23 of 1940 - A resolution making appropriations for the support of the City Government of Salt Lake City, Utah, f ?s,REMARKS Resolufion No. —L____— .,! . , By Commissioner laCConk.1..e "N. Making appropriattons for the support of the City Govern- ment of Salt Lake City, Utah, for the year ending December ) I'1 31, 1941. , 1 IBtte Board of Commikqi, “'0 PASSE,.:, DEC 3 11940 it . -Y,,,,,,,/ •'-d,f • . t . . . . . DateFiled ............................................................ Address .....___.......................................................... _... , , I Rec. 103 11 ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Sap Lake City,Ut9N-7 193 Coggin /-" I move that Keyser therhn.Olut , McConkie Vr://- / Matheson 771 "." - - Mr.Chairman - Result RESOLUTION• A RESOLUTION MAILING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT FOR THE YEAR 1941. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, that the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same arehereby appropri- ated out of any money in the City Treasury, not otherwise appro- pria,ted, for the support of the government of Salt Lake City, for the Calendar year ending December 31st, 1941, said appropri- ations being made to the accounts indicated and as further itemized in the following budget, which is hereby approved. Salt Lake City, Utah TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Gentlemen: We, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, beg to report that we have met as required by law and ordinance in session from time to time until the work of completing the budget has been accomplished and herewith submit report and statement of expenditures and revenues necessary to be raised for the year ending December 31st, 1941. We have carefully considered the requirements of each department and the City government in detail as well as the estimated and anticipated revenue and have decided upon the list of appropriations hereto attached. To make this appropriation effective, the City Recorder has given notice of hearing on the budget and appro- priation resolution in accordance with the State Statutes and is hereby directed to furnish each department with a certified copy of the estimate and apportionment for that particular department and the Purchasing Agent is hereby directed to solicit bids for the printing of 150 copies of the Budget. Adopted December /e 1940. Res.- fully, /�-. - _ . I ''' Ci y Audito BOARD ESTIMATE AND APPO ONHENT rarxang mercers �1117,,1W.w Municipal Ball Park (1) 3,500.00 Watermain Extensions and New Berwioes (2) 124,000.00 Street Replaoensnts (3) 40,000.00 Phases Eevenue over Expenditures 1940 104.477.77 • ?AUDITS s OF$ICE 309022 110.1 1941 A-1 Supervision $ 4,100.00 Salaries Mies Hrpioyes. 14, 10.00 E-1 0ffios Supplies 125.00 5-3 Postage 50400 E-1 Repairs Equipaent 230.00 F-4 Auto Allowance 1,140.00 1-39 Msmberships & Subscriptions 25.00 822,500.00 • • • raga rosuc LIHRLRn BMW NO. 67 1941 * * * * * * * * * * *-* * * * * * * * * * * * Prim Public Library 490,000.00 SALT LASS CITY 00BPORATI6W Budget for the Year 194 " SiTIM1TED RETEST General T z.s s Prior-fears $ 120,000.00 Current Year 1,976,585*¢ Butintss Lioenses 200,000.00 Non*$intise 1,1094919 40,000.00 P'iniCennd Forfeitur e. 40,000.00 Rents and Concessions 11,00.00 - ,,1019'/Wilifet4teof and Glares. , .. 70,000,00' ' elinSamprofileneral Putts - S5,00400 Earnings of Water DsparAent 640,000.04 Refund of Revenue Sspenditures 15,0A0�0A,_}0yy9� ..C1!ryr..,' 0" 9sad■ • �tita, 109,000,00 l}s�tt"" ���'SS'" iess + ' Same • .`40,000.00 140,000.Q0 ltuaioilal Ball Park 1 8,500,09 Waterman Buttons/Ana and New 9ervi� 2 15i, _ .00 Street Replacements 5 40 40 Exaeea E+veamo over Expenditures 1940 154,477.77 Total $3.903,963,04 BUDGET EIPRNDITUUI Indite, $ S2,500.00 0040 ?ublii 4 fairs and Finance S08,360.00 7 p$t .'4atety,Regulation,Supervision,Maintenence 15,000.00 1ibl1y10 ta7 00}E0iOna • 11$5,500.00 2r SSte Regulations and Supervision 140,000.00 Parks Set Public Property 000.00 Ott 4 40,000.00 Street ind Public Improvements Operations ii,600.00 Glass "0" Reads 109,000.00 Baginsering Department 108,000.00 lbtar Supply and Waterworks 285,000.00 Statutory and General 0anoral Opiratious 429,871.46 Municipal Ball Park (1 1,500.00 Street Replacement (i 40,000.00 literati* E:tensione & New Servieaa (3 114,000.00 Bend Retirement 549,500.00 Bond Interest 940,357.50 Sinking $Ond 1948 5,000.00 Sating-ptmd 1951 2,500.00 ' Sinking Fund 1984 85,760.00 DETENOS TURD 1211,6*4.04 Unappropriated Surplus $0,,000.00 Yore, ss, ,965.04 Items (1) (2) (3) to be espeniad n�+3 as revenues are actually received. • • i i. 4 3, ,ffilDar: pr.PAR' 1 0 /145 A XU$ & Y 110) .Ira t PXCR lto. R A 2 A-8 es - Olorks ...4 . a ,i W.W 4-1 °trip. 3applion 00.00 4.4 Printing 50.00 44 Postage 5-12 Oasolino afd Oil $00.00 J 4-10 ?i d00- .., 400•00 3-1 Repair; to Yarn. a Fixtures - *0.00 7-6 Ryoairs to Autausbtiss 100.00 7-50 4ab000lloStats 30.00 7-50 (*wogs Rost 0 i-1 Capitol Znv.stie*t 4.000.00 $ 10,026.00 A- 1, solaria. - S0ps !'r,*moolisr« 3.440.00 • 00 0 A-14 w s - Warms .r.....r •. fit. 00 1'-9'[N o0 a-to wooso - Lifeguards qtri. :°. 