22 of 1915 - A resolution that the City join Salt Lake County and Davis County in building a bridge and grading r REMARKS:
Resolution No. 22
By Commissioner MOTT iB
That the City join Salt 1
• Lake County and Davis County in
building a bridge and grading
• roadway, for shee-p trail to
• cross the Jordan River betweeni'
1 Sections 4 and 9, T.1 N., R.1 11,.
E, - 1915
......., ..., pun,i,ane rncy, uian..._.......3+yd.+.J.._..0..._.._......191....._5
Wells I move _._.t resolution _1o. 22 by R. P. Morris
Lawrence —_. Cr:
Morris _ J i
WHEREAS, it is urgently necessary that a bridge be at once
built over the Jordan River between Sections 4 and 9, T.1 N., R..1 W., en
to grade a road to said bridge from the west in order to provide a
road for driving sheep, etc.; and
`:.HEE'r.:>S, Salt Lake County agrees to pay one-half the expense
of CCr_.aing said road and one-third the cost of constructing said bridge,
and D.vis County agrees to pay one-third t__e cost of constructing
said bridge; and
WHEREAS, the estimated cost of constructing bridge is
1075.00 and the estimated cost of grading road and building necessary
.fences is 0_265.00; and
'.WHEREAS, Mr. R. E. L. Collier, Surveyor of Salt Lake County
has prepered plans for making this improvements; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that t:_is improvement be made under the supervision
and dire,cticn of ...-'r. Collier, and ttia.t the City hereby agrees to pay
one-third the cost of constructing bridge and one-hall' the cost of
gracing road and building necessary fences as estimated.
Pissed by the 3o. d of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, __APR.. 1915
...� 191
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C't ti corder.
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Wells F_
I Cl�/`vlc.t�-A s4s'c.--...E.'LZ,vl-s ue i Z�--.- 0f7-
Lawrence Y --
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Morris iI � -m �.,... l.� w �.-u 4) it vy 7/Ic.1L/7A,
>y--. ��?�-J
Mr.(;hairman. 'fi ✓LaC�Li. ! d= �L.
Result �'I `"'—' i"'s-! ✓Za-a,4: y i
IiZtI.4.4.4,'/.4s 7,
N<m k-.a.?�!«;--..1, -- " _�_. - oVe-.-.-Z,/TEA-.K,c --( a-7a-'„.
L.-d6eY,-/�'-- % sZs..Z.,L.r...j..tom-/-'71.4— 152,....L.,crl.-c--�L-.-.-c..-.'1 r�-
"X t-'-s-" 1< ,.�• Q�..04-174. 2„ <i siCiss..%,.-<.-Z,—4` ./O .700 -.16.--
-.r v d't"..-i-K.... wt-t-1../f: .i...
HL.-a-vs, v�,a`. 41-c...-cr a--1-4-412--ra s.' is 4,44.-<4r c.......-ti.G4i L-1i..f:f... c,,.-.,,i a.4.z..2-+-c.,-
-- -,....fr+.. -tip . L — ..G. -„ -. • 7... ,✓is<+-,-,..4r..4 .." C+4...,,
Passed by the Board of Comnuo non r.,of Salt Lake f_ity, Utah, - ._.- __. .__..._--.., 191__.__.
N f j ,.
.. - Cit.I2erorder. - ... - Mayor