23 of 1937 - A resolution authorizing and directing Mayor and City Recorder to execute easement and deliver same REMARKS: 9 2. Resolution No. By Commissioner F. L.:. Go.ggin, Authorizing and directing Llayor and City Recorder to execute easement and deliver same to American TelepIhone TeIeg,raph Co. irpon-payment of I 10.00 for right-of-Way across part of CityTs airport. AND i',V3SED NOV 1937 AAA', e c, Dr.r. Goggin K.. II a.-ti:ne-:=ac ra4.e`c.. Keyser "' Y n,.. lip ��_ n1 ��°.PTO Matheson - - - - , \' Murdock - - - Mr.Chairman - - - IIIII RESOLUTION I Result lilt BE IT RESOLVED that upon the payment of the sum of Ten and 00/100 ($10.00) Dollars by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Salt Lake City does hereby authorize and direct its Mayor and City Recorder to execute the attach- ed easement and deliver the same to said American Telephone and Telegraph Company. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake II City, Utah, this 9 day of November, A. D 9 7. -X Mayor, C ty Recorder.