24 of 1936 - A resolution approving action of City Commission in entering its appearance before the Public Servic a�.avaauu�u. Resolution No. 24 By Commissioner Lee Approving action of City pommission in entering its appe. - iInce before the Public Service C ommilig.i.ou and j.ai/li.ng...in._..the_. *hatter of application of Ut.Lig.' $c Tr.Co.to remove its tracks & I ¢4uipme-n-t-..beg..at inter,of State $t.& lst Ave.,thence E.along ls, #ve.to 'B' St.; thence No.along B1 St.t'o tP1e t ermintrs of sai d tracks at 9th Ave.;aiso beg. at ztagx intersection of 'B' St.& ,6th Ave., thence E.along 6th Av-, to the terminus of said tracks -1 'N' St.,and to substitue auto- mobile bus service for street • car services on said routes. o I PnNniudio the Surd of Commiaigwt AND PASSED HUG 37 1936 CITY AfOORDi11 i CFL,;L CAL • Lt' Rec.104 AOTING AYE N Y Salt.Lake City,Utah, : OS Coggin I move that resolution N34 b be adopted. Keyser Murdoch ioE65me 71)7k°(--e_6_ Lee Mr.Chairman ' . • Result _ ``r, -1 UTAH LIGHT AND TRACTION COMPANY KEARNS BUILDING SALT LAKE CITY.UTAH August 25, 1936. Miss Ethel Macdonald, City Recorder, Salt Lake City. Dear Miss Macdonald: Enclosed herewith is copy of the Order of the Public Service Commission of Utah in Case No. 1888, in the matter of the application of Utah Light and Traction Company for permission to remove certain unused tracks of its street ear system described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of State Street and First Avenue, thence East along First Avenue to B Street, thence North along B Street to the terminus of said tracks at Ninth Avenue; also, beginning at the inter- section of B Street and Sixth Avenue, thence East along Sixth Avenue to the terminus of said tracks at N Street, all in Salt Lake City, Utah. There is also enclosed a Resolution concerning this mat- ter, which appears to have been overlooked. If you will bring this Resolution to the attention of the City Commission, and if acted upon favorably, return an executed copy to us, we shall appreciate it very much. li-e) Yours very truly Attorney. CRC-c • ]ACAS TSR PUBLIC BSRVICS O ISSI02 07 MAN Case So. litS In the Natter of the Applisatisn at Utah Light and Traction Company for permission to remove sertain =rased tracks of its street ear system in Solt Lake City, Utak. (lostes 1, R, sad 41.) Sabmittedt Ulla 21, 19$6 Desidsds Angell SR, 19i6 Appearances: A. C. Inman, Attorney, for the Applicant Gerald Irvine, • " Salt Lde City Harold S. Lee, Commis- " Salt Lake City Street slow, Deportment. REPORT Or III 40*ISSIO1 By the Cesmiissien1 The above entitled apllaatlen et,lla Utah List and friction Cspasy ens(tiled with the Commiss1 lea August I. 1916. Said opplieatisa comp en regalarly fir hearing bsfhp the Comtission at its effiee la Salt Like City, Utah ate August el, 1916 aftil its and Seel settee mites to interested parties. Proof of publiieatien of settee of hearing was filed with the Commission mad accepted as part of the rsserd. There pre no • protests entered at the hearing against granting of the applieatien, but on the soaker/ the City autheritiel of Salt Lake City joined with the Truett**oempsey in asking for the removal of its unused tracks we ~tams streets in Salt Lake City, Utah. Irma the testimony introduced mad the roeord and fills is the • Us., the Commission new finder That applicant, Utah Light sal betties Orelpsay, is a oerper*tiea is the Matelot Utah, dth iti priatipal plass of bwsinisma at Bait LabS City, Utah. A espy of maplieaat's Artislss of Iasorperatiem ars ms file in the office of the Cosaisiloa. That appliaant operates an sleetrie street railway, trolley iamb, mad meter bus system in Salt Lake City, and also is Salt Lake sad Davie Coasts... is a part of applisant's street railway system, applicant