25 of 1960 - A resolution authorizing Salt Lake City Corporation to contact the Salt Lake County Board of Commiss -
Resolution I 25
By Mayor J. Bracken Lee,
COMM189/01 ex
Authorizing Salt Lake City
Corporation to contact the
Salt Lake County Board of
Commissioners with the request
that they arrange for working
out a joint animal control
ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah,.. - g.j ,196Q._.
VOTING • Aye Nay
I move that the Resolution be adopted.
Harrison . . . •
Piercey . .
Romney . . .
Mr. Chairman . RESOLUTION
Result . . . .
WHEREAS, SALT LAKE COUNTY, a body politic and corporate, and
SALT LAKE CITY, a municipal corporation, have a mutual problem in the
control of animals in their respective corporate areas; and
WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable that the two organizations can
best handle this problem under a joint animal control program; and
WHEREAS, Salt Lake City is desirous of cooperating with Salt
Lake County in setting up such a joint control program;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that Salt Lake City Corporation
contact the Salt Lake County Board of Commissioners with the request that
they arrange for working out a joint animal control program.
Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be trans-
mitted to the Salt Lake County Board of Commissioners.
Done in Salt Lake City, Utah, this A day of Ci/VleAli/
6�ty� c Mayor
WHEREAS, SALT LAKE COUNTY, a body politic and corporate, and
SALT LARK CITY, a municipal corporation, have a mutual problem in the
control of animals in their respective corporate areas; and
WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable that the two organizations can
beet handle this problem under a joint animal control programs and
WHEREAS, Salt Lake City is desirous of cooperating with Salt
Lake County in setting up such a joint control program;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that Salt Lake Citzi Corporation
contact the Salt Lake County Board of Commissioners with the request that
they arrange for working out a joint animal control program.
Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be trans-
mitted to the Salt Lake County Board of Commissioners.
Done in Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of
City Recorder Mayor
WHEREAS, SALT LAKE COUNTY, a body politic and corporate, and
SALT LAME CITY, a municipal corporation, have a mutual problem in the
control of animals in their respective corporate areas; and
WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable that the two organizations can
best handle this problem under a joint animal control program; and
WHEREAS, Salt Lake City is desirous of Cooperating with Salt
Lake County in setting up such a joint control program;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that Salt Lake Ci'k;rCorporation
contact the Salt Lake County Board of Commissioners with the request that
they arrange for working out a joint animal control program.
Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be trans-
mitted to the Salt Lake County Board of Commissioners.
Done in Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of
City Recorder Mayor
WHIMS, SALT LAKE COUNTY, a body politic and corporate, and
SALT LAMB CITY, a municipal corporation, have a mutual problem in the
control of animals in their respective corporate areas; and
WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable that the two organisations can
best handle this problem under a joint animal control program; and
WHEREAS, Salt Lake City is desirous of Cooperating with Salt
Lake County in setting up such a Joint control program;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that Salt Lake Citg Corporation
contact the Salt Lake County Board of Commissioners with the request that
they arrange for working out a Joint animal control program.
8e it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be trans-
mitted to the Salt Lake County Board of Commissioners.
Done in Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of ,
City Recorder Mayor
WR& MAS, SALT LAKE COUNTY, a body politic and corporate, and
SALT LAKE CITY, a municipal corporation, have a mutual problem in the
control of animals 1n their respective corporate areas; and
WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable that the two organisations can
best handle this problem under a joint animal control program; and
WHERSAS, Salt Lake City is desirous of Cooperating with Salt
Lake County in setting up such a joint control program;
NOW, TREMORS, be it resolved that Salt Lake Citr Corporation
contact the Salt LAke County Board of Commissioners with the request that
they arrange for working out a joint animal control program.
Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be trans-
mitted to the Salt Lake County Board of Commissioners.
Done in Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of
City Recorder Mayor