro- vided State Statutes and City Ordinances. All other necessary things shall be done to complete the whole project in a proper and workmanlike manner cording to plans,profiles and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer of Salt Lake City. To defray the abutter's portion of the cost and expense of improve- ment,a special tax or assessment shall be levied a9 nst the properties mproved.This tax or g assessment shall be paid in 10 equal annual in- stallments with six percent(b°iol interest ac uing on the unpaid balance of the tax levied according to the front or linear foot frontage upon and against all lots,pieces or parcels of land benefited and affected by the improvements.The whole amount of the tax msy be paid without interest within 15 days after notification by the Salt Lane City Treasurer of the amount due. All nonconforming improvements,such as lawns,sprinkling systems, rock gardens, walls, fences, curbs, gutters, driveways, culverts, trees, etc., which have been built or nstalled by abutting property owners within the areas to be improved, must be removed by the property owners,or at their expense,prior to the commencement of the project. If these improvements a net removed by the property owners,they will be removed be the contractor as ogeneral excavation and n they will be disposed of by him as directed by the City Engineer. Parking areas, i.e.,those areas between the back of the newcurb urb and the street edges of the newor existing sidewalk not occupied by house walks or driveways will be brought to finished grade using existing soil. elo fine grading,top soiling, seeding or sodding or nstalling of sprinkling systems will be done under this improvement extension. The abutter's estimated costs per front foot do net include the extra costs for private driveways, the costs of which will vary according to the type,width and amount of parking area p a to be covered.These costs are estimated to be approximately 51.00 pet square for open type driveways and approximately$1.25 per foot to drivewayse requiring pipe or culvert In the tuner line. The cost of driveways will be assessed against the properties benefited in addition to the assessment for s:de- walk,curb and gutter,paving and miscellaneous. ofus. The estimated costs en the Cite's portion of the improvement consists of the cost or one-half en all general excavation,the cost of the paving of intersections,the cost of c rote Crainn gutters intersections and the cost of fearing out and replacing existing sidewalk and curb and gutter in intersections made neces ny by the new improvements. All protests and biections to the carrying out offsuchsuch tendon must be presented in writing, stating therein, lot, block or description of property,together with the number of front feet for square feet)to the Cary Recorder on r before the lot day of June, 1970. The Board of Commissioners at its first regular meeting thereafter,to-wit,the cod day of June, 1970, will consider the proposed levy and hear and consider such protests and objections to said improvements as shall have been made. By order of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah. DATED:April YL,19Ip, HERMAN J.HOGENSEN, CITY RECORDER CURB 8 GUTTER EXTENSION NO.451 First publication—May 1,1970 Second publication—May 8,1970 Third publication—May 15,1970 Last publication—May 22,1970 (A-311 West side from Paxton Avenue; thence north 145.89 feet, curb and Gutter, 16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.17 West side from Paxton Avenue,thence north 75 feet and from Paxton Avenue thence south 75 feet,sorb and gutter,16 foot paving andmiscel- laneous, Rate No.18 East side from 9th 5oulh Street;thence south 73.18 feet,16 fool paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.19 PAXTON AVENUE: North side I rom a point 50 feet east of the northeast corner of 7th West Street; thence cast to 61h West Street, curb and gutters 13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.20 South side f rom ath West Streel; thence west 534 feet and from 7th West Street;thence east 100 feet,4 foot sidewalk,curb and gutter,13 .f foot ot paving and miscellaneous, Rate South side from a point t40 tees eaand miscellaneous,st of]hWettreet:thetnce east s0 100 feet,curb and gutter,13 foot 10TH WEST STREET: Both sides between 2nd and 3rd North Streets,curb and gutter,16 foot Paving and miscellaneous, Rate No.22 PROVEMENTS AND ESTIMATED COSTS IMPROVEMENTS Front Feet Estimated Total Rafe Proposed of Abetting Cost Per Estimated No. Improvements Properly Front Foot Cost 1 Curb&gutter,16'paving &mist. 1,305.00 5 5.98 5 7,803.90 2. Curb&gutter,16'paving &mist. 2,805.20 7.78 21,824.46 3. 