309*a0 3902, o A•UE %sgas Laborers 4.440.00 3-8 Pasting E......... .00 5 Postage 16.E 1,l .00 11-3A �s�lliaa 100.00 4.14 raaitor•s $gpit.s 400.90 14111 ltl000llassouo 50ppli.s 400040 5- thoasa �plios 0a�0ef I-� k *1.otrio 41 s. .......... wr 04 -*.pairs to-0441Atag .... .......►..... - 400.00 Rsga$rs to PI.SR. ' R . Rspaira jo pavalt�br. i!•astiros 100. 304 Repairs to *ablator', Tool..at..,, 100.00 Z.1 At?anti*i7 ......«.... .;• 500.00 •roar :;41410104,7,1i oftpplp • 14000400 .74,9 mookor4S10 I. •.......w�...r.. . ■■nnn.o0' I-1 Capital 1a?..104n1. *re.** ilI sou.O0 $214'SoP.40 1 9 4 1 BUDGET Dlll'ABTl1NNT 07 POLIO AFFAIRS & FINA#06, aont'd mans OM? Judapt No. 4 A-24 Salaries - Probation Offissrs $ 4,800.00 r-4 Auto Allorsutsu 1.3 Q.0G 58,880.00 MW' MARTI= Bud&st No. 8 A-2 Salary Sooretary 1,2,5.00 A-18 Salaries - Attornoys 13,920.00 B-1 mum' lupins* 50.00 8-2 Printing 40.00 ✓ 2-3 Pos.talls 28.00 2-18 Lad looks 800.00 E-1 Repairs to Yuraiturs 8 lixtulrss 50000 r-33 $isoollsassus Roans, 100.00 7-89 Maabsrship 50.00 7-9 Oourt OMts 100,00 616,810.00 ;mug ORANIONT *uAsst No. 6 A-1 Salary - Assessor 8,340.00 A-8 Salary - Clerk 1,500.00 A-11 Salaries - Inspoetors 3,4800,00 a-8 PrintingSupplios' 200.0000 J 8-3 Postage . 150.00 2919 $diseeilanosus Xxponss ......... 22.00 8-29 ',Joanna Plates ao4 legs 700.00 E-1 Repairs to 7urnitur* k Fixtures 18.00 P-4 Auto Allawansos 1.881,00 9,798.00 • • ` l 9 yBitD0 • PUBLX0 AFFAIRS Aiin x1NAIRISt ojnt'e. NUNGET No. A-1 Salary - Furthering Anent ' $ 8,700.00 A-i isiariea - OlerYs 8,130.00 3-1 Wise Supplies i... 150.00 B-19 Uiseellaneous 8uppliea 80.00 r-i Repairs - Furniture & Fixtures 33.00 • 11,030.00 F t3��S.1•1H'ti_XPAR78 Budget IN, 8 A-1 Salary - keeerder 8,700.00 A-8 3elaties - Qlrrka 7,140.00 8-1 Otfiae Supplies 7*5.00 B-2 Printis$ 800.00 3-3 Postage $R6.00 24. Repairs to Furniture n Fixtures 185.00 3-7 Repairs to Hooks $5.00 F-1 AQrertiein6 000.00 11-36 Suesoriptions 30.00 I-1 Oapisnl 1n•Ostaent xp0.00 $ 11,080.00 .34141et No. 9 A-i Salaee:ai 9080.00 3-1 Offise Ezpea re 4,5.00 2-8 Printing 500.00 3-3 Postage 10.00 0-5 Refund of Fines 500.00 3-1 Repairs to Furniture 4Fixtures 100.00 F-8 Jurorso Fees 180.00 F-3 }Yitseas lees and Expense 100.00 P-39 Subseriptions 85.00 6 11.380.00 • jumg FOR 1 9 4 1. PUnIC A1lAZR3 AND TINAM04 soat'& 0RXXINAL 00VTRt 3u4g1t No. 10 A-2 Salaries - DeputJss $ 6,840.00 8-i °Enos Bxpenss 1*5.00 B.$ r.........• 850.00 3-3 Postage 10.00 0-5 Refund of Fine* •.••.f, s••.....r 80.00 2-1 Repairs to Furniture & Futures 95.00 F-t Jurors' leos•& 1 pons. 100.00 7-3 Witness Fass & Nxpenao 1,200.00 7-39 Subscriptions 24.00 09,275.00 344$st 5o, 1X A-1 Salary - Sutton. 1,980.00 A-8 Salaries - Clerks 3,180.00 A-S Wagon .-,igiatepano at oreuRa4a..,...«, ,0 , ,0Q A-lP ssa s -,1 atlllsarin' „ ...... ,OOO.i70. A-16 4sgOs - Truk Drivers 5,109.00 • A-21 sages - Y1 rist 11,100.00 8-1 Wise 'expense 100.00 8-8 Printing .... 100.00 • 2-3 Postage 100.00 3-4 Fuel . 400.00 B-11 "uto AooessoF$ss 47.00 3-1t Gasoline and Oil 1,450.00 B-13 Auto Tires 250.00 Supplies 400.00 3-25 t3reenhousss Supplies 3d0.0o d D-1 Repairs PtoGrouunds� 300.00 300.00 D-8 Repairs to Building •....:.. ..... 300.00 D-5 Repairs to Streets A Blout$rSs 600.00 2-1 Repairs to Furniture b Fixtures ►.rr 50.00 3-8 Repairs to Znehinery & Tools ....., 400.00 2-6 Repairs to Motor Vehicles 500.00 F-39 Laundry & Linen 1$.00 F-39 Subscriptions 25.00 I-1 Capital Inyestnent pvcritto 888000.00 • • OUT tor 1 O 4 1 Public Affairs and Finanoe. coat*d. CITY '2EASURBR Budge% No. 13 K-1.. lalarryy - Treasurer 3 600.00 A-2 Salaries - Clerks 1i,600.00 1-1 Office lzpsnse 160.00 'f- 2-8 printing ..................... 300.00 1-3 Postage 200.00 1-1 Repairs to furniture & .fixtures 240.00 T-22 Dog Oelleotions & Expense 10,000.00 7-39 aubs�ptions 40.00 $87,140.00 TRAFFIC REGULATION, COLLECTION& MAINTENANCE Budget No. 14 A 11 Supervisor and Collectors 9,000.00 E 2 Maintenance of Meters 5,000.00 F 33 Miscellaneous Expense 1.000.00 15,000.00 SMART ART • Office $10,6 .00 waaatob► Inge t 47.00 Juvenile C t •,880.00 • Lam Department ..... 16,810.00 Liosnss " ///�.�.. 