owns aortal* *treat railway trash., together with pole., overhead wires, and other 'gaipaaat in sennestion therewith on contain streets in Salt Lsks City as h rsinaftsr morr.apsoifieally d.serib.d. Said trash' sad equiprat wars foanisrly used by Petitioner forth' operation of street ears oS its Routes 3es. 1 sad 2, as a part of Petitionses street railway systowl is Salt Lake City; but Petitioner alleges said tracks sad ogalpmemt aro no longer used by Petitioner or are useful in the rendering of Peti- tioner** trvaspertatioa servies to the nubile, for the ration that street ear sersiss ever said traoks, and all of them, has hsret.fors bean abandoned Cad autsmebilo but envies instituted by Petitioner in lieu thereof and Petitioner aloow that all the leealitles formerly *rive by street oars operating over said traokt hsasinsfton tosorib.d ar. now..rt.d by automobile bus lines of P.titiessr, and that said trash* ars no load's used by sr see- tal to the Petitioner far any parpess. Ins tracks herein.beve :starred to eyesore sp.sifieallprdsseribed as follow 11.47A. of Potitisaee"a tracks. overhead "sfiren-,11011 OUP Cass fan 1,Mtseias at Oaiat0nyeetievs, of State $1ro+v* sad Phil create, thih e dent along rirst newest to E Streot, thsnesr along a Strict to the tamable; el said tracks at Ninth Atia nol also betinaisg at the tztsrsootioa of S Street and Sixth Loess*. thanes last along S1Ytk L7eta. to the terminus of said treeka at I Street, all in Salt Lake City, Utah.' /ha track, hereinabove dssorlb.d, sad authority for tbs enmesh of whisk is now requ.stsd, are shown en !Inhibit •" attached to Petition/nos application and hereby referred to end made a part hereof. Politianar soaks authority to remove all of its tracks, poles, dead wires, and other equipment haeiabora described for the following reassnss W Salt Lake City Corporation has requested Petitionsr to MOM said troika go that the prraat trash sons eau be restrials& and i>joreli . (a) Said Street lip why track.Cad sguipment whisk Potitiemer desires to remove are no longer aeeesaary in thto arriss et the public, shd are not used by sr in sq,wny useful to Petitioner is rendering its Tensest transportation **vies as a public utility. -a- (a) said proposed removal of trash and equipment will not require any ohmage whaiover in the prossat str st railway, trolly/ Nash or masons" aster blm sorties new being*Wend by Petitioner in Salt Lake City, Utah. (d) The *Wolin* actor has lines nee hying operated by Petitioner on its said louts. Nos. 1 and * satisfy all sleds of the ;Olio, and of the looslitiia Wooed to said lines, end neither the pnblis soanysUasi asr asoessity requires the rotenti.a by petitioner of said trash' and equip- aunt barsinabore duNribed. Ia ooaaustioa with applicant's muss* to remove its trash' sad Moor equipment on its Rent.. Nos. 1 and *, spusitioally deserib.d above. it is shown that undo* the dot* of August 3, 193$ this Cammissisa famed its ardor authorising Petitioner, masks other things, to sabstituto gasulia' meter has *Iroise in lieu of strut oar amides on Petitioner's ninth Avenue lino, Manta NO. 1, and Sixth Arcane line, lento NO. 3; tea io roans it' trash* end sguipmnt tram that portion of its Ninth Avenue line fray a Stier* to d; $treyt, in unit Lake City. Utah. fewest,to writ ester Petitions has substituted and is no operating autoaabill bat aerates en said Santos Nos.:I and 5; and has removed its tracks and equipment from that portion of its Routs No. 1 tormerly located on Ninth Avenue, said trash ranetal being.as shorn in dotted rod lines en •Mshibit A* attashsd to the application is this petition end hereby referred to waxed" a part h'raof. Iowa the rseord and tiles in Us sago, the Commission now finds that publio eenvsaisnes and necessity no longer requires thous" end ooiatsn• oast of said trash. and*payment with whisk Moo applisatiot deals. The Cam►- aissies finds further that the sliaisatica of tasks and squipm at from prep partioplar streets in salt Inky City will improve sash divots and will be to the advantage of vuhisular*rates. 