16'paving&mist. 390.00 4.95 1,930.50 4. 4'Walk,curb&gutter, 13'paving&mist. 3,715.78 9.29 34,51960 5. Curb&gutter,13'paving &misc. 3,209.83 7.28 23,367.56 6. 13'paving&mist. 1,662.50 4.45 7,398.13 7. 4'Walk,curb&gutter&misc. 64.00 7.00 280.00 B. 4'Walk,curb&gutter,16' 9. paving&misc. Curb&gutter,16'paving 2,937.85 8.80 25,853.08 &misc. 116.00 6.79 787.64 10. Curb&gutter,16'paving &misc. 1,195.00 7.14 8'5360.30 11. 16'paving&misc. 1d.00 4.33 60.62 12. 4'Walk,curb&gutter,16' paving&misc. 2,069.00 8.63 1],855.4] 13. Curb&gutter,paving &misc. 1,402.00 6.62 9,281.24 14. Curb&gutter,16'paving 8 misc. 1,170.00 7.56 8,845.20 15. 16'paving&misc. 150.00 4.75 ]12.50 16. Curb&gutter,16'pacing &misc. 1,125.00 8.90 10,012.50 17. 4'Walk,curb&gutter, 16'paving&misc. 4,769.39 I031 47,7.11.59 18. Curb&sullen,16'paving &misc. 579.70 8.01 4,643 40 19. 16'Paving&misc. 125.00 5.18 847.50 20. Curb&gutter,13'paving &misc. 1,268.00 7,37 9,345.16 21. 4'Walk,curb&gutter, 13'paving&misc. 100.00 9.37 937.00 22. Curb&gutter,16'paving A misc. 1,245.00 11.78 14,666.10 Total Estimated Cost of Abutter's Portion 257,045.45 Total Estimated Cost of City's Portion Proper 63,091.46 Total Estimated Cost of City's Portion"C" 9,750.50 Total Estimated Cost of Project S329,88741 Exclusive of extra cost of private drivewas. All the street frontagee in this district,upon which.improvements are tobemade, e,d hwill be assessed in accordant wth the mprovements con- structed. g property owners for street improvements made under proper permits from the tt:ce of the City Engineer,and Pensions previously built and assessed,will be allowed so that the property will not be reassessed for those prior improvements so tructed. Credits for corner lots exemptions or partial exemptions,will be made as pro- vided by State Statutes and City Ordinances. All other necessary things shall be done to complete the whole protect in a proper and workmanlike manner cording to plans,profiles and specifications o file in the office of the City Engineer of Salt Lake City. To defray the abutter's portion of the cost and expense of improve- ment,a special tax or assessment shall be levied against the properties q improved.This tax or assessment shall be paid in 10 equal l in- stallments with six percent(6%) t interest accruing on the unpaid balance of the tax levied according to the front or linear foot frontage upon and against all lots,pieces or parcels of land benefited and affected by the improvements.The whale amount of the tax may be paid without interest within 15 days after notification by the Salt Lake City Treasurer of the amount due. All nonconforming improvements,such as lawns,sprinkling systems, rock gardens, walls, fences, curbs, gutters, driveways, culverts, trees, etc., which have been built or installed by abutting properly ownrs within the areas to be improved, musto be r ved by the property at their expense,prior to the mmence t enf f the protect. If these improvements are not removed by the property owners,they will be removed by the contractor asgeneral excavation and they will be disposed of by him as directed by the City Engineer. Parking areas, i.e.,those areas between the back of the newc urb and the street edges of the a aor existing sidewalk not occupied by house walks or driveways will new brought to finished grade using existing soil. No fine grading, top soiling, seeding or sodding or installing of sprinkling systems will be done under this improvement extension. The abutter's estimated cots pr front foot do of include the extra costs for rivate driveways,the costs of which will v to the type,width and amount o parkng area to be covered.a These��costs driestimated to nbe approximately$1.00 per severe ofoot for open type veways and approximately$1.25 per toot for gdriveways requiring pipe or culert in the gutter line. The cost of driveways will be d againstproperties