9,791.00 Purchasing Dope. ,t 11,030.00 Recorder's 11,998l.00 Civil Con 11,380.00 On Cour! . ,R75.00 Oen- ,ry 4 , .00 ensurer'e Department 17460.00 Traffic Regulation 15,000.00 Total Budget $ Aktailleake 221,360.00 • • MAYOR'S OFFICE BUDGET NC. 20 1941 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SALARIES: A-1 Mayor 4,200.00 A-2 Secretary, Stenographer 5,080.00 A-55 Traffic Supervisor & Sec'y. 3,360.00 12,640.00 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION B-1 Office Supplies 150.00 B-2 Printing & Stationery 100.00 B-3 Postage 50.00 E-1 Repairs to Turn. & Fixtures 325.00 F-4 Auto Allowance 600.00 F-39 Memberships & Subscriptions 75.00 I-1 Additions to Capital Inv. 225.00 F-55 Traffic Commission 200.00 1,725.00 TOTAL $ 14,365.00 • PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICE BUDGET NO. 21 1941 * * * * * * * *•* * * * * * * * * * * * SALARIES: A-1 Building Superintendent 2,400.00 A-2 Stenographer 1,200.00 A-17, Mechanic 1,620.00 _ A-31 ;T6ephone OperatoDs.. ,5,100.00 A-40 Sealer of Weights&,Measures ::2,1OO.DO A-41 Asst. Seale;' 1,680.00 $14,100.00 JMAINTENANCE & OPERATION: B-i Office Supplies 75.00 B-2 Printing & Stationery 50.00 B-3 Postage 25.00 B-12 Gasoline & 0i1 250.00 B-13 Tires & Tubes 100.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 50.00 E-1 Repairs to Furn. & Fixtures 25.00 0.2 Repairs to Tools &Machinery 100.00 E-6 Repairs to Motor Vehicles 150.00 I-1 Additions to Capital Investment 200.00 1,025.00 TOTAL $15,125.00 • • • PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING BUDGET NO. 23 1941 SALARIES A-12 Engineer & Janitor 3,120.00 3,120.00 - MAINTENANCE & OPERATION Fuel 2,400 00 5 Janitor Su files,.Light c 1o}e@ "bag- Repairs t0 ui1ding 400.00 D-3 Repairs to Plumbing &Heating .200.00 D-33 Washing Windows n0.00 E-1 Repairs to Turn. &FiAtures 50,00 Fr2` Repair9 t4 Tools dichineri _ , 250.00 141 Additions to Gap. Invi 4,22%472 7,947.72 TOTAL 11,067.72 • FIRE DEPARTMENT BUDGET NO. 25 1941 SALARIES: A-1 Chief 3,600.00 A-2 Clerk '2,160.00 A-6 Assistant Chiefs, etc. 51,840.00 A-11 Inspector 2,280.00 A-13 Fireman. . 180.,925.00 A-17 Mechanics`. 17,580.00 A-31 Alarm Operators 14,280.00 $272.,665.00 MAINTENANCE &"WERATIQN:' . • $-1 Office Supplies 150.00 B-2 Printing & Stationery 100.00 B-3 Postage 40.00 B-4 Fuel 1,750.00 B-12 Gasoline & Oil 2,000.00 B-13 Tires & Tubes 600.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 500.00 B-17 First Aid Supplies 150.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 500.00 B-21 Bedding 300.00 B-24 Light Globes 100.00 B-31 Fire.Prevention Supplies 250.00 V B-32 Chemicals 150.00 D-2 Repat a to.Building 500.00 D-3 Repairs to Plumbing & Heating 600.00 E-1 Repairs to Furn. & Fixtures 200.00 E-2 Repairs to Machinery &Tools 400.00 E-3 Repairs to� Instruments & Appar.1,000.00 "F-4 A lloF*a 19 oed Vehicles 1''4°26.00 F-37 Laundry & Linen Supply 1,500.00 F-39 Memberships & Subscriptions 50.00 I-1 Additions to Capital Investment 61,000.00 75,260.00 TOTAL . . . . . . . . $347,925.00 • • p0ls0s OSNARTKarr 1940 • r 4 » r . a « t • r BBNOVI NO. 30 - Administration smairs A-1 Chief 4,200.00 A-2 Clerks:. . ' 3,800,00 . . A-6 lnspeclior - 2,540.00' A-7 8up+t.`of First Aid 2.360.00 13,300.00 NAINTINANOB A 0F1NA5OI B-1 Office Supplies 500.00 B-2 Printing A Stationery 1,200.00 B-3 Postage 350.00 B-6 Sleotrio Power 9.00 A-12 Oasolins A Oil 6.000.00 8-13 'fires 4 Tubes 750.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 300.00 9-17 First Aid Supplies 50.00 B-1} Yisoeilsneous Supplies 300.00 B-24 Light Globes 100.00 1-34 bashlight_ Globes 75.00 05 flashlight Batteries 450.00 B-36 Cartridges 250.00 18-1 Repel** to l un. A Mixtures 100.00 1-3 Repairs t* Ins. A Appar. 150.00 1-6 Repairs to Motor vehicles 1,000.00 1-8 Repairs to Guns, Clubs. *to. 100.00 B-18 Target Range 150.00 P-4 Anto Ailossace 600.00 1-8 Ambulance Contract 600:.00 1-37 laundry A Linen Supply 1,000.00 7-39 Ysnberships 4 Subscriptions 50.00 1-1 Additions to Capital In. 3,000.00 17.084.00 TOTAL 30,384.00 Page 2. • • Budget No. 31 - Identification Bureau SALARIES A-2 Clerks 3,420.00 A-7 Patrolmen 2,340.00 5,760.00 * IXTIOANOE a OPRAATION • 3-40 '::.:Photo Supplies 'WO 1 B-41 Printing tor Idant. Bursas. 250.00 600.00 TOTAL , w ? $ 6;360.00 BODOST N0. 32- oeaaunioation' SALARIES • A-6 Captains, ate. 2,100:00 A-7 Patrolman 29.700.00 A-17 Neohaalc 4,001.20 A-31 Radio Operators 3,945.00 MAIDMANCE & OPLBATION 37.24b.e0 IBT E-17 Signal Phones 200.00 E-19 Radio Equipment 1,000.00 1.200.00 TOTAL . . $ 38,446.00 BODONI MO. 33 - Traffic AAMRIl48 A-2 Clerks 1.440.00 A-6 Lieutenanes, etc. 6,300.00 A-7 Patrolmen - 74.130.0 A-31 Radio Operators 34949,00 83,813.00 BAINTIRANCS A 0FIXATION B-12 0asolin* A oil 6,000.00 19-29 Bicycle License 230.00 B-38 0asoline a Oil - Motorcycles 1.000.00 B-39 Traffic Paint 2,500.00 D-10 3atsty Toms 50.00 i-6 Repairs to Rotor bshicles 1.000.00 1-10 Sigma a signals. 