'The sliaiastion of eau trash. and ether ugnipmeat sill.sot joopardine the transportation neS Wing afforded to the rssidonts of Salt labs City, lint cs the other band should result in saaior manors satistaetory operation of actor busts over these streets. That the reason set forth shove and r*tsrred to as (a), (b),, (a), sad (d) • -4- la the ap$lieatioa of the Petitioner ors *arrest as stated. MOW. TRIDO ORE, by reason of the premiers sad reserd and files 1s the saes• all of •hieh are hereby expressly referred to sad made a part hereof, the Commission soneladsa and decides that the applieatisa of the Utah Light and Tbasties Company to remove aerials of its aasesd tracts sad sgaipmeat from **streets hersinabers dessrihed la Salt Late City, should be *eaatod, 1a appropriate order will follow: TESUS 1. NOM (Sicked) (SLL) 70S. S. SEW domaissionsrs. LTTISTI WESZ!.L D. Ltd geed) • • -8- 08D81 At a Damien of tits TONIC BSRVICX COfi I ION Cy U R, bold at its Wise In Salt Lilco City, Utah, • oa the 22s4 day of inmost, 1151. Cam' 110. 1088 ' 1a the latter of Violas/tulles of ATM/ICET lJD TRACTION COMNIf far permission to ream sertain soused troths of its strait ear system is salt make City, Utah. (Rontos 1, 2, and f.) This pass Using at isms upon application on file, sad burin been duly beast sad submittal by the pesos', sad full investigation of the matters and things involved having bait bad, and the Commission harts', ea the date hereof, amide and tiled a report aeataiaiag its findings and senslrsioae, whisk all rapert is boreby refor/el to sad sale a part barest, 2't IS t �, that the applieatiaa if Utah light at fists • ..d`q ay fo.persisrisa tic rimil'i`iertaia if• iti vmusol traits, below warraa, at etbrr sq*ip nt from sertsin straits in gait Lake City, Utah, be, and tbs moms is hereby granted! said streets being more speeifioally deseribol as follows: •All of Potitiaaar's trasks, poles: ~- bead dres sal other *Figment begiamise at the imtersestien of scats Street end first items, themes Nast along first Argw to s Cheat, them North slams') Street to the terdsms of •said trash* at Ninth Atoms) also bagiasiam at the intareestios of 8 Street and Sixth Aydin*, theses Nast along Sixth Aisaas to the testmiaas of sail trash*at 11 Street, all in Salt Lake City, Utah." 57 the Commission. • • Tealeil D. Larson Secretary • (nu) RE'810LUTION RESOLVED, that the notion of the City Commission in entering its appearance before the Public Service Comnission and joining in the matter of the application of Utah Light end Traction Company to remove its tracks and equipment beginning et the intersesties.t-Reese eNu+ee sad ?trot Avenue, thanes East along Tirst Avenue to B Street, thence North along B Street to the terminus of said treeks at Ninth Avenue; also, beginning at the inter- section of B Street and Sixth Avenue, thence East along Sixth Avenue to the terminus of said tracks at N Street, and to substitute automobile bus service for street oar service on said routes, be(a the same hereby isaapp cooed /4/' Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, this .2et iZ',.pt dap of _1� . 1956. ei 4 ter'.. ity RecordeerrS (SEAL) STATE or UTAH, : ss. COUNTY or SALT LAKE ) 1, the undersigned duly qualified and acting Recorder of Salt Lake City, hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and cornet copy of a Resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, at a meeting duly held there on the day of , 1956s City Recorder (SEAL)