benefited addition to the assessment for eside- alk,curb and gutter,paving and miscellaneous. The estimated costs of the City's portion of the improvement consists of the cost of one-half f all general cavation,the cost of the paving of intersections,the cost of concrete drain gutters In intersections and the cost of tearing out and replacing existing sidewalk and curb and gutter in intersections made n ary by the new Improvements. All protests and obiections to the carrying out of such intention must be presented in writing, stating therein, lot, block or description of property,together with the lumber of front feet(or square feet)to the City Recorder on or before the 15th day of June, 1970. The Board of Commissioners at Its first regular meeting thereafter,to-wit,the 16th day of June, 1970, will c ns:,der the proposed levy and hear and consider such protests and obiections to said improvements as shall have been made. By order of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah. DATED: May 12, 1970. HERMAN J.HOGENSEN, CITY RECORDER CURB 8 GUTTER EXTENSION NO.451 First Pupblication—MaY 15,1970 Second Publication—May 22,1970 Third Publication—May 29,1970 Last Publication—June 5,1976 (A-SI) May 12. 1970 Hoacrabte&eeffs B. Cats:t ll Coombelease of Streets and Public 11s so+smsats 100 City aad Ceety BWdt.S cult Lie City. Utah Liar Con>absiwr Catmull: The Board of City Comn:iestos,srs, at Its mssthai today. approved your mottos as follows: I move that the "Notice of Ideation"for Special Im- provement District-Curb sal Cutter F:tension No. 451, wherein the work to be dose on 10th Vest Street- both sides -between and aid and South Streets be corrected to read: 10th V est Street-both sides- uels ea had and and North Streets. sad tit the date for receipt of protests sad objections to the City Recorder be set for Jose 15th. 1970, sod that the Board of City Cemmisstemers owner Os same as June 10. 1070. sad that the -Corrected Notice of Iateetlsa abe pahllehsd ea May 15, lday 31, May S0 and JEW Yours truly, CC: City Aeec dge Auditor ides. Molested Yogtrser Files-1- :Reeelrttee lie. 11 City Atteraey 4141 Lair REO. ROLL CALL April 22 70 VOTING Aye I Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, 19 / Y Barker.: . •` . I move that the Resolution be adopted. Catmull . . . Garn . . . . Harrison . . . ` Mr. Chairman . RESOLUTION Result . . . A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF SALT LAKE CITY, SALT LAKE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH, TO CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS ON CERTAIN STREETS WITHIN SAID CITY CONSISTING OF GRADING, CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS, CURB AND GUTTER (WHERE NOT NOW BUILT) , DRAINAGE SYSTEM, STORM SEWER, THE REMOVAL OF TREES AND NONCONFORMING IMPROVEMENTS WHERE THEY ARE IN THE WAY OF NEW IMPROVEMENTS, TO CONSTRUCT DRIVEWAYS FROM THE NEW CURB AND GUTTER TO THE STREET EDGE OF SIDEWALKS: THE STREETS IN THE EXTENSION TO BE PAVED WITH 2-INCH THICK STONEFILLED SHEET ASPHALT WEARING SURFACE PLACED ON A 6-INCH THICK COMPACTED GRAVEL BASE; TO CONSTRUCT VALVE AND HYDRANT BOXES; TO CREATE A SPECIAL CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 451 IN SAID CITY; TO DEFRAY THE COST AND EXPENSES OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TO BE LEVIED AGAINST THE PROPERTY BENEFITED BY SUCH IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING FOR A NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AUTHORIZE SUCH IMPROVEMENTS AND FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR PROTESTS AGAINST SUCH IMPROVEMENTS OR THE CREATION OF SUCH CURB AND GUTTER EXTENSION SPECIAL IM- PROVEMENT DISTRICT. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah: SECTION 1. The Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, has determined and hereby determines that it will be in the best interest of said City to grade, construct sidewalks, curb and gutter (where not already built) , as specified on the plans, specifications and profiles on file in the office of the City Engineer, a drainage system, storm sewer, and pavement consisting of 2-inch thick stonefilled sheet asphalt wearing surface placed on a 6-inch thick compacted gravel base; the streets to be improved and the boundaries of said Curb and Gutter Extension Special Improvement District, all more particularly described in the Notice of Intention to construct the proposed improvements hereinafter set forth. SECTION 2. The proposed district shall be known as Curb and Gutter Extension No. 451 of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. SECTION 3. The City shall pay the cost and expenses of improve- ments to be constructed on streets and avenues on propFrty owned by said City. NOTICE • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, of the intention of such Board of Commissioners to make the following described improvements: To grade, construct sidewalks, curb and gutter (where not already built) , a drainage system, storm sewer, pavement consisting of 2-inch thick stonefilled sheet asphalt wearing surface placed on a 6-inch thick compacted gravel base, remove trees and nonconforming improvements where they are in the way of new improvements, construct driveways from the • new curb and gutter to the street edge of sidewalks and do all other work necessary to complete the project in accordance with Salt Lake City Standards. This extension is to be known as Curb and Gutter Extension No. 451 and is to be constructed within the following areas and boundaries and on the following named streets: AREA: Colorado Subdivision of Block 79, Plat "C", Salt Lake City Survey; Glendale Park Plat "A", Hamilton Subdivision, Glendale Gardens Plat "B", Burlington Place Addition, Glendale Addition, the foregoing all in Section 11, T1S, R1W, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; C. P. Smith's Subdivision, Stewart Park Subdivision, Peach Grove Subdivision, the foregoing all in Section 15, T1S, R1W, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; Glendale Gardens Plat "C", New England Addition, all in Section 11, T1S, R1W, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; South Salt Lake Subdivision of Section 14, T1S, R1W, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; Olives Subdivision of Block 88, Plat "C", Salt Lake City Survey; Butte Subdivision of Block 17, Plat "C", Salt Lake City Survey; Lots 6-11 of Block 25, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey; Lots 12-16 incl., Lots 1 and 19 and 20, Jordan Park Subdivision, all in Block 8, 5 Acre Plat "B", Big Field Survey; Taylor's Subdivision, Oakley Subdivision of Block 77, Plat "C", Salt Lake City Survey. BOUNDARIES: North - 5th North Street South - 17th South Street West - Cheyenne Street East - 6th West Street STREETS: Along the following named streets the abutting property will be assessed for improvements built at the herein below estimated rates per front foot of abutting property for sidewalks and curb and gutter where not previously built, and for designated widths of paving measured out from the street edge of the concrete gutter to the center of the roadway, and for the abutter's portion of all miscellaneous costs of the project. 3 -2 • - Such part of the cost and expense of the proposed improvements as is not paid by the City shall be assessed against the lots and lands adjoining, abutting, contiguous or adjacent to the proposed improvements. SECTION 4. Written protests against the proposed improvements or against the creation of said district must be presented and filed in the office of the City Recorder on or before the 1®t day of June , 1970, at the hour of 5:00 o'clock P.M., and on the 2nd day of June , 1970, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M., at the City Hall of said City. Such protests shall be heard and con- sidered by the Board of Commissioners. The City Recorder is hereby directed to give notice of intention to make the proposed improvements and of the time within which protests against the proposed improvements or the creation of said district may be filed and the date when such protests will be heard and considered, by publication in a newspaper having general circulation in Salt Lake City, said publication to be in each issue of said newspaper for a period of at least twenty (20) days, the first publication to be not less than twenty (20) days prior to the date fixed for the meeting of the Board of City Commissioners to consider such protests and by mailing said notice by United States Mail, postage prepaid, to the