23 of 1960 - A resolution that the Federal Government be advised that Salt Lake City will enter into an agreement Resolution No. 23
gy, L. C. Romney
That the Federal Government bei
advised that Salt Lake City will
enter into an agreement with the
Federal Government to provide
an area upon which a Post Offilce
Building may be constructed ati
Salt Lake Municipal Airport Nc .
1, the area to be leased to bel
determined by the City Engineer;
East-West, 60 feet; North-Sout
80 feet, situated generally 20
feet south of the Cargo Building
adjacent to the New Administra-
tion Building; term of lease to
be 25 years plus ten year options
consideration 6¢ per square foot
per year.
Preson',ed to the Beard of Cmamisinrorl
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ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, July 27 ,196 0
I move that the Resolution be ado d.
Christensen . .
Harrison . . .
Piercey . . .
Romney . . . •
Mr. Chairman . " OLUTI
Result . . . .
That the Federal Government be advised that Salt Lake City will enter
into an agreement with the Federal Government to provide an area upon which
a post office building may be constructed at Salt Lake Municipal Airport No. 1.
The area to be leased will be determined by the City Engineer and will
be generally as follows: East-West, sixty (60) feet; North-South, eighty (80)
feet, situated generally 200 feet south of the Cargo Building, adjacent to
the New Administration Building.
The term of the lease, twenty-five (25) years, plus two ten year options;
consideration, six cents (6 ) per square foot per year.
The lease shall also contain an option to lease an additional area on
the south adjacent to the area above described, which shall be an area East-
West, sixty (60) feet; North-South, eighty (80) feet, which may also be leased
for a period of twenty-five (25) years.
Suitable parking space for parking of trucks and automobiles, and joint
use of streets, roads and driveways will be provided. Rental for parking areas
assigned exclusively to Post Office Department to be six cents (6) per square
foot per year.
The City Attorney is instructed to prepare the necessary lease forms.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
27th day of July, 1960.
ity 1
That the federal government be advised that salt Lake City will
enter Into an agreement with the federal Government to provide an area
upon Whlsh a post office building may be constructed at Salt Lake
Nuniti;ipai Airport No. I. •
The erea to•be leased will: be determined by the City Engineer and
will be generally as follows EastMeat, sixty (60) feet; North•South,
eighty (80) feet, situated generally 200 feet. south of the Cargo Build-
ing, adjacent to the new Administration Building. •
The term of the lease, twenty-five (25) -years, plus two ten year
optlonsj .Consideration, six cents (6t)- per square foot per year.
The lease shall also contain an option to lease en additional area
on the south adjacent to the area above described, which shall be an
area East-west, -sixty (60) feet; North`South, Eighty (80) feet, which
may also.be. leased for a period of twenty-five (25) years.
Suitable parking space for parking:Of trucks and automobiles, and
joint use of streets, roads and driveways will be provided. Rental for
parking areas assigned exclusively to Post Office Department to be six
cents (6t) per square foot per year.
- -The City•Attorney .it instructed to prepare the necessary I/liis•
gassed by the•Board of, ComMissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
1 1 day of July, 1960.
• • 4_
v "' i►oar
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That the Federal government be advised that ,alt Lake City will
enter into an agreement with the Federal Government to provide an area
upon which a post office building may be constructed at Salt Lake
Municipal Airport No. 1.
The area to be leased will be determined by the City Engineer and
will be generally as follows, East-West, sixty (60) feet; North-South,
eighty (80) feet, situated generally 200 feet south of the Cargo Bui.ld-
Ing, adjacent to the new Administration Building.
The term of the lease, twenty-five (29) years, plus two ten year
optionsI consideration, six cents (64) per square foot per year.
The lease shall also contain an option to lease en additional area
on the south adjacent to the area above described, which shall be an
area East-West, sixty (60) fati North-South, Eighty (80) feet, which
may also be leased for a period of twenty-five (29) years.
Suitable parking spate for parking Of trucks and autenwblles, and
joint use of streets, roads and driveways will be provided. Rental for
parking areas assigned exclusively to Post Office Department to be six
cents (6$) per square foot per year.
The City Attorney Is Instructed to prepare the necessary l'iesa
,Passed by the Board of Commissioners 1 oners of Solt {.eke C 1 ty.- Utah, the s
7;\v , day of July, 1960.
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Memorable L. C. beeme ,
Commieeimeor of Parks
and rlio ►roperty
Mar fire
At a sooting of the board of Cesaieaiesers Mid JulyJuirt7e 1.060,
a roeslatios that the Federal Oarerneent be aMsed that. Salt
Lek* City ester into as Agrcesaat with the Federal Coeoraaeat
to preside as area epos which a Peet Office banding say be
eoaatrsetsd at Bait Lake Msaistpal Airport go. 1, the area to be
Loosed to be 4etersisod by the City togineer, taaS-sot, 60 feet;
ier0h-south 60 feet; situated gesss illy 600 feet moth of the
Cargo Rstidlag adjacent to the tow Adsiaietraiias lolldiogi the
torn of teem to be S; years plea tee year .ptisws,sasaideratios
ii per square foot per year, Mae takes up for eoesideratioe and
the Reeelstiss be. 33 was adopted.
Cep b Yours truly.
Audi ter °Ig /
Files, City aeoarder