25 of 1912 - A resolution appointing Charles S. Varian as Corporation Counsel. — REMARKS: Resolution No. 25 ........... By Commissioner Lawrence Appointing C. S. Varian Corporation Counsel. READ AND ADOPTED, FEB 8 t91,2• Nataiebui.o.utt CITY tit'r.r• - ROLL CALL 3 Salt Lake City, Utah,... Feb. 8 • VOTING Yea Nu I move that resolution No by Mr Lawreno.e ,r 1 be adopted. Keyser __i......._.. Ir Korn ..L._. Lawrence �_. Commissioner of Public Affairs & Finance Morris I......._ .i.. ......____. i Mr.Chairman I RESULT 0 L 7 I 0 -3'e it resolv-(3 t orC of ooionro o Zalt Lo. (-2 Utah: :1112'11I0:: 1: `23,Lit CC r10 S. VaiiVarian of Calt Lo.,3 o CitC, ')e 1103 be ic ',..‘oro3)y :to-)ci otod Crooratin. a"roi ,o,t to Cc ofrootive , February 1312 /,' /// PaoeeC ');,r tbe osird of Co,waiooi one.CE of Colt Lo.:(_(.; Fo')raco.17, 1312 6-4-te,Z1 1-tooloier , i:ay or