owners of the property affected by, or specially benefited by, such improvements as said property is described in said notice, insofar as the names and addresses of said owners can be ascertained from the most recent available County Assessment books, and addressed to owners as provided by ordinance. Said notices shall be mailed not later than five (5) days after the first publication of such notice. The City Recorder shall have on file in his office a copy of the Notice of Intention for the examination of any interested parties. Said notice shall be in the following form, to-wit: -2- OURAY AVENUE: Both sides, between 10th and llth West Streets, curb and gutter, 16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 1 BROOKLYN AVENUE: North side from Emery Street; thence east 208 feet and from a point 243 feet east of Emery Street; thence east 392.20 feet; South side between Emery and 10th West Streets curb and gutter, 16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 2 DALTON AVENUE: Both sides from Emery to 10th West Streets, curb and gutter, 16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 2 FREMONT AVENUE: North side between Emery and 10th West Streets, south side from Emery Street; thence east 162 feet and from 10th West Street; thence west 100 feet, curb and gutter, 16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 2 BROOKLYN AVENUE: North side from a point 208 feet east from Emery Street; thence east 35 feet; 16 foot paving and miscella- neous, Rate No. 3 FREMONT AVENUE: South side from a point 162 feet east from Emery Street; thence east 355 feet~ 16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 3. Both sides between 10th West Street and Jordan River right-of-way, 4 foot sidewalk, curb and gutter, 13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 4. ILLINOIS AVENUE: North side from 10th pest Street; thence east 97 feet, 4 foot sidewalk, curb and gutter, 13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 4. EMERY STREET: West side between Lexington and California Avenues and the east side from a point 64 feet south from Hayes Avenue to a point 119.50 feet north of Brooklyn Avenue; also from a point 124.37 feet north of Paxton Avenue to California Avenue; 4 foot sidewalk, curb and gutter, 13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 4. 10TH WEST STREET: East side from Illinois Avenue north to a point 510.50 feet north of Fremont Avenue; 4 foot sidewalk, curb and gutter, 13 foot paving and miscellaneous. Rate No. 4 EMERY STREET: West side between Mead and Illinois Avenues and east side from a point 119.50 feet north of Brooklyn Avenue; thence south to a point 164 feet south of Fremont Avenue; also from Illinois Avenue south 124.37 feet, curb and gutter, 13 foot paving and miscellaneous Rate No. 5 • -3- 10TH WEST STREET: West side from Brooklyn Avenue south to a point 55 feet north of Illinois Avenue, curb and gutter, 13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 5 ILLINOIS AVENUE: South side from Emery Street, east to a point 398.33 feet east of Glendale Street, curb and gutter, 13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 5 North side between Emery and 10th West Streets, 13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 6 EMERY STREET: West side from Mead Avenue, north 488.50 feet and east side from Illinois Avenue, north 110 feet, 13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 6 10TH WEST STREET: West side from Illinois Avenue, north 55 feet, 13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 6 EMERY STREET: East side from Hayes Avenue; thence south 64 feet, 4 foot sidewalk, curb and gutter and miscellaneous, Rate No. 7 CHEYENNE STREET: West side from a point 116 feet south of California Avenue; thence south to Van Buren Avenue and east side between California and Van Buren Avenues, 4 foot side- walk, curb and gutter, 16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 8 West side from California Avenue; thence south 116 feet, curb and gutter, 16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 9 CONCORD STREET: West side from a point 14 feet south of Lexington Avenue; thence south to California Avenue and east side between Lexington and California Avenues, curb and gutter, 16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 