1.695.00 I-18 Repairs to Notorc cles 1.200.40 13,695.00 'DOTAL. . . . . $ 99,510.00 Page 3. • RDDOBT MO. 34 - Criminal Investigation SALARI)S A-2 Clerks 3.'60.00 A-6 Captains 2,100.00 A-7 Patrolmen 9.900.00 A-8 Detectives 46,320.00 A-37 Special Investigation 1.200.00 $63.480.00 NAINTINAEE A OPERATION 7-23 Obtaining Evidence 500.00 500.00 TOTAL . . . . . .. . $ 63.'80.00 NO, 35 - Desk Sergeant & Prison SALMIS A-6 Sergeants 6.300.00 A-7 Patrolmen 7.920.00 A-14 Matron 1140.00 15.360.00 NAIRTmUNCE 8 OPERATION 6-9 Clothes for 1'r3,sonere 200.00 B-21 Haddiag 130.00 B-4E Jel1°8kppliae 600.00 B-2 Repairs to Building 300.00 D-3 Repairs to Plumbing A Seating 50.00 H-11 Ysals for Prj,sen.re 7,500.00. 8.800.00 TOTAL . $ 24.160.00 MOW NO. 36 - Juvenile SALARIES A-6 S.rgsent 2,160.00 A-7 Patrolmen 7,440.00 A-8 Iet.atives 6.300.00 TOTAL $ 15.900.00 Page 4. • • BUDGET NO. 37 - Anti-Vice SALARIES A-7 Patrolmen 8,040.00 A-8 Detectives 4,440.00 TOTAL $ 12,480.00 BUDGET NO. 38 - Uniform Detail SALARIES A-6 Captains, Lieuts., etc. 11,140.00 A-7 Patrolmen 65,940.00 TOTAL $ 77,080.00 RECAP Budget No. 30\ 30,38g:00 31 (x.c0.00 32 /8,aa6.2o 33 r' 99,310.00 34 63,980.0o 35 24,160.00 36 -15,900.00 37 12;480.00 4 • 387 o8D qo.. TOTAL . . 368,300.20 • • • • MULTI(DIPARIMINif 1941 BMW NO. 40 - Administration BALARIBS: A-1 Health Ooatsissioner 3.300.00 A-2 Stenosrapher 1,231.36 ✓. A-12 Janitor 1.500.00 6.051.36 MAIMTBKANCB &OPIRATION: B-1 Offics Supplies 500.00 B-2 Printing A Stationery 1,300.00 B-3 Postage 250.00 B-4 lull 100.00 B-12 gasoline 6 Oil 1,200.00 B-13 Tires A Tubes 400.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 300.00 B-17 Medical Supplies 350.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 300.00 4-24 Lisht Globes 100.00 B-1 Repairs to Tian. A futures 50.00 F.-3 Repairs to Ins. ! Appar. 200.00 B-6 Repairs to Motor Vehicles 600.00 7-4 Auto Allowance 420.00 1-24 Traveling expense 200.00 1-37 Laundry A Linen Supply 1,100.00 T-39 Memberships A Subsorttions 35.00 I-1 Additions to Oapital Inv. 1,000.00 8,405.00 Total . . . . . . . . $ 14,456.36 BUDGBT N0. 41 -Byidemiology SALARIIS: A-1 Supeyvision 1,050.00 A-10 Nurse 1.620.00 A-15 Physicians A Nurses 325.00 A-40 Quarantine Inspector 1,800.00 4.795.00 MAI1TBRANO*i ON:RATION: 1-4 Auto Allowance 420.00 420.00 TOTAL $ ,OOP • POS. 2. MONT N0. 42 - Venereal Clinic SALARIES A-1 Supervision 1,200.00 ✓ A-10 Nurse 840.00 2.040.00 MAINTENANCE • OPERATION E-17 Medical Supplies 200.00 1-4 Auto Allowance 420.00 620.90 'DOTAL . • . 2.660.00 BUDGET NO. 48. - School Nurses SALARIES A-10 Nurses 12.960.00 TOTAL $ 12.960.00 MEOW N0. 44 - Maternal A Child Welfare SALARIES A-1 Supervision 1,050.00 A-10 Nurses 4.030.00 TOTAL 3.100.90 BUDGET N0. 43 - Laboratory SALARIES A-1 Supervision 1,200.00 A-30 Asst. in Laboratory 1,320.00 2,520.00 NAINTItANCS A OPI/aATION >6-19 Lbora tery Supplies 500.90 500.00 TOTAL 3.020.00 Pals 3. BODOWT A0. 46 - Saergenoy Hospital RATAuvgg A-1 Supervision 2,400.00 A-10 Nurses , 5,725.00 8.125.00 MAI!ITIDIANOB A OPERATION B-17 Medical Supplies 1.250.F0 B-4 Auto Allowance 420.00 1.67043 TOTAL 9.795.00 MUM MO. 47 - Sanitation A-00 tBS A-1 Supervision 2,580.00 A-2 Clerk 1.200.00 A-11 Inapeotare 24.120.00 27.900.00 T-4 Auto Allowance 420.00 420.00 TOTAL 28,320.00 BOOM $0. 48 - Milk Division SALARIES A-1 Supervision 420.00 A-2 Oierks 3.000.00 A-11 Inspectors 5.660.00 A-30 Baoteriologist 1.200.00 14.280.00 B-1 Office Supplies 230.00 B-2 Printing A Stationery 150.00 B-3 Postage 200.00 11-12 gasoline 4 011 1,200.00 8-13 Tires A Tubes 250.00 B-28 Dairy Testing Supplies 550.00 1-6 *.pairs to Motor Vehicles 450.00 P-39 Mrabarsiips 4 Subsoriptions 24.00 F-4 Auto Allowance 420.00 3.295.00 TOTAL $17.575.00 • pogo 4. • BUDORT NO. 49 - Comfort Stations SALARIES A-12 Janitors 1,920.00 1,920.00 BAmTENANoN A MUTTON B-4 hu1 250.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 200.00 D-2 Repels to Building 200.00 D-3 Repairs to Plumbing A Beating 100.00 730.00 TOTAL 2,670.00 BOOM NO. 50 - Vital Statistics Salaries A-2 Olerks 3,471.36 A-11 Inspector 1.431.36 TOTAL 4,722.72 RECAP ii- 484,NO. 4D 1.4446.36 -,.,,,41 -- 50245.00 42, 2,66000 43 '--„ - 12.960.00 44 5,100.00 45 3,020.00 46 - \\N. 9.793.00 47 , `�, 28,320.00 48 ' - . 17,575.00 ,„472,670.00 i' 50 `4422.72 % TOTAL $l06,69i.1*� • • • SHADS TRU DSPART1LIBT 8TDOBT NO. 51 1941 SAURUS 1 .