24 of 1931 - A resolution authorizing the City Attorney to bring condemnation proceeding to acquire right-of-way REMARKS:
Resolution No.- 24
°U .110P1_._ too U7.t'
t0 'r)YLI C0ini..e....ii:=c'i ion roCeeCi-
for `:L- =i.0 O�, ,ro.c t;
Jec. 2, :c. 2 3. ,' . 1 J;., a. L.
Prosaic'to the Board of Commlookows
JUL 101931
IF ,i40106,74,04,
PITY RECL.441-:an
Salt Lake City,Utah, July 10, 19
Burton - ti
I move that the resolution be adopted.
Fehr - -
Finch - • -
Mr.Chairman -
Result - -
V.TTET , alt Lake City has acQuired certain water rights
in the Spring Creek irrigation Conan.- in "Talt Lake County, D:rtte of
throuoh on exchahge and purchase of certain water /.. ghts in
said company and has determined that for the good of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City it is necessary to briag said water purchased from
and exchan,,:ed with said i:;riag Crock Irrigation Company to its uper
cansl water system an from there distributed to the eater owners of
(-;ottonwooe Listrict for culinary and other purposes and it is
necessary for ,,alt Lake City to construct o. pipeline comihencing at
the point of the up,Her canal where it crosses the Tako rig,ht of way
just north of Creek and then said pipeline to proceed east
about fourteen hundred (1400) feet to the proposed intake to the
Hollowfteipeline, Hollanay Snring Creek Listrict, just southeast of
48th South and the upper county roa , thence said aster is ta!,en into
the up:,cr renal water system of the city one then distributed to the
water owners of the Big Cottonwood District; and
lifiETd,AS, Salt Lake City has entered into a contract to have
said eineline laid for the purpose of bringing said water to the water
owners of Big Cottonwood Listrict; and
tEEREAS, it is necessary in order to bring said water to
the unner canal system and then to the water owners of Big, Cottonwood
Fdstict that a pipeline be laid over the territory designated in para-
graph one herein for the purpose of delivering said water to the water
owners of Big Cottonwood District; and
WHEREAS, it is and is hereby declared to be necessary for
said city to have a Terpetual ea:ement for a rbtht of way over the
followin- cccrbect Troperty through c:hich raid silleline viii run,
Ber-inrin,z, at a point 765 ft. plus or minus, north
and 1d5 ft. --lus or miner east from. the F. S. corner of fed.
2, 1. 2 d., I,. 1 E., ''. L. P. & 11.; thence N. eS° 09' E.
592.5 ft., thence N. 81° 5(7)1 T.. :-;1.5 ft., thence N. 67°
15' :a. 28,ft., thence N. 81° 4'/ I-. 44 ft., thence N. 70°
SN' -. 71;1 ft., thence N. 620 1, 1 T. 57 ft., thence P. 45°
21 I. 71 ft. thence P. el° 551 ? . 4 ft. nlus or minus to
a point 170 ft. 1Ju: or minu: ce0th of the f. V.. Corner of
th, -. T. 1/4 of the F. \ . 1/4 of said Per. L;
;Ulso beeinnluio. at the east enu of the above Cc-
scribed center 'inc course nh::cly P. 91° 451 1. 64 ft.,
run-in- thence N. ce L7, I,. 76 ft. slur or minus to the
north hralk- of the north branch of r ri4., Creek (]cn7th 17411
ft. .1us or -:Inua.
V.111: 5, the ovnera ef the 'anh over vhich sa.id i reline
Is to Pun have refused to accept the .rice tendcre . '-- the city for
rail -er,,ctaal casenent.
: C.. , THIP=I_FiX/ , TIC IT -aiirOL'1]1, that the City attorney he
and ho ',c-CF:): is instructed ane dir(ctec Lo briar suit err That the
oincr: of the rroncrty No cr1 Led al'cr,,,- for the oe-pw, of ac; u1-le,;
E ' etual ri-nt of \:: cE -cmcnt to - lt Lake City 15 con c -4au-tice
for the nJr, osc Of "ayin:, and conA].uct'n, :- 21C. -incline.
._.I IT 15581151 15fr7.7:1 that said City atarney- 5e end he
,Pren- is in-tructe( LO coc 'enci said , rocEe ih : --t once.
It is nccc:7ad'y 1,, ',he of,inidn of the -oard of C07.:. -,fOri-
e2- of alt Lake City, Utah, that this re!,olutior tc -,c effect neon
Ito ja: ,- c.
rc' olution shal" La',,e, effect roan its a,oPtIon.
5 the °oar, of C4;isaiocr: of 'alt Lake City,
Utah, thil- 11th 17:- of July, d. , : 11151. ,i. r •----c--
--- ) 1
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Xortlet. 441Zeoto c