10 West side from Lexington Avenue; thence south 14 feet, curb and gutter, 16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 11 11TH WEST STREET: West side between California and Hope Avenues and both sides between Andrew and Harris Avenues, also east side from California Avenue; thence south 250 feet, and between Utahna Drive and Andrew Avenue, 4 foot sidewalk, curb and gutter, 16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 12 West side between Hope and Andrew Avenues and east side from a point 250 feet south of California Avenue; thence south 800 feet, curb and gutter, 16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 13 CHICAGO STREET: Both sides from 5th North Street; thence south 585 feet, curb and gutter, 16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 14 Both sides from 4th North Street; thence north 75 feet, 16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 15 -4- 9TH WEST STREET Both sides between 6th and 7th South Streets, curb and gutter, 16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 16 6TH WEST STREET: West side from a point 125 feet south of 9th South Street; thence south 1308.50 feet and from 13th South Street; thence north to Paxton Avenue, east side, from a point 73.18 feet south of 9th South Street; thence south to 13th South Street, 4 foot sidewalk, curb and gutter, 16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 17 West side from Paxton Avenue; thence north 145.88 feet, 4' sidewalk, curb and gutter, 16' paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 17. West side from a point 145.88 feet north of Paxton Avenue; thence north 579.70 feet, curb and gutter, 16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 18 East side from 9th South Street; thence south 73.18 feet, 16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 19 PAXTON AVENUE: North side from a point 50 feet east of the northeast corner of 7th West Street, thence east to 6th West Street, curb and gutter, 13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 20 South side from 6th West Street; thence west 534 feet and from 7th West Street, thence east 100 feet, 4 foot sidewalk, curb and gutter, 13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 21 South side from a point 100 feet east of 7th West Street; thence east 100 feet, curb and gutter, 13 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 20 10TH WEST STREET Both sides between 2nd and 3rd North Streets, curb and gutter, 16 foot paving and miscellaneous, Rate No. 22 IMPROVEMENTS AND ESTIMATED COSTS Front Feet Estimated Total Rate Proposed of Abutting Cost Per Estimated No. Improvements Property Front Foot Cost 1. Curb & gutter, 16' paving & miscellaneous 1,305.00 $ 5.98 $ 7,803.90 2. Curb & gutter, 16' paving & misc. 2,805.20 7.78 21,824.46 3. 16' paving & misc. 390.00 4.95 1,930.50 4. 4' walk, curb & gutter, 13' paving & misc. 3,715.78 9.29 34,519.60 Curb & gutter, 13' paving 5. & misc. 3,209.83 7.28 23,367.56 6. 13' paving & misc. 1,662.50 4.45 7,398.13 7. 4' Walk, curb & gutter & misc. 64.00 7.00 280.00 8. 4' Walk, curb & gutter, 16' paving & misc. 2,937.85 8.80 25,853.08 9. Curb & gutter, 16' paving & misc. 116.00 6.79 787.64 10. Curb & gutter, 16' paving & misc. 1,195.00 7.14 8,532.30 11. 16' paving & misc. 14.00 4.33 60.62 12. 4' Walk, curb & gutter, 16' paving & misc. 2,069.00 8.63 17,855.47 -5- 13. Curb & gutter, paving & misc. 1,402.00 6.62 9,281.24 14. Curb & gutter, 16' paving & misc. 1,170.00 7.56 8,845.20 15. 16' paving & misc. 150.00 4.75 712.50 16. Curb & gutter, 16' paving & misc. 1,125.00 8.90 10,012.50 17. 4' Walk, curb gi gutter, 16' paving & misc. 4,769.39 10.01 47,741.59 18. Curb & gutter, 16' paving & misc. 579.70 8.01 4,643.40 19. 16' Paving & misc. 125.00 5.18 647.50 20. Curb & gutter, 13' paving & misc. 1,268.00 7.37 9,345.16 21. 