� A-1 Supervision 3,720.00 A-2 Labor 3.825.00, 7,545.00 NAINTNXANOZ A OPERATION 8-1 0lrice Supplies 10.00 8-2 Printing A Stationery 160.00 B-3 Postage 3.00 8-12 Gasoline A Oil 275.00 B-13 Tires & Tubes 80.00 B-19 Niaoeilansous Supplies 205.00 1 r1 8-26 Nursery Stook 500.00 8-27 Ohssioals 35.00 0-8 Refunds, Damages 25.00 J D-2 Repairs to Building 50.00 E-2 Repairs to Tools, .to. 50.00 1-6 Repairs to 3otor Vehioles 125.00 7-4 Auto Aliowanoe 420.00 y-39 8xhiblts, Subscriptions 25.00 1-1 Additions to Oap. Inv. 515.00 2,478.00 TOTAL 10,023.00 • saw LAU C1?L mason or TA*a An 1'UB1,10.1Nt0lril7t - LIM 1061 00 OM 0ffia A-1 $apaxrisioa 06000500 *-$ Orlia$•.asses 4q„11 44 attire 11-3 Matti* fosse non 1.3 P_ •0.00 l.a Iwo 111411e4 Rees* 0041E 11.1 Ospr Para•PIA 10.10 14 Sato 8114waa 4114410 11-101ltatadpsl Pab1.1e4117 100.00 P44 Tru slIaj 181401a 140 A•airel*ip•Sob 30.00 I-1 At! to Cap Iry __ !i Liberty Ps* A-2 $apsrrlstis 3.100.00 A-3 loge*Oslo*Or 10.300.00 A.1 11.444 ratasl*sa 3.130.00 4.111 boor 0se.rabaa t•1%.00 B-4 Aug' 104.00 114 AM Sot tr gape. 000.00 11.10 lea Wrote 110.00 11-1$traitor 0pp114s 104.00 11-i4 Sill igppLi 180,.00 1-11 Woo LIMA olibos 1040 11•11Grogram*84,4t. %0.00 I-U Treos Pleats $iris I*i*bs 800.00 4.1 1st Bipr Orktrais 430.00 8.11 #sat Afro Olis 400.00 0-0 art Bspi$trots. $10.00 11.8 Beyr T441s lh•* 480.00 I-10 Aspi lees 1.00.00 T-4 halo A11444844 040.00 114S Bra! 0s844iys 4,000.00 14,10010drp*.1-#aea . .00.00 , x-1. Ado to Orr tsp • 1 1180 A►1 $apanlsiaal 1.410.00 A-) met.1*1st Or 41100.00 i•a Assl 14111.110 $-10 tintwio asp41.s t+Ba1.00 a-is Jeri*"8351111.4 *0.00 3-l6*i*. 14p$t.. 100.00 a-i tuts Baps Oserets 100.00 11.1 11as 11sps 181484 40.00 1-30 User Owner 00.00 1-M Unify A Luse f zzaIrtut r" yr w• rrralrr r• r lifillIffilifili !iili!!!!!=iiiliffi 4-6i1114 ha I !SI fs f efil'illftet! Ira 1 F epTit rIlf 8 , 1 / if Cf. lEi I tr Fir - MOE t IIjiIq!IJi!fr'!ll riPYON1 OfilpiPOOPIPF ass3�aicasssass c assailas 8assk siassssssira r .. • a. N Av100 /4 alearrisiss 1,000.00 4.3 loos 1*1*t 0/0+0l1 800.00 >W hat mew #-to fairy.7100111s 1,00.00 11-11000;as lt.s 104.0 ' 11-1 Malt 1001:ss.e4s 1.510.111 s.a Mkt Z.psil 1104 0.00 1-1 MO to Oq ias 7ivpr+a" y A4 a. .. f 0 lit � Aelt Ova t.ts.ia■a 18110.40 . a_IS$Iwt Satin 41.000.00 1.1* F Lsias .00 1-a 71rtat10 tss OOh.00 1.4 h«i 1.100.00. a-a Past 740 Oaararwt 4.1010.00 1141 Note."Tiet h iay 00 • 10.00 11-1a a. 1ta•1 011 100.00 1143 urn I 11110 a0i0M 16411010,0appUss 300.00 a-1,sts.Soppitss M.S. s-Ia $..List a 01M.s 010.00 11-0 1000.gala~►Oasds 04 alat r1d 10s Or usai s-s So0:101 100 000 114 .*..par 100.1.asoky 100.00 1a6$ 14100 ia.t a,Agar 000.OG 14 00£U.rn.. 0400 011 i rs 000.00 7 trAltStse 110.40 741111 0440000 0 Tea 4104.so #*100017 I Limb +I .00 0-ai 110, 'MOO 1.1 1p4.t.1 I-1 OH is Cop An' M OastMLr a.1 !T alas COOP'a�4.oq &a !* u stat Or Iola Segos traitor 1,41111.0* 1.4 Pool WOAD 1144 Vaasa 0...asp 110.00 141,salts iho lioi 414.00 100 Vim Msaus. M.00 M a.. Moot 4146.0 104.00 4 Mit 1.t. 44.4 4. 100.00 011 bit 1spr 114st i40.00 1,11 Mat 1w Mutalas LN.40 114 Moor A*sa 0 11a 100.M 14 1.pr logs 611a.1f 104.00 1h1 bite isat► 140.00 40 1 IODU..14414411 !f.00 V.IM Lssoew 6I4asa 0.0.00 1s40 Inila4 Poets 1'6p r 14.04 Ia MQ to Coo UT 1 IN N'1. 1. I. art Malaria►itts.1y 11,4111.00 1+11..1a.t..js.p.itars 11,1110.00 0-1 *Mao Mauer 1040 .. 114 hiattait .00 1.1 1I.stai. .11.05 11:4 rat.Atiwwt.. a,*Nix 1 1 •a1s.b Moo.s. 4M 11 1Mr.stUaspa ail Oirtim`� EfiriMo *4 Moistor 4 iri4 Iwo Moo L.Ysra 4,040.40 1.4. otft..aspplt.. 1ri.40 1.1 s.is.taM 11.40 14 Voot es 50.00 1.4 bug 1415.4►4a$4t.s1 a i *0.00 WI Mos 4sapllso 1.40 11sta#stis Mappii.a 1.10Q.M 11.4 1qr a Mr Ira* 90.40 1.4. auto All.wa s. 40l.04 74 u.atal iipt N•o0 0-14?ps'*$al 1•as. 100.00 1.11 Malt M 1tli.Rt. WOO Wit..,4 1M4 MR Lo d ir,►Limo 110.4O 1.40 11 .64.46a>I►bib 40.00 i4. Mt so Os,abst Xill• • s. f Au%•r Div A-1 sgrr+iaias 3,000.00 30.0 passe s C' pass Yeq ac$.ipsrs U. MAD 110.00 1.11 Bettor tip Sop s10.00 1•12$seeps•i Oil 14010.00 1-13 Auto a Trash xre 000.00 1.11 Imagism AI$$11es 10.00 s-10 dim µ i. rle.e0. s.sg 11.s Lteat amebas 10.00 s-a ?Mat asps slag 100.00 s-i law ss0y?eels 100.00 !-0 GIs'Motor Tel 3.000,00 h-A lestei 1uut 100.00 11-3t imago s Laos 10.1O I-I. All be Cep Ism !1 ie,Aes put • A-s seper+tstea 1,000.00 A-3 Video Mstat 0s 3,01.00 3.4 Bail 110.00 s•l/sass 1leppi1es 100.00 beep Ilretabseas lippli.. 