23 of 1917 - A resolution regarding the death of City Attorney, Harper J. Dininny. REMARKS:
Resolution No. 2:3 II
By Commissioner_..............5QEi. .I)._......_......._............-.._
Re. the death of City I, I
' Attorney, Harper J. Dininny.
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VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, Ssep t. 1D, ,191..7•
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I move that the resolution be adopted.
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Mr.Chairman .
WHEREAS, Harper J. Dininny, City Attorney for
Salt Lake City has departed this life in which he held first
rank as a man and as a. lawyer; and,
WHERRAS, it is fitting that this Board subscribe
to the splendid record made by ?:`r. Dininny during his twelve
years of unremitting service to Salt Lake City; and,
l+irE'REAS, his passing is a great loss to the City
he served so well and a deep sorrow to this Board, whose
members held him in high regard, both as counselor and
friend; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that this Board does hereby express its
unmeasured appreciation of Pr. Dininny, his life and char-
acter. His services to the City will endure far beyond
the generation he was a part of. In the hearts of his many
friends the memory of him will live undimmed, cherished as
something to be guarded against the forgetfulness of the
years. As a lawyer he was a fearless and honorable adher-
ent to the law as he knew it. policy and compromise were
to him unknown. Careless of personal interest he stood al-
ways for the right, interpreting the law with high-minded
ability, and ever ready to stand by his position with all
the force of nis earnest soul.
That in the fine simplicity of his character, his
intelligent devotion to duty, and in his unimpeachable ad-
herence to honor and high morality, in private as in public
life, Mr. Dininny approached close to the ideal of christian
citizenship. The whole community will mourn his passing as
the loss of a rare and lovable personality - a man for whose
living his fellows are the better.
BE IT FIRTHER RESOLVED that these resolutions be
spread upon the minutes of this meeting and a copy tendered
to the family of our friend. � _ �
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eflopassed by the Board of Commis-i. er o1' salt
Lake City, Utah, September 10, 1917.
City Recorder.