4' Walk, curb & gutter, 13' paving & misc. 100.00 9.37 937.00 22. Curb & gutter, 16' paving & misc. 1,245.00 11.78 14,666.10 Total Estimated Cost of Abutter's Portion 257,045.45 Total Estimated Cost of City's Portion Proper 63,091.46 Total Estimated Cost of City's Portion "C" 9,750.50 Total Estimated Cost of Project $329,887.41 Exclusive of Extra Cost of Private Driveways All the street frontage in this district, upon which improvements are to be made, will be assessed in accordance with the improvements constructed. Credit to abutting property owners for street improvements made under proper permits from the office of the City Engineer, and extensions previously built and assessed, will be allowed so that the property will not be reassessed for those prior improvements so constructed. Credits for corner lots exemptionu or partial exemptions, will be made as provided by State Statutes and City Ordinances. All other necessary things shall be done to complete the whole project in a proper and workmanlike manner according to plans, profiles and speci- fications on file in the office of the City Engineer of Salt Lake City. To defray the abutter's portion of the cost and expense of improvement, a special tax or assessment shall be levied against the properties improved. This tax or assessment shall be paid in 10 equal annual installments with six percent (6%) interest accruing on the unpaid balance of the tax levied according to the front or linear foot frontage upon and against all lots, pieces or parcels of land benefited and affected by the improvements. The whole amount of the tax may be paid without interest within 15 days after notification by the Salt Lake City Treasurer of the amount due. -6- All nonconforming improvements, such as lawns, sprinkling systems, rock gardens, walls, fences, curbs, gutters, driveways, culverts, trees , etc., which have been built or installed by abutting property owners within the areas to be improved, must be removed by the property owners, or at their expense, prior to the commencement of the project. If these improvements are not removed by the property owners, they will be removed by the contractor as general excavation and they will be disposed of by him as directed by the City Engineer. Parking areas, i.e., those areas between the back of the new curb and the street edges of the new or existing sidewalk not occupied by house walks or driveways will be brought to finished grade using existing soil. No fine grading, top soiling, seeding or sodding or installing of sprinkling systems will be done under this improvement extension. The abutter's estimated costs per front foot do not include the extra costs for private driveways, the costs of which will vary according to the type, width and amount of parking area to be covered. These costs are estimated to be approximately $1.00 per square foot for open type driveways and approximately $1.25 per foot for driveways requiring pipe or culvert in the gutter line. The cost of driveways will be assessed against the properties benefited in addition to the assessment for sidewalk, curb and gutter, paving and miscellaneous. The estimated costs of the City's portion of the improvement consists of the cost of one-half of all general excavation, the cost of the paving of intersections, the cost of concrete drain gutters in intersections and the cost of tearing out and replacing existing sidewalk and curb and gutter in intersections made necessary by the new improvements. All protests and objections to the carrying out of such intention must be presented in writing, stating therein, lot, block or description of property, together with the number of front feet (or square feet) to the City Recorder on or before the 1st day of June , 1970. The Board of Commissioners at its first regular meeting thereafter, to-wit, the 2nd day of June , 1970, will consider the proposed levy and hear and consider such protests and objections to said improvements as -7- shall have been made. By order of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah. DATED: April22, 1970 0 CITY RECORDER CURB & GUTTER EXTENSION NO. 451 First publication -May 1, 1970 Second publication- May 8, 1970 Third publication - May 15, 1970 Last publication - May 22, 1970 /„ -8- ' City Commissioner George B. Catmull thereupon moved that the Board of Commissioners adopt the foregoing resolution. The resolu- tion was thereupon put to a vote and unanimously adopted on the following recorded vote: Those voting Aye: Mayor J. Bracken Lee �- 74, 24i� j,_�� L!../L Commissioner Con . Harrison i Commiss fixer James L., Bar er, Jr. Commissioner George B. Catmull r Commissier E. J. Garn Those voting Nay: 71414, ATTEST: City eLpider