100.00 1-411!'rase plaits A Siaefs 100.00 1)4 wt lair ar Psis 100.00 s-1 *.t less slags 130.00 1-1 asps?sale?Gash 10.00 1-3s wept lase 1`37 Lorain i Uses 1s s.YMa11 A.3 Seer Natal Oeeewae 1100.00 341 is.. supplies 1-14 else Likt Glebe 70.00 04 sal 4►r$,.sass s-s mai leis alias 111.00 1-I $glass p Plower Peet A-3 Issas Yeast$soesis 1,011400 04l Miss 0ypltee 11.00 04 Vet saps areweis }6,00 s-s list sops aft. i-1 All to Gap tar AN wt taw".11711,4e , ha *ages moist Oraaais 3.100.00 D-i *at New Ors..la s00.00 s.s sops testa mesh y110,01- 1 rat! ul t !mutt s irurt a yr LT rrrIg a rrel irrogrif I qv% rt. ! rrf rraf /gum it illy . f i' f i I� of ; 1! $ IliI 11!r xl. * rit. t 4illf rr s$ sss !WWI tic? asss saaassas • !. l!Sisters riva Flsppr.ea4 A-) Seises 1.1aa Osesa4s 11e.00 1.4 1Its1 a0,00 3-10:salter'yplts. O-i!Mile Supplies 100.00 0-t4 ales 14.09 Olatis. 1040 A-I M t Sops Oesuads 100.00 tas Out Pep:Mg, 90.0 1 t #natal so Property 1X OS l st414.SeFs Club A-1 Aupervisisa 001.00 A-a Osseo Moist Or 1-4 Jed 94.00 a-11/sailer Supplies I-13 Miss Supplies MOO 1-14 Iles Light Oleties 10.00 1-I9 Lsuedry a L1s m .:Q II ri 1.q�O0 4Alraeat Fart rs Superviasa. 1000.00 A-3 lases 1slst Sr I.145.00 1..4 Feel 9/.00 1-10 Kiss Sepaies 100.00 D-1 Fat taps Orsead. 103.00 D-f *P% Sep:alas. 400.00 X-e lspr*sssf Tool. I-1 Add to Osp lay s.000.0 /0 Mod oipsl sees Ueda* A-I Suess ammo Or 400.00 1-11 Viso a.pvliss 1-14 Traps. ameba&deed D-1 Mat sepr Cstisads B-I 9411 s pr 114ss __ !3 Asps Chas*filler Park • A-$ Wanes aelat Or MUM S-if 11.a 4shiies 1a,00 8.1 1st*. r 0reaais 100.00 1.4 list Reps Slap '4 apeslsi aped _ A.` o Kati - !.101.00 1-a Bldg* I iMGap 1. 11:16— !0 City Sealed A-I fuse I-1 A34 to Osp Iav Ovoid total Iil.00S.90 r_ riya,rs 4 lasiac 3101101ataiTS Budget N0,120 A 1 AdeiL►Sstratiro 4ROIffiEMNO. A 2 Office - Clerks -Steaos18,640.00 A 15 I.gpa2 peering Yield & Office 8,640.002 5 .895.00 A 22 Vega.reser Ponying Plant 6,125.00 A 32 Naas Sewer WWint.a i1nehing 15,600.00 B 1 Office su<,plies 700.00 0 2 Printing 500:00 B 3 Postage 25,00 B 4 Pae1 200.00 B12 Oae &Oil 25.00 B 13 Aft*& 'brick Tiros 225.00 B 19 8caho Yaiat.newt. Burials. 2.500.00 B 27 laboratory Supplies 150.0e 1_ 2 1 Rant. Rquipnent 75.00 2 2 bteehtnery& Squip ant Repair. 100.00 2 3 Ibstroieato & Apparatus Ro'firs 150.00 5 6 tator Vehicle. Repairs 500.00 Y 4 Auto Allameness 2,730.00 F 37 Laundry 4 Linea Service 15.00 F 24 Traveling 8xpenae 300.00 P 39 Snbsariptiona 125.00 I 1 New Rquipna.t 2,600.00 $105.000.00 Budget No. 121 E%1N OFFICy. A.1 Goaaiasiaaar &Oup.rviaian $6,600.00 A 2 Office leployese 3,420.00 -I 0 1 Office aapplies 150.00 B 2 Printing 100.00 B 3 Poeae 10.00 2 1 Typewriter Service 25•00 Y 24 '2Tavrl1ag tome A Transportation 500.00 2' 39 Subeariptiona 50.0p I 1 Capital Investment■ 150.00 #11.005.00 Buce`rot i'.o.1.22 BA.TC%; An :i'0P A 1 au yea iaion 46.600.00 A 2 Office ;O'Brien 3,540.00 A 2-1 Wages Stoc% Room 4,440.00 A 4 Wage. Asphalt Plant 5,000.00 A 12 Wa ea Watchman 2,640.00 A 17 Wej-ee b echanioa & Halpers 18,503.00 A 17-1 Wagee Blacksmith R Helpers 8,000.00 A 17-2 Waged ieldore & Helper. 6,500.00 A 22 Wagon labor 9,000.00 B 1 Office 3u _liee 125.00 B 2 Printing 150.00 • ��L43•,1D 0PS:i : B 4 Fuel 3.000.00 B 11 rotor Vehicle Supplies 3.000.00 B 12 gasoline and 0i1 20,000.00 B 13 Tire. and Tubes 4,000.00 B 14 line Room Supplies 500.00 D 15 Zenitvt Supplies 1,50.00 B 17 radical Supplies 25.00 B 24 SLsctrio Light Olabes 50.00 S 1 Typewriter Service 25.00 it $ Tool Re,laoements & 8e;;airs 800.00 B 3 Tire lbstrum:Its 4 Apparatus 50.00 B 6 rotor Ishicle Re Aaceueats h Repairs 8,000.00 B 11 Repairs to Tires end Tubes 800.00 T 37 Linea Service 100.00 $04.795.00 Budget No. 123 MEM =4W BOULL'VVRD:3 A 1 Supervision 99.660.00 LatalMIMIDDID A 19 White Rings 224000.00 D 2 Asphalt Plant 2,450.00 D 4 Flumes and Bridges 1,000.00 D 6 ttatnrials Sewer Repairs 500.00 D 9 1tatarials Sidewalk Repairs 500.00 R 2 Tool Replacements & Repairs 2.000.00 F 37 Lint Service 125.00 I 1 Capital investment 4,.000.00 $42,235.00 Budget No. 124 SANITARY DIVIAIQF A 1 Supervision $1,B00.00 A 16 Truck Driwsra d Hnlpara 40.500.00 A 17 1Si hafts&Helpers 3,500.00 B 12 Gasoline A 011 3.000.00 B 13 Tires 4 Tubes 1.000.00 K 6 rotor Pehiiles Repairs 1,500.00 B 11 Repairs Tires 4 Tubes 200.00 I 1 Capital Investment 6.000.00 $57.500.00 Budget ro. 125 IRRIGATION A. 22 rages Labor 3.200.00 F 4 Auto Allowances 105.00 $ 3.205.00 • • •• Budget go.125 hATNAcT A 1 Supervision $2,70044 A 11 Inspectors 1,200,00 B 1 Office Supplies 50.00 B 2 Print isg 15.40 B 3 Postage 5.00 S 1 Titer Service 15,00 12 Tool Replacement & ReAirs 100,00 7 4 Auto Allowance 420,00 $ 4.565.00 Buffet )o.12 CI-:IS IC° 9cs.41)3 /4 AX aoprwisiea./.niece" ii/1;,,,,$55,000.00 A 22 Labor 35,000.00 D 3 1Jatariels Iainteaanoe 13,000,00 D 2 Asphalt Meat 4,000.00 101,000.00 Bun=Tio.128 CITY 1 2 P A.1 Supervision 1,800.00 A 3 t-.int ce 6,000.00 A 16 Truck Drivers &Helpers 2,130.00 B 2 Priating 50.00 B 11 Lotae Vehicle Supplies 50.00 B 12 Des A Oil 800.00 B 13 Tires d Taber 200.00 D 2 Building Repairs 50.00 I L Teel lisplaasoest & Repairs 25.00 i b hater Vehicle Repairs 250.00 7 4 Arlo A11ownoe 420.00 7 G Ygrtipesnt Boatel 20P.00 11.995.00 Total 449.300.00 • 162BR SUPPLY A WATIOORIS DIPART 2NT • CAPITAL tamp= Budget 130 1304=1 New meters 10,300.00 130-1-1 New Valves 200.00 130-2-i New Sire Hydrants 125.00 150-I 1 New alexia* lodgment 500.00 150-I-1 New Wasuring Berries* 200.00 150-I.1 New Automobiles 50300.00 150-I-1 New Oftise Fixtures 200.00 130-I-1 New Wehinery A Tools 1.675.00 # 19,300.00 itattAS 150-A1 Supervision 12.240.00 150•A-2 Office Eapleyees 31.100.00 130-A-11 Meter *osbsrs A Inepeotion 12,240:00 50.00 150-0-�12 Refunds Ordinary Labor 130:00 150-F.43 Water risings 100.00 130-3`-47 Ditch Assessments 3.330.00 # 53,410.00 OPTION aa it wr Budget 130 150-11.1 Office lies 300 0 13009-2 Printing 140040 150-B-3 Fos spa 1,000 00 150-I-13 Mis.ellanaous Supplies 142.00 150-1-1 Repairs A Hen. Fur, d Fixtures 223.00 150-D-2 Repairs to Office 150.00 1$0.41-7 Books, Maps and Charts 150.00 130-7-24 Railway Fare, Transportation and Traveling Expense 200.00 150•P-33 Wabership ft subscription 60,00 150-7-46 street Oar Passes 175.00 # 4,302.00 AIR MAOL. T00LS d $41NT. SHOPS Budget 151 131.4.1 Clsrks ltene;rspkers I Mies 7,000.00 • 1,13..ar1 Merl He es A 1pers ,400..40 231�A-t Ordinary Labor 450.00 151-8-4 Fuel 100.00 13 1-1F xis001104e0u. supplies 250.00 1, 4.24 Elestrie LW, Olo . i t3.04 131 -g Repairs to Buildings - Shop4 200«0 151'*4 Repairs d Ben. TW R Machinery 1514.57 Laundry d Linea Ooppiy 109.00 # 17,815.00 • STOBSB0t71Z I38VS8 Budget 151 151-8 Purchases, Material for Storehouse 151-8 Ilsues from Storehouse NSW WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS Budget 152 152-A-17 Meohanios & Helpers 1,680.00 152-A-22 Ordinary Labor 800.00 152-I-1 Pipe & Fittings & Miso. Supplies 1.500,00 $ 3,980.00 NSW SERVICE CONNECTIONS Budget 153 153-A-17 Meehantos & Helpers 3.060.00 $ 3,060.00 IBOONBE TIONS Budget 154 154-A-22 Ordinary Labor 300.00 -1 154 -14 Material for Rep. & Renewals 300.00 4 600.00 FORUST FIRES Budget 155 155-A-1 Supervision 900.00 155-A-22 Ordinary Labor 600.00 155-A-38 Patrol, Station a Tank Men 3,080.00 155-8-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 150,00 $ 4,730.00 WATERSHED SANITATION Budget 156 156-A-1 Supervision 900.00 136-A-16 Truck Drivers & Helpers 1,530.00 156-A-22 Ordinary Labor 1,600.00 156-A-38 Patrol, Station a Tank Men 2,152.50 156-8-10 Forage, Feed, etc. 100.00 156-B-19 Miscellaneous supplies 400.00 156-B-33 Chemicals for Sanitation Plant 200.00 156-r-52 Watershed Co-op. Protection 75.00 156-I-1 Chemical Toilets 200,00 $ 7,157.50 P* L Tr 8 SYSTEM-UT. SELL RRO11WOIR Budget 157 157-A-22 Ordinary Labor 1,000.00 157-A-38 Patrol, Station I Tank Men 8,675.00 157-0-4 Fuel 200.00 137-13-11 Gasoline 50.00 157•8-1, Miseellaneous Supplies 400.00 157-8-33 Chemicals for Water 700.00 157-D-2 Repairs to Buildings 15042 $ 11,175.00 OITT CRUX 8TST*M ludgst 138 138-A42 Ordinary Labor 300.00 158-A48 Patrol, Station 4 Tank Man 3,750.00 1581-4 Pus] 150.00 158-1-1p Misoellansaw Supplies 175.00 158-04 Repairs to Buildings 100.00 $ 4,475.00 BIG & LITTLB COTTONWOOD 4 KILL ORRIS *TS? t Budget 155 159-4-22 Ordinary Labor 400.00 159s-38 Patrol, Station I Tank Man 4,290.00 159 B-4 Peal 150.00 159-8-3 BIsotrio Lights 70.00 139-8-19 Mtssallensous Supplies 150.00 155-D-2 Repairs to Buildings 100.00 $ 5,160.00 MAINTRAN94 ALI, - =IN=PIM UPS Budget 160 1160 17 ,Ordl s $slMaws540.000 6i. 0 160441 Patrol SpatiOn R 3Nn i;�. .00' u0.1R-12 Wtel3 1 tod!'8epa ittain ali '>HOAG 160-4-4 Automobile Allow'sos 420.09 $ 3.280.00 jrt PtilEPIN0 PLANT Budget 161 1.41�-A:-22 Ordinary Labor 100.00 161-A-39 Patrol, Station 4 Teak Man 1,510.00 141-b- S3.sotrie Light 170.000000 161-8-15 Misoellansous lies 150.00 161-D-2 Repairs to Build 30.00 16144 Rep. R $a$. Mash. Squipsont 19Q.00 $ 1.455.0 MILLS zwastz0A'2'`[ON Budaot 162 162-A42 Ordinary Labor 300.00 162•A-37 spooial Investigator 3,624.00 162-B 4 Pusl 80.00 162+29 Missollassous Supplies 367.50 1624-2 Repairs to Build 50.00 t 4,421.50 CANAL FOR Budget 165 6 ,? a0 5,}80 .001 •A44 Pa S tt1aRT*ak Pea 5,450.00 16;-o-4 Oat. for Rep. R Paint. Tiadusts 4 Plume 163-U-4 Automobile Allowaaao 255.00 $ 7,745.00 • BAST MOAN OANAL Budget 164 164 Saint. of Canal by Canal Co. $ MAI flUAKC t or coloaxas * AMMOBIA,PLANT, Budget 146 166-A•34 Water a3.er 1,404.00 . 