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V . ... .,,,, , - . • .... - . . „ , . .. . .,-.,, . _ • • . , -..- ,.. , . , . r d A "'HEREAS, by reason of the great growth of Salt Lake City, the problem of properly lighting the city has become a ratter of great importance ; and "HERFAS, it is very desirable that the city shall be well lighted; and VTHEREAS, it is desirable that the city shall also have electric power for other purposes: , . . i' O7 THEREFORE, BE IS RESOLVED, that the City Engineer be, and he is hereby, directed to obtain and prepare for the consideration of this council, all data and information possible as to the feasibility of the city installing an electric plant or plants in City Creek, Cotton- wood Canyon, or other place, wherein power may be developed, and submit the same to this council at the earliest date possible. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Engineer also be, and he is hereby, directed to present to this council, at the time of the presentation of the aforesaid data and infnr_:nation, all information, data and estimates on this subject made , gathered or prepared by former City Engineers. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this matter be taken up for ex- pression and consideration in the Committee of the Thole Council not later than Thursday evening , 1:,arch 16, 1911.