144-A-40 Parifieselion 'giber 2,100.00 14-33 Cbrsieals Oblast*. a Asw*ia 3,200.00 -Z-3 Bat. forties. a Rsa. Saab Parts 300.00 ,Vs4 Aabseabile Allen SO 42).00 $ l014.00 MAXNTz A O1 a amama or an ins Budget 167 �67 A-tt Ordinary Labor 300.00 169-.1-38 Patrol, Station a Tank Sun 4,160.00 167-B 19 *1 10haasoas Supplies 100.0000 167-D-1 Aepairs to BuilAiag. 30.00. * 4,760.00 WATZR DXSTRIHU?IOR Batgot 168 Y a " 16 X41 Water.9Iw of !': 164rn-3 Pattoi, st ion A ?a Men ! 11,770.00 L01*RIS4 MAINS & SSRYLD 9;Dt s TO 4T *" -•' OY4aoss Budget 169' 163-A-*A ortiaary,Loor• t04.00 163-+11-19 Yi fsl ao otfs Supplies .. 100.00 $ 300.00 M4IR IAN01 OP PLt.ASANT TINS now Budget 170 170.A-22 Ordinary Labor 50.00 170-B-19 Miseellanssus Supplies 10.00 $ 3A0.00 RIPAiRS a SAS=$ or BUBB a COMMITS Budget 171 1714•i Suporririon 1,140.00 171-A-17 lisebaal.Os A Balpors 5,150.00 1 1-A-St Ordinary Labor 1,200.00 1 1-B-4 Biel 70.00 1 1-D-S Repairs to streets & Boulevards 400.00 1 4R-12 Material far Sep. & Renewal 000.00 98,540.00 = AIRS a SAIXIBMAA0B or UALYYB fit.B 1 Budget 172 111*A,1 $gperrisiea 1,140.00 178- Su A417 ebanies & Bs2prrs 11,940.00 17t.4_22 Ordia ay labor 1,200.00 172-5 13 Mat. for Rep. A Renewal 1.250.00 •� $ 15,530.00 • RwA4111 �� I was 173 1 4raisasa L►tiis ; ' .t� 173.1-4 Mit. terlRep. 4 Reno 4 mop.** 11.400.00 I. t 174 174-A-I? *44y4ai.. 4 .44314211 S*760.00 1 .00 4-1.14 Mit. tor or Ma Mea. Meters Z.7 later p 044 $ 8,718.00 Dit'9 `41N3 Budget 17s 1 Yeehaates ! �Speazs 1,200.00 1 +*iZ* 0a0iaafl Laber 140.00 . 1 fJf Iiseellaasone Supplies 100f 00 # 1 404.00 Mat 17% 19%.i JA ?reek 11riw'rs 4 aslpsrs j,440.04 . 174-44: Or4laary Leber 400.04 $ 5.$00•00 W U AVR IZRS 4 TIM0 Midget 177 177--4-17 Method's A Relrors Ril$4»44 179 1-12 Ga alias* 4 Oi1 71 .0$, 177-0- mute & ?reek Tins 14.1. Rsp. Mat fate 4 Bea. SrlMip sat 1. t # 13:030.e0 DVALE 4 04117A$ Budget 17$ ' 17$*A.2t Ordinary Labor 17$-B-19 Ytstsllaneous Supplies . ar czs - luaset 179 2 0s'm L+►Oer .tioaellaa�psrsa s plies • • • OPSFATORS Budget 100 180-A-l7 x ah* .a. 3 .3pass: $0.00 18 -�►-to 01031.arr Labor 250.E Nam Seise* 3,11 111 ►1 Asa a ps�r+s .9@0 4022,A 42 Laaaos �9a � atiOrlIssems ISppa to& `100.e0 1 B Bop. k Iaa. flask. • lquipmeat. Issook $ 1,60e,a0 TOTAL: $*6s M#,ao • TUI MNMO`i0i 1+1l '1 77w7• 77�+777717�V1?��34ZYIr" gm : Y Y wtY li1171119111111111111 1 Ilf[fitfiffillililltipiti i .-z : WE t:fitl iratEe EE : ft • Li 1 0 z 4 • i * a 1 1 11 t It Pei i 1 eXt Er i 1 7... 2 . ft 1 '', 4 sr iii � • r tf . o c i 3 : 5 i . if i , I : r Q • N�.yv yr� qq�� M1Fs•:1Mi- -. ` H• /Y?Mv •;•• P1M`0A-O3::4 �10 NVi ++M + 11 ks iakbhk+skbias'8k8k kith's§8iksitsl kkb§l akk'sgkH43 : S 1 0 k 10 � 0 • • • BOND 21223BNINT STOUTOBT AND mom ODOIT 10. 143 1041 s+. .s *4 rr ss •• .* s. rs .s rr ss sr ** ss sr* ** ss +s r. Nr40 Swiss + amoral Digp* A00 $$$$.000.00 l U Swri • v.aa t1 lwroT010$0s 20,0000.00 S ROAM 1 .Mt Ltprlilrs Befit 1002 70.000000 Hr41 t- ►tt 0lr7000.00 3140 1141 S0.001400 li* LONNA 11111ds- li srg uqr X.11s 1034 100000,00 n*5 . SNta. sire 8 Sr ►s '. ' 1400040 • 11.44 Sower e + 11,100r00 8■i5 Sinking bads 1144 itemid Buds 00,100.00 Simkins leads 1i81 41100.00 la51:1S0.00 • END MITXtBST sTAT1UT09t AND GAL 30. 143 1941 *'.•,* * • • * • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I * • *43 - �ToiI tI $ *,1!� 1003 O Tex * t1Aipatim i 0.00 1.111 itotasittes Beads 11r. 3 3103740 •`T.04 Taw Asttwipatios U,110000 • *43 *ors**male 1144 -3 f, 0 p0 Hof'' ■ktse'rarks 91 *43 OMt * ► �4'I' -48�4 S ill0w00 *43 llstemprke 'J• ! •0R *43 1344ereeScl1L i .00•. *31 Watsrwo rki 1931 04 , *40 amitqatingslawrworm +P' u.$12.S0 *41 Stoma Sower 'x' 1098.00 *43 •lonitory swear nit.- 1 ss0 00 • towers 'I' 1+000• *4• 4 Stara Sower 1931 -4 4% 13,0sE.i0 143 Stars*Ow1881 - 3 34,1 1•AO '00 20ft dia( Sower +14 • 11604!010 • • $100,101.30 In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, that this resolution become effective January 1st, 1941. This resolution shall take effect on January 1st, 1941. Adopted byetthe Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 3I' day of December, A. ll. 1 r. j+ ;#:-- C t y ecorder ( SEAL ) STATE OF UTAH, ) SS. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE, ) I. Ethel Macdonald, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of report in detail of the Beard of estimate and Apportionment estimat- ing the anticipated revenue and providing appropriations for the support of the Municipal Government of Salt Lake City Corporation, for the year ending December lit, 1941, passed by the Board of Commissioners December .31 1940, and as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto s® my hand and af- fixed the corporate seal of said City this .1f day of December, A. D. 1940. 6 srr.6./00"4RXf,(L City Recorder ( SEAL )